
The iCure Data Stack Application API is the native interface to iCure.

This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v2
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen


Dart 2.12 or later

Installation & Usage


If this Dart package is published to Github, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml



To use the package in your local drive, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/icure_dart_sdk



Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:icure_dart_sdk/api.dart';

final api_instance = AccessLogApi();
final accessLogDto = AccessLogDto(); // AccessLogDto |

try {
    final result = api_instance.createAccessLog(accessLogDto);
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling AccessLogApi->createAccessLog: $e\n');

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccessLogApi createAccessLog **
POST** /rest/v1/accesslog Creates an access log
AccessLogApi deleteAccessLogs **
POST** /rest/v1/accesslog/delete/batch Deletes an access log
AccessLogApi findAccessLogsBy **
GET** /rest/v1/accesslog Get Paginated List of Access logs
AccessLogApi findAccessLogsByUserAfterDate **
GET** /rest/v1/accesslog/byUser Get Paginated List of Access logs by user after date
AccessLogApi getAccessLog **
GET** /rest/v1/accesslog/{accessLogId} Gets an access log
AccessLogApi [**
listAccessLogsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/accesslog/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys List access logs found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keyelementIds.
AccessLogApi modifyAccessLog **
PUT** /rest/v1/accesslog Modifies an access log
AgendaApi createAgenda POST /rest/v1/agenda Creates a agenda
AgendaApi deleteAgendas **
POST** /rest/v1/agenda/delete/batch Deletes agendas
AgendaApi getAgenda GET /rest/v1/agenda/{agendaId} Gets an agenda
AgendaApi getAgendas GET /rest/v1/agenda Gets all agendas
AgendaApi getAgendasForUser **
GET** /rest/v1/agenda/byUser Gets all agendas for user
AgendaApi getReadableAgendasForUser **
GET** /rest/v1/agenda/readableForUser Gets readable agendas for user
AgendaApi modifyAgenda PUT /rest/v1/agenda Modifies an agenda
AnonymousAccessApi [**
getAvailabilitiesByPeriodAndCalendarItemTypeId**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/aa/available/inGroup/{groupId}/forUser/{userId}/type/{getCalendarItemTypeId} Get Availabilities for HCP and appointmentType
AnonymousAccessApi listAppointmentTypesForUser **
GET** /rest/v1/aa/appointmentType/inGroup/{groupId}/forUser/{userId} List Calendar Item types for a provided group id and user id
AnonymousAccessApi listHealthcarePartiesInGroup **
GET** /rest/v1/aa/hcparty/inGroup/{groupId} List healthcare parties for a provided group id
ApplicationsettingsApi getApplicationSettings **
GET** /rest/v1/appsettings Gets all application settings
ArticleApi createArticle POST /rest/v1/article Creates a article
ArticleApi deleteArticles **
POST** /rest/v1/article/delete/batch Deletes articles
ArticleApi getArticle GET /rest/v1/article/{articleId} Gets an article
ArticleApi getArticles GET /rest/v1/article Gets all articles
ArticleApi modifyArticle PUT /rest/v1/article Modifies an article
AuthApi login POST /rest/v1/auth/login login
AuthApi logout GET /rest/v1/auth/logout logout
AuthApi logoutPost POST /rest/v1/auth/logout logout
AuthApi token GET /rest/v1/auth/token/{method}/{path} token
BeefactApi createBatchAndMessage **
POST** /rest/v1/be_efact/{insuranceId}/{newMessageId}/{numericalRef} create batch and message
BekmehrApi checkIfSMFPatientsExists **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/smf/{documentId}/checkIfSMFPatientsExists Check whether patients in SMF already exists in DB
BekmehrApi generateContactreportExport **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/contactreport/{patientId}/export/{id} Get Kmehr contactreport
BekmehrApi generateDiaryNote **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/diarynote/{patientId}/export Generate diarynote
BekmehrApi generateLabresultExport **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/labresult/{patientId}/export/{id} Get Kmehr labresult
BekmehrApi generateMedicationSchemeExport **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/medicationscheme/{patientId}/export Get Medicationscheme export
BekmehrApi generateNoteExport **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/note/{patientId}/export/{id} Get Kmehr note
BekmehrApi generatePatientInfoExport **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/patientinfo/{patientId}/export Get KMEHR Patient Info export
BekmehrApi generatePrescriptionExport **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/prescription/{patientId}/export/{id} Get Kmehr prescription
BekmehrApi generateReportExport **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/report/{patientId}/export/{id} Get Kmehr report
BekmehrApi generateRequestExport **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/request/{patientId}/export/{id} Get Kmehr request
BekmehrApi generateResultExport **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/result/{patientId}/export/{id} Get Kmehr result
BekmehrApi generateSmfExport **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/smf/{patientId}/export Get SMF (Software Medical File) export
BekmehrApi generateSumehr **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehr/{patientId}/export Generate sumehr
BekmehrApi generateSumehrV2 **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehrv2/{patientId}/export Generate sumehr
BekmehrApi getSumehrContent **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehr/{patientId}/content Get sumehr elements
BekmehrApi getSumehrMd5 **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehr/{patientId}/md5 Check sumehr signature
BekmehrApi getSumehrV2Content **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehrv2/{patientId}/content Get sumehr elements
BekmehrApi getSumehrV2Md5 **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehrv2/{patientId}/md5 Check sumehr signature
BekmehrApi importMedicationScheme **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/medicationscheme/{documentId}/import Import MedicationScheme into patient(s) using existing document
BekmehrApi importSmf **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/smf/{documentId}/import Import SMF into patient(s) using existing document
BekmehrApi importSumehr **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehr/{documentId}/import Import sumehr into patient(s) using existing document
BekmehrApi importSumehrByItemId **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehr/{documentId}/importbyitemid Import sumehr into patient(s) using existing document
BekmehrApi isSumehrV2Valid **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehrv2/{patientId}/valid Get sumehr validity
BekmehrApi isSumehrValid **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehr/{patientId}/valid Get sumehr validity
BekmehrApi validateSumehr **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehr/{patientId}/validate Validate sumehr
BekmehrApi validateSumehrV2 **
POST** /rest/v1/be_kmehr/sumehrv2/{patientId}/validate Validate sumehr
BeresultexportApi exportHealthOne **
POST** /rest/v1/be_result_export/hl1/{fromHcpId}/{toHcpId}/{patId}/{date}/{ref} Export data
BeresultexportApi exportKmehrReport **
POST** /rest/v1/be_result_export/kmehrreport/{fromHcpId}/{toHcpId}/{patId}/{date}/{ref} Export data
BeresultexportApi exportMedidoc **
POST** /rest/v1/be_result_export/medidoc/{fromHcpId}/{toHcpId}/{patId}/{date}/{ref} Export data
BeresultimportApi canHandle **
GET** /rest/v1/be_result_import/canhandle/{id} Can we handle this document
BeresultimportApi doImport **
GET** /rest/v1/be_result_import/import/{documentId}/{hcpId}/{language} import document
BeresultimportApi getInfos **
GET** /rest/v1/be_result_import/infos/{id} Extract general infos from document
Besamv2Api findAmpsByDmppCode **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/amp/byDmppCode/{dmppCode} Finding AMPs by dmpp code
Besamv2Api findPaginatedAmpsByAtc **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/vmp/byAtc/{atcCode} Finding AMPs by atc code with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedAmpsByGroupCode **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/amp/byGroupCode/{vmpgCode} Finding AMPs by group with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedAmpsByGroupId **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/amp/byGroupId/{vmpgId} Finding AMPs by group with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedAmpsByLabel **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/amp Finding AMPs by label with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedAmpsByVmpCode **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/amp/byVmpCode/{vmpCode} Finding AMPs by vmp code with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedAmpsByVmpId **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/amp/byVmpId/{vmpId} Finding AMPs by vmp id with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedNmpsByLabel **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/nmp Finding NMPs by label with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedVmpGroupsByLabel **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/vmpgroup Finding VMP groups by language label with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedVmpGroupsByVmpGroupCode **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/vmpgroup/byGroupCode/{vmpgCode} Finding VMP groups by cmpgCode with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedVmpsByGroupCode **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/vmp/byGroupCode/{vmpgCode} Finding VMPs by group with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedVmpsByGroupId **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/vmp/byGroupId/{vmpgId} Finding VMPs by group with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedVmpsByLabel **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/vmp Finding VMPs by label with pagination.
