toOriginalCode method

String toOriginalCode({
  1. bool includeDesc = true,
  2. dynamic includeExamples = true,

Create a string that will recreate this message, optionally including the compile-time only information desc and examples.


String toOriginalCode({bool includeDesc: true, includeExamples: true}) {
  var out = new StringBuffer()..write("Intl.message('");
  out.write("', ");
  out.write("name: '$name', ");
  out.write(locale == null ? "" : "locale: '$locale', ");
  if (includeDesc) {
    out.write(description == null
        ? ""
        : "desc: '${escapeAndValidateString(description!)}', ");
  if (includeExamples) {
    // json is already mostly-escaped, but we need to handle interpolations.
    var json = jsonEncoder.encode(examples).replaceAll(r"$", r"\$");
    out.write(examples == null ? "" : "examples: const ${json}, ");
  out.write(meaning == null
      ? ""
      : "meaning: '${escapeAndValidateString(meaning!)}', ");
  out.write("args: [${arguments!.join(', ')}]");
  return out.toString();