fromJson static method
Returns a new MedicalLocationDto instance and imports its values from
if it's a Map, null otherwise.
// ignore: prefer_constructors_over_static_methods
static MedicalLocationDto? fromJson(dynamic value) {
if (value is MedicalLocationDto) {
return value;
if (value is Map) {
final json = value.cast<String, dynamic>();
// Ensure that the map contains the required keys.
// Note 1: the values aren't checked for validity beyond being non-null.
// Note 2: this code is stripped in release mode!
assert(() {
requiredKeys.forEach((key) {
assert(json.containsKey(key), 'Required key "MedicalLocationDto[$key]" is missing from JSON.');
assert(json[key] != null, 'Required key "MedicalLocationDto[$key]" has a null value in JSON.');
return true;
return MedicalLocationDto(
id: mapValueOfType<String>(json, r'id')!,
rev: mapValueOfType<String>(json, r'rev'),
deletionDate: mapValueOfType<int>(json, r'deletionDate'),
name: mapValueOfType<String>(json, r'name'),
description: mapValueOfType<String>(json, r'description'),
responsible: mapValueOfType<String>(json, r'responsible'),
guardPost: mapValueOfType<bool>(json, r'guardPost'),
cbe: mapValueOfType<String>(json, r'cbe'),
bic: mapValueOfType<String>(json, r'bic'),
bankAccount: mapValueOfType<String>(json, r'bankAccount'),
nihii: mapValueOfType<String>(json, r'nihii'),
ssin: mapValueOfType<String>(json, r'ssin'),
address: AddressDto.fromJson(json[r'address']),
agendaIds: json[r'agendaIds'] is Set
? (json[r'agendaIds'] as Set).cast<String>()
: json[r'agendaIds'] is List
? ((json[r'agendaIds'] as List).toSet()).cast<String>()
: const {},
options: mapCastOfType<String, String>(json, r'options')!,
return null;