Besamv2Api findPaginatedVmpsByVmpCode **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/vmp/byVmpCode/{vmpCode} Finding VMPs by group with pagination.
Besamv2Api getSamVersion GET /rest/v1/be_samv2/v Get Samv2 version.
Besamv2Api listAmpsByDmppCodes **
POST** /rest/v1/be_samv2/amp/byDmppCodes Finding AMPs by dmpp code
Besamv2Api listAmpsByGroupCodes **
POST** /rest/v1/be_samv2/amp/byGroupCodes Finding AMPs by group.
Besamv2Api listAmpsByGroupIds **
POST** /rest/v1/be_samv2/amp/byGroupIds Finding AMPs by group.
Besamv2Api listAmpsByVmpCodes **
POST** /rest/v1/be_samv2/amp/byVmpCodes Finding AMPs by vmp code.
Besamv2Api listAmpsByVmpIds **
POST** /rest/v1/be_samv2/amp/byVmpIds Finding AMPs by vmp id.
Besamv2Api listNmpsByCnks **
POST** /rest/v1/be_samv2/nmp/byCnks Finding NMPs by cnk id.
Besamv2Api listPharmaceuticalForms **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/pharmaform List all pharmaceutical forms.
Besamv2Api listSubstances **
GET** /rest/v1/be_samv2/substance List all substances.
Besamv2Api listVmpGroupsByVmpGroupCodes **
POST** /rest/v1/be_samv2/vmpgroup/byGroupCodes Finding AMPs by group.
Besamv2Api listVmpsByGroupIds **
POST** /rest/v1/be_samv2/vmp/byGroupIds Finding VMPs by group.
Besamv2Api listVmpsByVmpCodes **
POST** /rest/v1/be_samv2/vmp/byVmpCodes Finding VMPs by group.
CalendarItemApi createCalendarItem **
POST** /rest/v1/calendarItem Creates a calendarItem
CalendarItemApi deleteCalendarItem **
POST** /rest/v1/calendarItem/{calendarItemIds} Deletes an calendarItem
CalendarItemApi deleteCalendarItems **
POST** /rest/v1/calendarItem/delete/batch Deletes calendarItems
CalendarItemApi [**
findCalendarItemsByHCPartyPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/calendarItem/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys Find CalendarItems by hcparty and patient
CalendarItemApi findCalendarItemsByRecurrenceId **
GET** /rest/v1/calendarItem/byRecurrenceId Find CalendarItems by recurrenceId
CalendarItemApi getCalendarItem **
GET** /rest/v1/calendarItem/{calendarItemId} Gets an calendarItem
CalendarItemApi getCalendarItems **
GET** /rest/v1/calendarItem Gets all calendarItems
CalendarItemApi [**
getCalendarItemsByPeriodAndHcPartyId**](doc// **
POST** /rest/v1/calendarItem/byPeriodAndHcPartyId Get CalendarItems by Period and HcPartyId
CalendarItemApi getCalendarItemsWithIds **
POST** /rest/v1/calendarItem/byIds Get calendarItems by ids
CalendarItemApi getCalendarsByPeriodAndAgendaId **
POST** /rest/v1/calendarItem/byPeriodAndAgendaId Get CalendarItems by Period and AgendaId
CalendarItemApi modifyCalendarItem **
PUT** /rest/v1/calendarItem Modifies an calendarItem
CalendarItemApi setCalendarItemsDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/calendarItem/delegations Update delegations in calendarItems
CalendarItemTypeApi createCalendarItemType **
POST** /rest/v1/calendarItemType Creates a calendarItemType
CalendarItemTypeApi deleteCalendarItemTypes **
POST** /rest/v1/calendarItemType/delete/batch Deletes calendarItemTypes
CalendarItemTypeApi getCalendarItemType **
GET** /rest/v1/calendarItemType/{calendarItemTypeId} Gets a calendarItemType
CalendarItemTypeApi getCalendarItemTypes **
GET** /rest/v1/calendarItemType Gets all calendarItemTypes
CalendarItemTypeApi [**
getCalendarItemTypesIncludeDeleted**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/calendarItemType/includeDeleted Gets all calendarItemTypes include deleted
CalendarItemTypeApi modifyCalendarItemType **
PUT** /rest/v1/calendarItemType Modifies an calendarItemType
ClassificationApi createClassification **
POST** /rest/v1/classification Create a classification with the current user
ClassificationApi deleteClassifications **
POST** /rest/v1/classification/delete/batch Delete classification Templates.
ClassificationApi [**
findClassificationsByHCPartyPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/classification/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys List classification Templates found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keyelementIds.
ClassificationApi getClassification **
GET** /rest/v1/classification/{classificationId} Get a classification Template
ClassificationApi getClassificationByHcPartyId **
GET** /rest/v1/classification/byIds/{ids} Get a list of classifications
ClassificationApi modifyClassification **
PUT** /rest/v1/classification Modify a classification Template
ClassificationApi newClassificationDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/classification/{classificationId}/delegate Delegates a classification to a healthcare party
ClassificationApi setClassificationsDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/classification/delegations Update delegations in classification
ClassificationTemplateApi [**
createClassificationTemplate**](doc// **
POST** /rest/v1/classificationTemplate Create a classification Template with the current user
ClassificationTemplateApi [**
deleteClassificationTemplates**](doc// **
POST** /rest/v1/classificationTemplate/delete/batch Delete classification Templates.
ClassificationTemplateApi [**
findClassificationTemplatesBy**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/classificationTemplate List all classification templates with pagination
ClassificationTemplateApi [**
getClassificationTemplate**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/classificationTemplate/{classificationTemplateId} Get a classification Template
ClassificationTemplateApi [**
getClassificationTemplateByIds**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/classificationTemplate/byIds/{ids} Get a list of classifications Templates
ClassificationTemplateApi [**
listClassificationTemplatesByHCPartyPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/classificationTemplate/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys List classification Templates found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keyelementIds.
