startAuthentication abstract method

Future<AuthenticationProcess> startAuthentication(
  1. String healthcareProfessionalId,
  2. String firstName,
  3. String lastName,
  4. String recaptcha,
  5. bool bypassTokenCheck, {
  6. String? email,
  7. String? mobilePhone,

Starts the authentication of a user by sending him/her a validation code by email and/or mobile phone. Use this service if you would like to sign-up or login your user


  • healthcareProfessionalId The id of the healthcare professional that wants to invite the user for its authentication. Use the id of the hcp in charge of the database where you want to add this new user
  • firstName The firstname of the user to authenticate
  • lastName The lastname of the user to authenticate
  • recaptcha The recaptcha key used during authentication process
  • bypassTokenCheck Prevent the token check during the validation process
  • email The email of the user to authenticate
  • mobilePhone The mobile phone of the user to authenticate


  • The AuthenticationProcess information needed to complete the authentication in the completeAuthentication service


Future<AuthenticationProcess> startAuthentication(
    String healthcareProfessionalId, String firstName, String lastName, String recaptcha, bool bypassTokenCheck,
    {String? email, String? mobilePhone});