frameV2p3Map top-level constant

Map<String, String> const frameV2p3Map


const Map<String, String> frameV2p3Map = {
  'AENC': 'Audio encryption',
  'APIC': 'Attached picture',
  'COMM': 'Comments',
  'COMR': 'Commercial frame',
  'ENCR': 'Encryption method registration',
  'EQUA': 'Equalization',
  'ETCO': 'Event timing codes',
  'GEOB': 'General encapsulated object',
  'GRID': 'Group identification registration',
  'IPLS': 'Involved people list',
  'LINK': 'Linked information',
  'MCDI': 'Music CD identifier',
  'MLLT': 'MPEG location lookup table',
  'OWNE': 'Ownership frame',
  'PRIV': 'Private frame',
  'PCNT': 'Play counter',
  'POPM': 'Popularimeter',
  'POSS': 'Position synchronisation frame',
  'RBUF': 'Recommended buffer size',
  'RVAD': 'Relative volume adjustment',
  'RVRB': 'Reverb',
  'SYLT': 'Synchronized lyric/text',
  'SYTC': 'Synchronized tempo codes',
  'TALB': 'Album/Movie/Show title',
  'TBPM': 'BPM (beats per minute)',
  'TCOM': 'Composer',
  'TCON': 'Content type',
  'TCOP': 'Copyright message',
  'TDAT': 'Date',
  'TDLY': 'Playlist delay',
  'TENC': 'Encoded by',
  'TEXT': 'Lyricist/Text writer',
  'TFLT': 'File type',
  'TIME': 'Time',
  'TIT1': 'Content group description',
  'TIT2': 'Title/songname/content description',
  'TIT3': 'Subtitle/Description refinement',
  'TKEY': 'Initial key',
  'TLAN': 'Language(s)',
  'TLEN': 'Length',
  'TMED': 'Media type',
  'TOAL': 'Original album/movie/show title',
  'TOFN': 'Original filename',
  'TOLY': 'Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s)',
  'TOPE': 'Original artist(s)/performer(s)',
  'TORY': 'Original release year',
  'TOWN': 'File owner/licensee',
  'TPE1': 'Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)',
  'TPE2': 'Band/orchestra/accompaniment',
  'TPE3': 'Conductor/performer refinement',
  'TPE4': 'Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by',
  'TPOS': 'Part of a set',
  'TPUB': 'Publisher',
  'TRCK': 'Track number/Position in set',
  'TRDA': 'Recording dates',
  'TRSN': 'Internet radio station name',
  'TRSO': 'Internet radio station owner',
  'TSIZ': 'Size',
  'TSRC': 'ISRC (international standard recording code)',
  'TSSE': 'Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding',
  'TYER': 'Year',
  'TXXX': 'User defined text information frame',
  'UFID': 'Unique file identifier',
  'USER': 'Terms of use',
  'USLT': 'Unsychronized lyric/text transcription',
  'WCOM': 'Commercial information',
  'WCOP': 'Copyright/Legal information',
  'WOAF': 'Official audio file webpage',
  'WOAR': 'Official artist/performer webpage',
  'WOAS': 'Official audio source webpage',
  'WORS': 'Official internet radio station homepage',
  'WPAY': 'Payment',
  'WPUB': 'Publishers official webpage',
  'WXXX': 'User defined URL link frame',