ClassificationTemplateApi [**
modifyClassificationTemplate**](doc// **
PUT** /rest/v1/classificationTemplate Modify a classification Template
ClassificationTemplateApi [**
newClassificationTemplateDelegations**](doc// **
POST** /rest/v1/classificationTemplate/{classificationTemplateId}/delegate Delegates a classification Template to a healthcare party
CodeApi createCode POST /rest/v1/code Create a Code
CodeApi filterCodesBy POST /rest/v1/code/filter Filter codes
CodeApi findCodesByLabel **
GET** /rest/v1/code/byLabel Finding codes by code, type and version with pagination.
CodeApi findCodesByLink **
GET** /rest/v1/code/byLink/{linkType} Finding codes by code, type and version with pagination.
CodeApi findCodesByType **
GET** /rest/v1/code Finding codes by code, type and version with pagination.
CodeApi getCode GET /rest/v1/code/{codeId} Get a code
CodeApi getCodeWithParts **
GET** /rest/v1/code/{type}/{code}/{version} Get a code
CodeApi getCodes POST /rest/v1/code/byIds Get a list of codes by ids
CodeApi importCodes POST /rest/v1/code/{codeType} Import codes
CodeApi listCodeTypesBy **
GET** /rest/v1/code/codetype/byRegionType Finding code types.
CodeApi listCodesByRegionTypeCodeVersion **
GET** /rest/v1/code/byRegionTypeCode Finding codes by code, type and version
CodeApi listTagTypesBy **
GET** /rest/v1/code/tagtype/byRegionType Finding tag types.
CodeApi matchCodesBy **
POST** /rest/v1/code/match Get ids of code matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty)
CodeApi modifyCode PUT /rest/v1/code Modify a code
ContactApi closeForHCPartyPatientForeignKeys **
PUT** /rest/v1/contact/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys/close Close contacts for Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys.
ContactApi createContact **
POST** /rest/v1/contact Create a contact with the current user
ContactApi createContacts **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/batch Create a batch of contacts
ContactApi deleteContacts **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/delete/batch Delete contacts.
ContactApi filterContactsBy **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/filter List contacts for the current user (HcParty) or the given hcparty in the filter
ContactApi filterServicesBy **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/service/filter List services for the current user (HcParty) or the given hcparty in the filter
ContactApi findContactsByOpeningDate **
GET** /rest/v1/contact/byOpeningDate List contacts by opening date parties with(out) pagination
ContactApi getContact GET /rest/v1/contact/{contactId} Get a contact
ContactApi getContacts POST /rest/v1/contact/byIds Get contacts
ContactApi getEmptyContent **
GET** /rest/v1/contact/service/content/empty Get an empty content
ContactApi getServiceCodesOccurences **
GET** /rest/v1/contact/service/codes/{codeType}/{minOccurences} Get the list of all used codes frequencies in services
ContactApi getServices **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/service List services with provided ids
ContactApi getServicesLinkedTo **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/service/linkedTo List services linked to provided ids
ContactApi listContactByHCPartyServiceId **
GET** /rest/v1/contact/byHcPartyServiceId List contacts found By Healthcare Party and service Id.
ContactApi listContactsByExternalId **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/byExternalId List contacts found By externalId.
ContactApi listContactsByHCPartyAndFormId **
GET** /rest/v1/contact/byHcPartyFormId List contacts found By Healthcare Party and form Id.
ContactApi listContactsByHCPartyAndFormIds **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/byHcPartyFormIds List contacts found By Healthcare Party and form Id.
ContactApi [**
listContactsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/byHcPartyPatientForeignKeys List contacts found By Healthcare Party and Patient foreign keys.
ContactApi [**
listContactsByHCPartyAndPatientSecretFKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/contact/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys List contacts found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys.
ContactApi [**
listContactsDelegationsStubsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/contact/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys/delegations List contacts found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys.
ContactApi listServicesByAssociationId **
GET** /rest/v1/contact/service/associationId List services by related association id
ContactApi listServicesByHealthElementId **
GET** /rest/v1/contact/service/healthElementId/{healthElementId} List services linked to a health element
ContactApi matchContactsBy **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/match Get ids of contacts matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty)
ContactApi modifyContact PUT /rest/v1/contact Modify a contact
ContactApi modifyContacts **
PUT** /rest/v1/contact/batch Modify a batch of contacts
ContactApi modifyContactsDelegations **
PUT** /rest/v1/contact/delegations Update delegations in healthElements.
ContactApi newContactDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/{contactId}/delegate Delegates a contact to a healthcare party
ContactApi setContactsDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/contact/delegations Update delegations in healthElements.
DeviceApi createDevice POST /rest/v1/device Create a device
DeviceApi createDevices **
POST** /rest/v1/device/batch Create devices in bulk
DeviceApi createDevices1 **
POST** /rest/v1/device/bulk Create devices in bulk
DeviceApi deleteDevice **
DELETE** /rest/v1/device/{deviceId} Delete device.
DeviceApi deleteDevices **
POST** /rest/v1/device/delete/batch Delete devices.
DeviceApi filterDevicesBy **
POST** /rest/v1/device/filter Filter devices for the current user (HcParty)
DeviceApi getDevice GET /rest/v1/device/{deviceId} Get Device
DeviceApi getDevices POST /rest/v1/device/byIds Get devices by id
DeviceApi matchDevicesBy **
POST** /rest/v1/device/match Get ids of devices matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty)
DeviceApi updateDevice PUT /rest/v1/device Modify a device
DeviceApi updateDevices **
PUT** /rest/v1/device/batch Modify devices in bulk
DeviceApi updateDevices1 **
PUT** /rest/v1/device/bulk Modify devices in bulk
DocumentApi createDocument **
POST** /rest/v1/document Creates a document
DocumentApi deleteAttachment **
DELETE** /rest/v1/document/{documentId}/attachment Deletes a document's attachment
DocumentApi deleteDocument **
POST** /rest/v1/document/delete/batch Deletes documents
DocumentApi findWithoutDelegation **
GET** /rest/v1/document/woDelegation List documents with no delegation
DocumentApi getDocument **
GET** /rest/v1/document/{documentId} Gets a document
DocumentApi getDocumentAttachment **
GET** /rest/v1/document/{documentId}/attachment/{attachmentId} Load document's attachment
DocumentApi getDocumentByExternalUuid **
GET** /rest/v1/document/externaluuid/{externalUuid} Gets a document
DocumentApi getDocuments **
POST** /rest/v1/document/byIds Gets a document
DocumentApi getDocumentsByExternalUuid **
GET** /rest/v1/document/externaluuid/{externalUuid}/all Get all documents with externalUuid
DocumentApi [**
listDocumentByTypeHCPartyMessageSecretFKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/document/byTypeHcPartySecretForeignKeys List documents found By type, By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys.
DocumentApi [**
listDocumentsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/document/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys List documents found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys.
DocumentApi modifyDocument **
PUT** /rest/v1/document Updates a document
DocumentApi modifyDocuments **
PUT** /rest/v1/document/batch Updates a batch of documents
DocumentApi setDocumentAttachment **
PUT** /rest/v1/document/{documentId}/attachment Creates a document's attachment
DocumentApi setDocumentAttachmentMulti **
PUT** /rest/v1/document/{documentId}/attachment/multipart Creates a document's attachment
DocumentApi setDocumentsDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/document/delegations Update delegations in healthElements.
