
An ID3 tag information codec library based on dart, which supports the operation of Flutter on all platforms. You can easily read the tag information of the audio in detail, or edit the tag information.

v1 v1.1 v2.2 v2.3 v2.4

decode encode

ID3 version that supports decode to readable tags

  • x v1
  • x v1.1
  • x v2.2
  • x v2.3
  • x v2.4

ID3 version that supports edit or encoding

  • x v1
  • x v1.1
  • v2.2(Not support)
  • x v2.3
  • x v2.4

Update record

You can read CHANGELOG for detailed update information.


Depend on it Run this command:

With Flutter:

  flutter pub add id3_codec

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

  id3_codec: ^0.0.9

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

How to use


You can read all ID3 tag information from a given byte sequence. And display with ID3MetataInfo or a Map.

Of course, you can also refer to the example I provided to familiarize yourself with the detailed usage.

  • read by async.
final data = await rootBundle.load("assets/song1.mp3");
final decoder = ID3Decoder(data.buffer.asUint8List());
decoder.decodeAsync().then((metadata) {
  • read by sync.
final data = await rootBundle.load("assets/song1.mp3");
final decoder = ID3Decoder(data.buffer.asUint8List());
final metadata = decoder.decodeSync();


You can edit existing id3 tags, or add new tag information into it.

  • edit or encode v1 and v1.1
final data = await rootBundle.load("assets/song2.mp3");
final bytes = data.buffer.asUint8List();
final encoder = ID3Encoder(bytes);
final resultBytes = encoder.encode(MetadataV1Body(
                title: 'Ting wo shuo,xiexie ni',
                artist: 'Wu ming',
                album: 'Gan en you ni',
                year: '2021',
                comment: 'I am very happy!',
                track: 1,
                genre: 2

// you can read [resultBytes] by ID3Decoder or other ID3 tag pubs;
  • edit or encode v2.3/v2.4
final data = await rootBundle.load("assets/song1.mp3");
final bytes = data.buffer.asUint8List();

final header = await rootBundle.load("assets/wx_header.png");
final headerBytes = header.buffer.asUint8List();

final encoder = ID3Encoder(bytes);
// if you need encode or edit v2.4, just use `MetadataV2_4Body` instead of `MetadataV2_3Body`
// ignore: prefer_const_constructors
final resultBytes = encoder.encodeSync(MetadataV2_3Body(
    title: '听我说谢谢你!',
    imageBytes: headerBytes,
    artist: '歌手ijinfeng',
    userDefines: {
      "时长": '2:48',
      "userId": "ijinfeng"
    album: 'ijinfeng的专辑',

// you can read [resultBytes] by `ID3Decoder` or other ID3 tag pubs;