Mi class

Discover all icons of this iconset at https://andronasef.ninja/iconify_flutter/collection/mi




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


add → const String
Icon Data of add
archive → const String
Icon Data of archive
arrow_down → const String
Icon Data of arrow_down
arrow_left → const String
Icon Data of arrow_left
arrow_left_down → const String
Icon Data of arrow_left_down
arrow_left_up → const String
Icon Data of arrow_left_up
arrow_right → const String
Icon Data of arrow_right
arrow_right_down → const String
Icon Data of arrow_right_down
arrow_right_up → const String
Icon Data of arrow_right_up
arrow_up → const String
Icon Data of arrow_up
attachment → const String
Icon Data of attachment
backspace → const String
Icon Data of backspace
ban → const String
Icon Data of ban
bar_chart → const String
Icon Data of bar_chart
bar_chart_alt → const String
Icon Data of bar_chart_alt
board → const String
Icon Data of board
bold → const String
Icon Data of bold
book → const String
Icon Data of book
bookmark → const String
Icon Data of bookmark
calendar → const String
Icon Data of calendar
call → const String
Icon Data of call
camera → const String
Icon Data of camera
caret_down → const String
Icon Data of caret_down
caret_left → const String
Icon Data of caret_left
caret_right → const String
Icon Data of caret_right
caret_up → const String
Icon Data of caret_up
check → const String
Icon Data of check
chevron_double_down → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_down
chevron_double_left → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_left
chevron_double_right → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_right
chevron_double_up → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_up
chevron_down → const String
Icon Data of chevron_down
chevron_left → const String
Icon Data of chevron_left
chevron_right → const String
Icon Data of chevron_right
chevron_up → const String
Icon Data of chevron_up
circle → const String
Icon Data of circle
circle_add → const String
Icon Data of circle_add
circle_arrow_down → const String
Icon Data of circle_arrow_down
circle_arrow_left → const String
Icon Data of circle_arrow_left
circle_arrow_right → const String
Icon Data of circle_arrow_right
circle_arrow_up → const String
Icon Data of circle_arrow_up
circle_check → const String
Icon Data of circle_check
circle_error → const String
Icon Data of circle_error
circle_help → const String
Icon Data of circle_help
circle_information → const String
Icon Data of circle_information
circle_remove → const String
Icon Data of circle_remove
circle_warning → const String
Icon Data of circle_warning
clipboard → const String
Icon Data of clipboard
clipboard_check → const String
Icon Data of clipboard_check
clipboard_list → const String
Icon Data of clipboard_list
clock → const String
Icon Data of clock
close → const String
Icon Data of close
cloud → const String
Icon Data of cloud
cloud_download → const String
Icon Data of cloud_download
cloud_upload → const String
Icon Data of cloud_upload
cloudy → const String
Icon Data of cloudy
comment → const String
Icon Data of comment
compass → const String
Icon Data of compass
computer → const String
Icon Data of computer
copy → const String
Icon Data of copy
credit_card → const String
Icon Data of credit_card
database → const String
Icon Data of database
delete → const String
Icon Data of delete
delete_alt → const String
Icon Data of delete_alt
document → const String
Icon Data of document
document_add → const String
Icon Data of document_add
document_check → const String
Icon Data of document_check
document_download → const String
Icon Data of document_download
document_empty → const String
Icon Data of document_empty
document_remove → const String
Icon Data of document_remove
download → const String
Icon Data of download
drag → const String
Icon Data of drag
drop → const String
Icon Data of drop
edit → const String
Icon Data of edit
edit_alt → const String
Icon Data of edit_alt
email → const String
Icon Data of email
enter → const String
Icon Data of enter
expand → const String
Icon Data of expand
Icon Data of external_link
eye → const String
Icon Data of eye
eye_off → const String
Icon Data of eye_off
favorite → const String
Icon Data of favorite