DocumentApi setSafeDocumentAttachment **
PUT** /rest/v1/document/attachment Creates a document's attachment
DocumentTemplateApi createDocumentTemplate **
POST** /rest/v1/doctemplate Create a document template with the current user
DocumentTemplateApi deleteDocumentTemplates **
POST** /rest/v1/doctemplate/delete/batch Deletes document templates
DocumentTemplateApi getAttachmentText **
GET** /rest/v1/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId}/attachmentText/{attachmentId} Download a the document template attachment
DocumentTemplateApi getDocumentTemplate **
GET** /rest/v1/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId} Gets a document template
DocumentTemplateApi [**
getDocumentTemplateAttachment**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId}/attachment/{attachmentId} Download a the document template attachment
DocumentTemplateApi listAllDocumentTemplates **
GET** /rest/v1/doctemplate/find/all Gets all document templates for all users
DocumentTemplateApi listDocumentTemplates **
GET** /rest/v1/doctemplate Gets all document templates for current user
DocumentTemplateApi [**
listDocumentTemplatesByDocumentType**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/doctemplate/byDocumentType/{documentTypeCode} Gets all document templates by Type
DocumentTemplateApi [**
listDocumentTemplatesByDocumentTypeForCurrentUser**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/doctemplate/byDocumentTypeForCurrentUser/{documentTypeCode} Gets all document templates by Type For currentUser
DocumentTemplateApi [**
listDocumentTemplatesBySpeciality**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/doctemplate/bySpecialty/{specialityCode} Gets all document templates
DocumentTemplateApi modifyDocumentTemplate **
PUT** /rest/v1/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId} Modify a document template with the current user
DocumentTemplateApi [**
setDocumentTemplateAttachment**](doc// **
PUT** /rest/v1/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId}/attachment Creates a document's attachment
DocumentTemplateApi [**
setDocumentTemplateAttachmentJson**](doc// **
PUT** /rest/v1/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId}/attachmentJson Creates a document's attachment
EntityTemplateApi createEntityTemplate **
POST** /rest/v1/entitytemplate Create a EntityTemplate
EntityTemplateApi createEntityTemplates **
POST** /rest/v1/entitytemplate/batch Create a batch of entityTemplates
EntityTemplateApi deleteEntityTemplate **
POST** /rest/v1/entitytemplate/delete/batch Delete entity templates
EntityTemplateApi [**
findAllEntityTemplatesByKeyword**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/entitytemplate/findAll/{type}/keyword/{keyword} Finding entityTemplates by entityTemplate, type and version with pagination.
EntityTemplateApi getEntityTemplate **
GET** /rest/v1/entitytemplate/{entityTemplateId} Get a entityTemplate
EntityTemplateApi getEntityTemplates **
POST** /rest/v1/entitytemplate/byIds Get a list of entityTemplates by ids
EntityTemplateApi listAllEntityTemplatesBy **
GET** /rest/v1/entitytemplate/findAll/{type} Finding entityTemplates by entityTemplate, type and version with pagination.
EntityTemplateApi listEntityTemplatesBy **
GET** /rest/v1/entitytemplate/find/{userId}/{type} Finding entityTemplates by userId, entityTemplate, type and version with pagination.
EntityTemplateApi listEntityTemplatesByKeyword **
GET** /rest/v1/entitytemplate/find/{userId}/{type}/keyword/{keyword} Finding entityTemplates by userId, type and keyword.
EntityTemplateApi modifyEntityTemplate **
PUT** /rest/v1/entitytemplate Modify a entityTemplate
EntityTemplateApi modifyEntityTemplates **
PUT** /rest/v1/entitytemplate/batch Modify a batch of entityTemplates
EntityrefApi createEntityReference **
POST** /rest/v1/entityref Create an entity reference
EntityrefApi getLatest **
GET** /rest/v1/entityref/latest/{prefix} Find latest reference for a prefix
FormApi createForm POST /rest/v1/form Create a form with the current user
FormApi createFormTemplate **
POST** /rest/v1/form/template Create a form template with the current user
FormApi createForms POST /rest/v1/form/batch Create a batch of forms
FormApi deleteFormTemplate **
DELETE** /rest/v1/form/template/{formTemplateId} Delete a form template
FormApi deleteForms POST /rest/v1/form/delete/batch Delete forms.
FormApi getChildrenForms **
GET** /rest/v1/form/childrenOf/{formId}/{hcPartyId} Get a list of forms by parents ids
FormApi getForm GET /rest/v1/form/{formId} Gets a form
FormApi getFormByLogicalUuid **
GET** /rest/v1/form/logicalUuid/{logicalUuid} Gets the most recent form with the given logicalUuid
FormApi getFormByUniqueId **
GET** /rest/v1/form/uniqueId/{uniqueId} Gets the most recent form with the given uniqueId
FormApi getFormTemplate **
GET** /rest/v1/form/template/{formTemplateId} Gets a form template by guid
FormApi getFormTemplates **
GET** /rest/v1/form/template Gets all form templates for current user
FormApi getFormTemplatesByGuid **
GET** /rest/v1/form/template/{specialityCode}/guid/{formTemplateGuid} Gets a form template
FormApi getForms POST /rest/v1/form/byIds Get a list of forms by ids
FormApi getFormsByLogicalUuid **
GET** /rest/v1/form/all/logicalUuid/{logicalUuid} Gets all forms with given logicalUuid
FormApi getFormsByUniqueId **
GET** /rest/v1/form/all/uniqueId/{uniqueId} Gets all forms by uniqueId
FormApi listFormTemplatesBySpeciality **
GET** /rest/v1/form/template/bySpecialty/{specialityCode} Gets all form templates
FormApi listFormsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys **
GET** /rest/v1/form/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys List forms found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys.
FormApi [**
listFormsDelegationsStubsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/form/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys/delegations List form stubs found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys.
FormApi modifyForm PUT /rest/v1/form Modify a form
FormApi modifyForms PUT /rest/v1/form/batch Modify a batch of forms
FormApi newFormDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/form/delegate/{formId} Delegates a form to a healthcare party
FormApi setFormsDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/form/delegations Update delegations in form.
FormApi setTemplateAttachmentMulti **
PUT** /rest/v1/form/template/{formTemplateId}/attachment/multipart Update a form template's layout
FormApi updateFormTemplate **
PUT** /rest/v1/form/template/{formTemplateId} Modify a form template with the current user
FrontEndMigrationApi createFrontEndMigration **
POST** /rest/v1/frontendmigration Creates a front end migration
FrontEndMigrationApi deleteFrontEndMigration **
DELETE** /rest/v1/frontendmigration/{frontEndMigrationId} Deletes a front end migration
FrontEndMigrationApi getFrontEndMigration **
GET** /rest/v1/frontendmigration/{frontEndMigrationId} Gets a front end migration
FrontEndMigrationApi getFrontEndMigrationByName **
GET** /rest/v1/frontendmigration/byName/{frontEndMigrationName} Gets an front end migration
FrontEndMigrationApi getFrontEndMigrations **
GET** /rest/v1/frontendmigration Gets a front end migration
FrontEndMigrationApi modifyFrontEndMigration **
PUT** /rest/v1/frontendmigration Modifies a front end migration
GroupApi createGroup POST /rest/v1/group/{id} Create a group
GroupApi getGroup GET /rest/v1/group/{id} Get a group by id
GroupApi getReplicationInfo1 **
GET** /rest/v1/group/{id}/r Get index info
GroupApi initDesignDocs PUT /rest/v1/group/{id}/dd Init design docs
GroupApi listGroups GET /rest/v1/group List groups
GroupApi modifyGroupName **
PUT** /rest/v1/group/{id}/name/{name} Update group name
GroupApi modifyGroupProperties **
PUT** /rest/v1/group/{id}/properties Update group properties
GroupApi registerNewGroupAdministrator **
POST** /rest/v1/group/register/trial Create a group
GroupApi resetStorage **
POST** /rest/v1/group/{id}/reset/storage Reset storage for group
GroupApi setGroupPassword **
PUT** /rest/v1/group/{id}/password Set group password
GroupApi solveConflicts **
POST** /rest/v1/group/{id}/conflicts Solve conflicts for group
HealthElementApi createHealthElement **
POST** /rest/v1/helement Create a health element with the current user
HealthElementApi createHealthElements **
POST** /rest/v1/helement/batch Create a batch of healthcare elements
HealthElementApi deleteHealthElements **
POST** /rest/v1/helement/delete/batch Delete health elements.
HealthElementApi filterHealthElementsBy **
POST** /rest/v1/helement/filter Filter health elements for the current user (HcParty)
HealthElementApi getHealthElement **
GET** /rest/v1/helement/{healthElementId} Get a health element
HealthElementApi getHealthElements **
POST** /rest/v1/helement/byIds Get healthElements by batch
HealthElementApi [**
listHealthElementsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/helement/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys List health elements found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keyelementIds.
HealthElementApi [**
listHealthElementsDelegationsStubsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/helement/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys/delegations List helement stubs found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys.
HealthElementApi matchHealthElementsBy **
POST** /rest/v1/helement/match Get ids of health element matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty)
HealthElementApi modifyHealthElement **
PUT** /rest/v1/helement Modify a health element
HealthElementApi modifyHealthElements **
PUT** /rest/v1/helement/batch Modify a batch of health elements
HealthElementApi newHealthElementDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/helement/{healthElementId}/delegate Delegates a health element to a healthcare party
HealthElementApi setHealthElementsDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/helement/delegations Update delegations in healthElements.
HealthcarePartyApi createHealthcareParty **
POST** /rest/v1/hcparty Create a healthcare party
HealthcarePartyApi createHealthcarePartyInGroup **
POST** /rest/v1/hcparty/inGroup/{groupId} Create a healthcare party
HealthcarePartyApi deleteHealthcareParties **
POST** /rest/v1/hcparty/delete/batch Delete healthcare parties
HealthcarePartyApi [**
deleteHealthcarePartiesInGroup**](doc// **
POST** /rest/v1/hcparty/delete/batch/inGroup/{groupId} Delete a healthcare party
HealthcarePartyApi filterHealthPartiesBy **
POST** /rest/v1/hcparty/filter Filter healthcare parties for the current user (HcParty)
HealthcarePartyApi findHealthcarePartiesBy **
GET** /rest/v1/hcparty List healthcare parties with(out) pagination
HealthcarePartyApi findHealthcarePartiesByName **
GET** /rest/v1/hcparty/byName Find healthcare parties by name with(out) pagination
HealthcarePartyApi [**
findHealthcarePartiesBySpecialityAndPostCode**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/hcparty/bySpecialityAndPostCode/{type}/{spec}/{firstCode}/to/{lastCode} Find healthcare parties by name with(out) pagination
HealthcarePartyApi [**
findHealthcarePartiesBySsinOrNihii**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/hcparty/byNihiiOrSsin/{searchValue} Find healthcare parties by nihii or ssin with(out) pagination
HealthcarePartyApi getCurrentHealthcareParty **
GET** /rest/v1/hcparty/current Get the current healthcare party if logged in.
HealthcarePartyApi getHcPartyKeysForDelegate **
GET** /rest/v1/hcparty/byKeys/{healthcarePartyId} Get the HcParty encrypted AES keys indexed by owner
HealthcarePartyApi getHealthcareParties **
POST** /rest/v1/hcparty/byIds Get healthcareParties by their IDs
HealthcarePartyApi getHealthcareParty **
GET** /rest/v1/hcparty/{healthcarePartyId} Get a healthcareParty by his ID
HealthcarePartyApi getPublicKey **
GET** /rest/v1/hcparty/{healthcarePartyId}/publicKey Get public key of a healthcare party
HealthcarePartyApi listHealthcarePartiesByName **
GET** /rest/v1/hcparty/byNameStrict/{name} Find healthcare parties by name with(out) pagination
HealthcarePartyApi [**
listHealthcarePartiesByParentId**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/hcparty/{parentId}/children Find children of an healthcare parties
HealthcarePartyApi matchHealthcarePartiesBy **
POST** /rest/v1/hcparty/match Get ids of healthcare party matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty)
HealthcarePartyApi modifyHealthcareParty **
PUT** /rest/v1/hcparty Modify a Healthcare Party.
HealthcarePartyApi modifyHealthcarePartyInGroup **
PUT** /rest/v1/hcparty/inGroup/{groupId} Modify a Healthcare Party.
IcureApi getIndexingInfo GET /rest/v1/icure/i Get index info
IcureApi getProcessInfo GET /rest/v1/icure/p Get process info
IcureApi getReplicationInfo **
GET** /rest/v1/icure/r Get replication info
IcureApi getReplicatorInfo **
GET** /rest/v1/icure/r/{id} Get replication info
IcureApi getVersion GET /rest/v1/icure/v Get version
IcureApi isReady GET /rest/v1/icure/ok Check if a user exists
IcureApi resolveContactsConflicts **
POST** /rest/v1/icure/conflicts/contact Resolve contacts conflicts
IcureApi resolveDocumentsConflicts **
POST** /rest/v1/icure/conflicts/document resolve documents conflicts
IcureApi resolveFormsConflicts **
POST** /rest/v1/icure/conflicts/form resolve forms conflicts
IcureApi resolveHealthElementsConflicts **
POST** /rest/v1/icure/conflicts/healthelement resolve healthcare elements conflicts
IcureApi resolveInvoicesConflicts **
POST** /rest/v1/icure/conflicts/invoice resolve invoices conflicts
IcureApi resolveMessagesConflicts **
POST** /rest/v1/icure/conflicts/message resolve messages conflicts
IcureApi resolvePatientsConflicts **
POST** /rest/v1/icure/conflicts/patient Resolve patients conflicts
IcureApi updateDesignDoc **
POST** /rest/v1/icure/dd/{entityName} Force update design doc
InsuranceApi createInsurance **
POST** /rest/v1/insurance Creates an insurance
InsuranceApi deleteInsurance **
DELETE** /rest/v1/insurance/{insuranceId} Deletes an insurance
InsuranceApi getInsurance **
GET** /rest/v1/insurance/{insuranceId} Gets an insurance
InsuranceApi getInsurances **
POST** /rest/v1/insurance/byIds Gets insurances by id
InsuranceApi listInsurancesByCode **
GET** /rest/v1/insurance/byCode/{insuranceCode} Gets an insurance
InsuranceApi listInsurancesByName **
GET** /rest/v1/insurance/byName/{insuranceName} Gets an insurance
InsuranceApi modifyInsurance **
PUT** /rest/v1/insurance Modifies an insurance
InvoiceApi appendCodes **
POST** /rest/v1/invoice/byauthor/{userId}/append/{type}/{sentMediumType} Gets all invoices for author at date
InvoiceApi createInvoice POST /rest/v1/invoice Creates an invoice
InvoiceApi createInvoices **
POST** /rest/v1/invoice/batch Create a batch of invoices
InvoiceApi deleteInvoice **
DELETE** /rest/v1/invoice/{invoiceId} Deletes an invoice
InvoiceApi filterInvoicesBy **
POST** /rest/v1/invoice/filter Filter invoices for the current user (HcParty)
InvoiceApi findInvoicesByAuthor **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/byauthor/{hcPartyId} Gets all invoices for author at date
InvoiceApi getInvoice GET /rest/v1/invoice/{invoiceId} Gets an invoice
InvoiceApi getInvoices POST /rest/v1/invoice/byIds Gets an invoice
InvoiceApi getTarificationsCodesOccurences **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/codes/{minOccurences} Get the list of all used tarifications frequencies in invoices
InvoiceApi listAllHcpsByStatus **
POST** /rest/v1/invoice/allHcpsByStatus/{status} Gets all invoices per status
InvoiceApi listInvoicesByContactIds **
POST** /rest/v1/invoice/byContacts Gets all invoices for author at date
InvoiceApi [**
listInvoicesByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys List invoices found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign patient keys.