filter → const String
Icon Data of filter
filter_1 → const String
Icon Data of filter_1
filter_alt → const String
Icon Data of filter_alt
flag → const String
Icon Data of flag
fog → const String
Icon Data of fog
folder → const String
Icon Data of folder
folder_add → const String
Icon Data of folder_add
folder_check → const String
Icon Data of folder_check
folder_download → const String
Icon Data of folder_download
folder_remove → const String
Icon Data of folder_remove
grid → const String
Icon Data of grid
heart → const String
Icon Data of heart
home → const String
Icon Data of home
i_export → const String
Icon Data of i_export
i_switch → const String
Icon Data of i_switch
iconsList → const List
image → const String
Icon Data of image
inbox → const String
Icon Data of inbox
italic → const String
Icon Data of italic
laptop → const String
Icon Data of laptop
layers → const String
Icon Data of layers
layout → const String
Icon Data of layout
Icon Data of link
Icon Data of link_alt
list → const String
Icon Data of list
location → const String
Icon Data of location
lock → const String
Icon Data of lock
log_in → const String
Icon Data of log_in
log_out → const String
Icon Data of log_out
map → const String
Icon Data of map
megaphone → const String
Icon Data of megaphone
Icon Data of menu
message → const String
Icon Data of message
message_alt → const String
Icon Data of message_alt
minimize → const String
Icon Data of minimize
mobile → const String
Icon Data of mobile
moon → const String
Icon Data of moon
next → const String
Icon Data of next
notification → const String
Icon Data of notification
notification_off → const String
Icon Data of notification_off
options_horizontal → const String
Icon Data of options_horizontal
options_vertical → const String
Icon Data of options_vertical
pause → const String
Icon Data of pause
pen → const String
Icon Data of pen
percentage → const String
Icon Data of percentage
pin → const String
Icon Data of pin
play → const String
Icon Data of play
previous → const String
Icon Data of previous
print → const String
Icon Data of print
rain → const String
Icon Data of rain
refresh → const String
Icon Data of refresh
remove → const String
Icon Data of remove
reorder → const String
Icon Data of reorder
reorder_alt → const String
Icon Data of reorder_alt
repeat → const String
Icon Data of repeat
save → const String
Icon Data of save
Icon Data of search
select → const String
Icon Data of select
send → const String
Icon Data of send
settings → const String
Icon Data of settings
share → const String
Icon Data of share
shopping_cart → const String
Icon Data of shopping_cart
shopping_cart_add → const String
Icon Data of shopping_cart_add
shuffle → const String
Icon Data of shuffle
snow → const String
Icon Data of snow
snowflake → const String
Icon Data of snowflake
sort → const String
Icon Data of sort
speakers → const String
Icon Data of speakers
stop → const String
Icon Data of stop
storm → const String
Icon Data of storm
strikethrough → const String
Icon Data of strikethrough
sun → const String
Icon Data of sun
sunrise → const String
Icon Data of sunrise
sunrise_alt → const String
Icon Data of sunrise_alt
sunset → const String
Icon Data of sunset
table → const String
Icon Data of table
tablet → const String
Icon Data of tablet
tag → const String
Icon Data of tag
temperature → const String
Icon Data of temperature
text → const String
Icon Data of text
three_rows → const String
Icon Data of three_rows
two_columns → const String
Icon Data of two_columns
two_rows → const String
Icon Data of two_rows
underline → const String
Icon Data of underline
undo → const String
Icon Data of undo
unlock → const String
Icon Data of unlock
user → const String
Icon Data of user
user_add → const String
Icon Data of user_add
user_check → const String
Icon Data of user_check
user_remove → const String
Icon Data of user_remove
users → const String
Icon Data of users
volume_off → const String
Icon Data of volume_off
volume_up → const String
Icon Data of volume_up
warning → const String
Icon Data of warning
webcam → const String
Icon Data of webcam
wind → const String
Icon Data of wind
window → const String
Icon Data of window
zoom_in → const String
Icon Data of zoom_in
zoom_out → const String
Icon Data of zoom_out