InvoiceApi listInvoicesByHcPartyAndGroupId **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/byHcPartyGroupId/{hcPartyId}/{groupId} List invoices by groupId
InvoiceApi [**
listInvoicesByHcPartySentMediumTypeInvoiceTypeSentDate**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/byHcParty/{hcPartyId}/mediumType/{sentMediumType}/invoiceType/{invoiceType}/sent/{sent} List invoices by type, sent or unsent
InvoiceApi [**
listInvoicesByHcpartySendingModeStatusDate**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/byHcpartySendingModeStatusDate/{hcPartyId} Get all invoices by author, by sending mode, by status and by date
InvoiceApi listInvoicesByIds **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/byIds/{invoiceIds} Gets all invoices for author at date
InvoiceApi listInvoicesByRecipientsIds **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/to/{recipientIds} Gets all invoices for author at date
InvoiceApi listInvoicesByServiceIds **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/byServiceIds/{serviceIds} Gets all invoices for author at date
InvoiceApi [**
listInvoicesDelegationsStubsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys/delegations List helement stubs found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys.
InvoiceApi listToInsurances **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/toInsurances Gets all invoices for author at date
InvoiceApi listToInsurancesUnsent **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/toInsurances/unsent Gets all invoices for author at date
InvoiceApi listToPatients **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/toPatients Gets all invoices for author at date
InvoiceApi listToPatientsUnsent **
GET** /rest/v1/invoice/toPatients/unsent Gets all invoices for author at date
InvoiceApi mergeTo **
POST** /rest/v1/invoice/mergeTo/{invoiceId} Gets all invoices for author at date
InvoiceApi modifyInvoice PUT /rest/v1/invoice Modifies an invoice
InvoiceApi modifyInvoices **
PUT** /rest/v1/invoice/batch Modify a batch of invoices
InvoiceApi newInvoiceDelegations **
PUT** /rest/v1/invoice/{invoiceId}/delegate Adds a delegation to a invoice
InvoiceApi reassignInvoice **
POST** /rest/v1/invoice/reassign Modifies an invoice
InvoiceApi removeCodes **
POST** /rest/v1/invoice/byauthor/{userId}/service/{serviceId} Remove an invoice of an user
InvoiceApi setInvoicesDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/invoice/delegations Update delegations in healthElements.
InvoiceApi validate **
POST** /rest/v1/invoice/validate/{invoiceId} Gets all invoices for author at date
KeywordApi createKeyword **
POST** /rest/v1/keyword Create a keyword with the current user
KeywordApi deleteKeywords **
POST** /rest/v1/keyword/delete/batch Delete keywords.
KeywordApi getKeyword GET /rest/v1/keyword/{keywordId} Get a keyword
KeywordApi getKeywords GET /rest/v1/keyword Gets all keywords
KeywordApi getKeywordsByUser **
GET** /rest/v1/keyword/byUser/{userId} Get keywords by user
KeywordApi modifyKeyword PUT /rest/v1/keyword Modify a keyword
MedexApi generateMedex **
POST** /rest/v1/medex/generate Generate a Medex XML String
MedicalLocationApi createMedicalLocation **
POST** /rest/v1/medicallocation Creates a medical location
MedicalLocationApi deleteMedicalLocations **
POST** /rest/v1/medicallocation/delete/batch Deletes medical locations
MedicalLocationApi getMedicalLocation **
GET** /rest/v1/medicallocation/{locationId} Gets a medical location
MedicalLocationApi getMedicalLocations **
GET** /rest/v1/medicallocation Gets all medical locations
MedicalLocationApi modifyMedicalLocation **
PUT** /rest/v1/medicallocation Modifies a medical location
MessageApi createMessage POST /rest/v1/message Creates a message
MessageApi deleteDelegation **
DELETE** /rest/v1/message/{messageId}/delegate/{delegateId} Deletes a message delegation
MessageApi deleteMessages **
POST** /rest/v1/message/delete/batch Deletes multiple messages
MessageApi findMessages **
GET** /rest/v1/message Get all messages (paginated) for current HC Party
MessageApi findMessagesByFromAddress **
GET** /rest/v1/message/byFromAddress Get all messages (paginated) for current HC Party and provided from address
MessageApi [**
findMessagesByHCPartyPatientForeignKeys**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/message/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys List messages found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys.
MessageApi findMessagesByToAddress **
GET** /rest/v1/message/byToAddress Get all messages (paginated) for current HC Party and provided to address
MessageApi findMessagesByTransportGuid **
GET** /rest/v1/message/byTransportGuid Get all messages (paginated) for current HC Party and provided transportGuid
MessageApi findMessagesByTransportGuidSentDate **
GET** /rest/v1/message/byTransportGuidSentDate Get all messages starting by a prefix between two date
MessageApi getChildrenMessages **
GET** /rest/v1/message/{messageId}/children Get children messages of provided message
MessageApi getMessage GET /rest/v1/message/{messageId} Gets a message
MessageApi getMessagesChildren **
POST** /rest/v1/message/children/batch Get children messages of provided message
MessageApi listMessagesByInvoices **
POST** /rest/v1/message/byInvoice Get children messages of provided message
MessageApi listMessagesByTransportGuids **
POST** /rest/v1/message/byTransportGuid/list Get all messages for current HC Party and provided transportGuids
MessageApi modifyMessage PUT /rest/v1/message Updates a message
MessageApi newMessageDelegations **
PUT** /rest/v1/message/{messageId}/delegate Adds a delegation to a message
MessageApi setMessagesReadStatus **
PUT** /rest/v1/message/readstatus Set read status for given list of messages
MessageApi setMessagesStatusBits **
PUT** /rest/v1/message/status/{status} Set status bits for given list of messages
PatientApi countOfPatients **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/hcParty/{hcPartyId}/count Get count of patients for a specific HcParty or for the current HcParty
PatientApi createPatient POST /rest/v1/patient Create a patient
PatientApi createPatients **
POST** /rest/v1/patient/batch Create patients in bulk
PatientApi deletePatients **
POST** /rest/v1/patient/delete/batch Delete patients.
PatientApi filterPatientsBy **
POST** /rest/v1/patient/filter Filter patients for the current user (HcParty)
PatientApi findDeletedPatients **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/deleted/byDate Find deleted patients
PatientApi findDuplicatesByName **
POST** /rest/v1/patient/duplicates/name Provides a paginated list of patients with duplicate name for an hecparty
PatientApi findDuplicatesBySsin **
POST** /rest/v1/patient/duplicates/ssin Provides a paginated list of patients with duplicate ssin for an hecparty
PatientApi findPatientsByAccessLogUserAfterDate **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/byAccess/{userId} Get Paginated List of Patients sorted by Access logs descending
PatientApi findPatientsByHealthcareParty **
GET** /rest/v1/patient List patients for a specific HcParty
PatientApi findPatientsByNameBirthSsinAuto **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/byNameBirthSsinAuto Find patients for the current user (HcParty)
PatientApi findPatientsIdsByHealthcareParty **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/byHcPartyId List patients by pages for a specific HcParty
PatientApi findPatientsModifiedAfter **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/modifiedAfter/{date} List patients that have been modified after the provided date
PatientApi fuzzySearch **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/fuzzy Filter patients for the current user (HcParty)
PatientApi getPatient GET /rest/v1/patient/{patientId} Get patient
PatientApi getPatientByExternalId **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/byExternalId/{externalId} Get the patient having the provided externalId
PatientApi [**
getPatientByHealthcarepartyAndIdentifier**](doc// **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/{hcPartyId}/{id} Get patient by identifier
PatientApi getPatientHcPartyKeysForDelegate **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/{patientId}/keys Get the patient (identified by patientId) hcparty keys. Those keys are AES keys (encrypted) used to share information between HCPs and a patient.
PatientApi getPatients POST /rest/v1/patient/byIds Get patients by id
PatientApi listDeletedPatientsByName **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/deleted/by_name Find deleted patients
PatientApi listOfMergesAfter **
GET** /rest/v1/patient/merges/{date} List patients that have been merged towards another patient
PatientApi matchPatientsBy **
POST** /rest/v1/patient/match Get ids of patients matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty)
PatientApi mergeInto **
PUT** /rest/v1/patient/mergeInto/{toId}/from/{fromIds} Merge a series of patients into another patient
PatientApi modifyPatient PUT /rest/v1/patient Modify a patient
PatientApi modifyPatientReferral **
PUT** /rest/v1/patient/{patientId}/referral/{referralId} Set a patient referral doctor
PatientApi modifyPatients **
PUT** /rest/v1/patient/batch Modify patients in bulk
PatientApi newPatientDelegations **
POST** /rest/v1/patient/{patientId}/delegate Delegates a patients to a healthcare party
PatientApi registerPatient **
POST** /rest/v1/patient/register/forHcp/{hcPartyId}/inGroup/{groupId} Register a patient
PatientApi undeletePatient **
PUT** /rest/v1/patient/undelete/{patientIds} undelete previously deleted patients
PermissionApi modifyUserPermissions **
PUT** /rest/v1/permissions/{userId} Add / Revoke permissions to user
PlaceApi createPlace POST /rest/v1/place Creates a place
PlaceApi deletePlaces POST /rest/v1/place/delete/batch Deletes places
PlaceApi getPlace GET /rest/v1/place/{placeId} Gets an place
PlaceApi getPlaces GET /rest/v1/place Gets all places
PlaceApi modifyPlace PUT /rest/v1/place Modifies an place
ReceiptApi createReceipt POST /rest/v1/receipt Creates a receipt
ReceiptApi deleteReceipts **
POST** /rest/v1/receipt/delete/batch Deletes receipts
ReceiptApi getReceipt GET /rest/v1/receipt/{receiptId} Gets a receipt
ReceiptApi getReceiptAttachment **
GET** /rest/v1/receipt/{receiptId}/attachment/{attachmentId} Get an attachment
ReceiptApi listByReference **
GET** /rest/v1/receipt/byRef/{ref} Gets a receipt
ReceiptApi modifyReceipt PUT /rest/v1/receipt Updates a receipt
ReceiptApi setReceiptAttachment **
PUT** /rest/v1/receipt/{receiptId}/attachment/{blobType} Creates a receipt's attachment
TarificationApi createTarification **
POST** /rest/v1/tarification Create a Tarification
TarificationApi findTarificationsBy **
GET** /rest/v1/tarification Finding tarifications by tarification, type and version with pagination.
TarificationApi findTarificationsBy1 **
GET** /rest/v1/tarification/byRegionTypeTarification Finding tarifications by tarification, type and version
TarificationApi findTarificationsByLabel **
GET** /rest/v1/tarification/byLabel Finding tarifications by tarification, type and version with pagination.
TarificationApi getTarification **
GET** /rest/v1/tarification/{tarificationId} Get a tarification
TarificationApi getTarificationWithParts **
GET** /rest/v1/tarification/{type}/{tarification}/{version} Get a tarification
TarificationApi getTarifications **
POST** /rest/v1/tarification/byIds Get a list of tarifications by ids
TarificationApi modifyTarification **
PUT** /rest/v1/tarification Modify a tarification
TimeTableApi createTimeTable **
POST** /rest/v1/timeTable Creates a timeTable
TimeTableApi deleteTimeTable **
POST** /rest/v1/timeTable/delete/batch Deletes an timeTable
TimeTableApi getTimeTable **
GET** /rest/v1/timeTable/{timeTableId} Gets a timeTable
TimeTableApi getTimeTablesByAgendaId **
POST** /rest/v1/timeTable/byAgendaId Get TimeTables by AgendaId
TimeTableApi getTimeTablesByPeriodAndAgendaId **
POST** /rest/v1/timeTable/byPeriodAndAgendaId Get TimeTables by Period and AgendaId
TimeTableApi modifyTimeTable **
PUT** /rest/v1/timeTable Modifies an timeTable
TmpApi createTmpClassification **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/classification Create a classification with the current user
TmpApi createTmpClassifications **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/classification/batch Create a classification with the current user
TmpApi createTmpContact **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/contact Create a contact with the current user
TmpApi createTmpContacts **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/contact/batch Create a contact with the current user
TmpApi createTmpDatabase **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp Create tmp database for current user
TmpApi createTmpDocument **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/document Create a document with the current user
TmpApi createTmpDocuments **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/document/batch Create a document with the current user
TmpApi createTmpEntityTemplate **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/entityTemplate Create a entityTemplate with the current user
TmpApi createTmpEntityTemplates **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/entityTemplate/batch Create a entityTemplate with the current user
TmpApi createTmpForm **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/form Create a form with the current user
TmpApi createTmpForms **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/form/batch Create a form with the current user
TmpApi createTmpHealthElement **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/healthElement Create a healthElement with the current user
TmpApi createTmpHealthElements **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/healthElement/batch Create a healthElement with the current user
TmpApi createTmpInvoice **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/invoice Create a invoice with the current user
TmpApi createTmpInvoices **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/invoice/batch Create a invoice with the current user
TmpApi createTmpMessage **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/message Create a message with the current user
TmpApi createTmpMessages **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/message/batch Create a message with the current user
TmpApi createTmpPatient **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/patient Create a patient with the current user
TmpApi createTmpPatients **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/patient/batch Create a patient with the current user
TmpApi deleteTmpItems POST /rest/v1/tmp/batch/delete Soft delete items.
TmpApi destroyTmpDatabase **
DELETE** /rest/v1/tmp Destroy tmp database for current user
TmpApi getTmpClassification **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/classification/byId/{id} Get a classification by id
TmpApi getTmpClassifications **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/classification/get Get classifications by ids with the current user
TmpApi getTmpContact **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/contact/byId/{id} Get a contact by id
TmpApi getTmpContacts **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/contact/get Get contacts by ids with the current user
TmpApi getTmpDocument **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/document/byId/{id} Get a document by id
TmpApi getTmpDocuments **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/document/get Get documents by ids with the current user
TmpApi getTmpEntityTemplate **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/entityTemplate/byId/{id} Get a entityTemplate by id
TmpApi getTmpEntityTemplates **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/entityTemplate/get Get entityTemplates by ids with the current user
TmpApi getTmpForm GET /rest/v1/tmp/form/byId/{id} Get a form by id
TmpApi getTmpForms **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/form/get Get forms by ids with the current user
TmpApi getTmpHealthElement **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/healthElement/byId/{id} Get a healthElement by id
TmpApi getTmpHealthElements **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/healthElement/get Get healthElements by ids with the current user
TmpApi getTmpInvoice **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/invoice/byId/{id} Get a invoice by id
TmpApi getTmpInvoices **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/invoice/get Get invoices by ids with the current user
TmpApi getTmpMessage **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/message/byId/{id} Get a message by id
TmpApi getTmpMessages **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/message/get Get messages by ids with the current user
TmpApi getTmpPatient **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/patient/byId/{id} Get a patient by id
TmpApi getTmpPatients **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/patient/get Get patients by ids with the current user
TmpApi listTmpClassifications **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/classification/list List classifications with the current user
TmpApi listTmpContacts **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/contact/list List contacts with the current user
TmpApi listTmpDocuments **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/document/list List documents with the current user
TmpApi listTmpEntityTemplates **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/entityTemplate/list List entityTemplates with the current user
TmpApi listTmpForms **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/form/list List forms with the current user
TmpApi listTmpHealthElements **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/healthElement/list List healthElements with the current user
TmpApi listTmpInvoices **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/invoice/list List invoices with the current user
TmpApi listTmpMessages **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/message/list List messages with the current user
TmpApi listTmpPatients **
GET** /rest/v1/tmp/patient/list List patients with the current user
TmpApi modifyTmpClassification **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/classification Modify a classification
TmpApi modifyTmpClassifications **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/classification/batch Modify a batch of healthcare elements
TmpApi modifyTmpContact PUT /rest/v1/tmp/contact Modify a contact
TmpApi modifyTmpContacts **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/contact/batch Modify a batch of healthcare elements
TmpApi modifyTmpDocument PUT /rest/v1/tmp/document Modify a document
TmpApi modifyTmpDocuments **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/document/batch Modify a batch of healthcare elements
TmpApi modifyTmpEntityTemplate **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/entityTemplate Modify a entityTemplate
TmpApi modifyTmpEntityTemplates **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/entityTemplate/batch Modify a batch of healthcare elements
TmpApi modifyTmpForm PUT /rest/v1/tmp/form Modify a form
TmpApi modifyTmpForms **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/form/batch Modify a batch of healthcare elements
TmpApi modifyTmpHealthElement **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/healthElement Modify a healthElement
TmpApi modifyTmpHealthElements **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/healthElement/batch Modify a batch of healthcare elements
TmpApi modifyTmpInvoice PUT /rest/v1/tmp/invoice Modify a invoice
TmpApi modifyTmpInvoices **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/invoice/batch Modify a batch of healthcare elements
TmpApi modifyTmpMessage PUT /rest/v1/tmp/message Modify a message
TmpApi modifyTmpMessages **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/message/batch Modify a batch of healthcare elements
TmpApi modifyTmpPatient PUT /rest/v1/tmp/patient Modify a patient
TmpApi modifyTmpPatients **
PUT** /rest/v1/tmp/patient/batch Modify a batch of healthcare elements
TmpApi purgeTmpItems POST /rest/v1/tmp/batch/purge Hard delete items.
TmpApi replicateToTmpDatabase **
POST** /rest/v1/tmp/replicate/from/{from}
UserApi assignHealthcareParty **
PUT** /rest/v1/user/current/hcparty/{healthcarePartyId} Assign a healthcare party ID to current user
UserApi checkPassword GET /rest/v1/user/checkPassword
UserApi checkTokenValidity **
GET** /rest/v1/user/token/{userId} Check token validity
UserApi createUser POST /rest/v1/user Create a user
UserApi createUserInGroup **
POST** /rest/v1/user/inGroup/{groupId} Create a user
UserApi deleteUser **
DELETE** /rest/v1/user/{userId} Delete a User based on his/her ID.
UserApi deleteUserInGroup **
DELETE** /rest/v1/user/inGroup/{groupId}/{userId} Delete a User based on his/her ID.
UserApi encodePassword GET /rest/v1/user/encodePassword
UserApi filterUsersBy **
POST** /rest/v1/user/filter Filter users for the current user (HcParty)
UserApi findByHcpartyId **
GET** /rest/v1/user/byHealthcarePartyId/{id} Get the list of users by healthcare party id
UserApi forgottenPassword **
POST** /rest/v1/user/forgottenPassword/{email} Send a forgotten email message to an user
UserApi getCurrentSession **
GET** /rest/v1/user/session Get Currently logged-in user session.
UserApi getCurrentUser **
GET** /rest/v1/user/current Get presently logged-in user.
UserApi getMatchingUsers **
GET** /rest/v1/user/matches Get presently logged-in user.
UserApi getToken **
POST** /rest/v1/user/token/{userId}/{key} Request a new temporary token for authentication
UserApi getUser GET /rest/v1/user/{userId} Get a user by his ID
UserApi getUserByEmail **
GET** /rest/v1/user/byEmail/{email} Get a user by his Email/Login
UserApi listUsersBy GET /rest/v1/user List users with(out) pagination
UserApi listUsersInGroup **
GET** /rest/v1/user/inGroup/{groupId} List users with(out) pagination
UserApi matchUsersBy **
POST** /rest/v1/user/match Get ids of healthcare party matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty)
UserApi modifyProperties **
PUT** /rest/v1/user/{userId}/properties Modify a User property
UserApi modifyUser PUT /rest/v1/user Modify a user.
UserApi modifyUserInGroup **
PUT** /rest/v1/user/inGroup/{groupId} Modify a user.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP Basic authentication
