Gg class

Discover all icons of this iconset at




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


add → const String
Icon Data of add
add_r → const String
Icon Data of add_r
adidas → const String
Icon Data of adidas
airplane → const String
Icon Data of airplane
alarm → const String
Icon Data of alarm
album → const String
Icon Data of album
align_bottom → const String
Icon Data of align_bottom
align_center → const String
Icon Data of align_center
align_left → const String
Icon Data of align_left
align_middle → const String
Icon Data of align_middle
align_right → const String
Icon Data of align_right
align_top → const String
Icon Data of align_top
anchor → const String
Icon Data of anchor
apple_watch → const String
Icon Data of apple_watch
arrange_back → const String
Icon Data of arrange_back
arrange_front → const String
Icon Data of arrange_front
arrow_align_h → const String
Icon Data of arrow_align_h
arrow_align_v → const String
Icon Data of arrow_align_v
arrow_bottom_left → const String
Icon Data of arrow_bottom_left
arrow_bottom_left_o → const String
Icon Data of arrow_bottom_left_o
arrow_bottom_left_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_bottom_left_r
arrow_bottom_right → const String
Icon Data of arrow_bottom_right
arrow_bottom_right_o → const String
Icon Data of arrow_bottom_right_o
arrow_bottom_right_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_bottom_right_r
arrow_down → const String
Icon Data of arrow_down
arrow_down_o → const String
Icon Data of arrow_down_o
arrow_down_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_down_r
arrow_left → const String
Icon Data of arrow_left
arrow_left_o → const String
Icon Data of arrow_left_o
arrow_left_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_left_r
arrow_long_down → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_down
arrow_long_down_c → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_down_c
arrow_long_down_e → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_down_e
arrow_long_down_l → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_down_l
arrow_long_down_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_down_r
arrow_long_left → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_left
arrow_long_left_c → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_left_c
arrow_long_left_e → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_left_e
arrow_long_left_l → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_left_l
arrow_long_left_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_left_r
arrow_long_right → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_right
arrow_long_right_c → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_right_c
arrow_long_right_e → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_right_e
arrow_long_right_l → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_right_l
arrow_long_right_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_right_r
arrow_long_up → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_up
arrow_long_up_c → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_up_c
arrow_long_up_e → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_up_e
arrow_long_up_l → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_up_l
arrow_long_up_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_up_r
arrow_right → const String
Icon Data of arrow_right
arrow_right_o → const String
Icon Data of arrow_right_o
arrow_right_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_right_r
arrow_top_left → const String
Icon Data of arrow_top_left
arrow_top_left_o → const String
Icon Data of arrow_top_left_o
arrow_top_left_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_top_left_r
arrow_top_right → const String
Icon Data of arrow_top_right
arrow_top_right_o → const String
Icon Data of arrow_top_right_o
arrow_top_right_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_top_right_r
arrow_up → const String
Icon Data of arrow_up
arrow_up_o → const String
Icon Data of arrow_up_o
arrow_up_r → const String
Icon Data of arrow_up_r
arrows_breake_h → const String
Icon Data of arrows_breake_h
arrows_breake_v → const String
Icon Data of arrows_breake_v
arrows_exchange → const String
Icon Data of arrows_exchange
arrows_exchange_alt → const String
Icon Data of arrows_exchange_alt
arrows_exchange_alt_v → const String
Icon Data of arrows_exchange_alt_v
arrows_exchange_v → const String
Icon Data of arrows_exchange_v
arrows_expand_down_left → const String
Icon Data of arrows_expand_down_left
arrows_expand_down_right → const String
Icon Data of arrows_expand_down_right
arrows_expand_left → const String
Icon Data of arrows_expand_left
arrows_expand_left_alt → const String
Icon Data of arrows_expand_left_alt
arrows_expand_right → const String
Icon Data of arrows_expand_right
arrows_expand_right_alt → const String
Icon Data of arrows_expand_right_alt
arrows_expand_up_left → const String
Icon Data of arrows_expand_up_left
arrows_expand_up_right → const String
Icon Data of arrows_expand_up_right
arrows_h → const String
Icon Data of arrows_h
arrows_h_alt → const String
Icon Data of arrows_h_alt
arrows_merge_alt_h → const String
Icon Data of arrows_merge_alt_h
arrows_merge_alt_v → const String
Icon Data of arrows_merge_alt_v
arrows_scroll_h → const String
Icon Data of arrows_scroll_h
arrows_scroll_v → const String
Icon Data of arrows_scroll_v
arrows_shrink_h → const String
Icon Data of arrows_shrink_h
arrows_shrink_v → const String
Icon Data of arrows_shrink_v
arrows_v → const String
Icon Data of arrows_v
arrows_v_alt → const String
Icon Data of arrows_v_alt
assign → const String
Icon Data of assign
asterisk → const String
Icon Data of asterisk
atlasian → const String
Icon Data of atlasian
attachment → const String
Icon Data of attachment
attribution → const String
Icon Data of attribution
awards → const String
Icon Data of awards
backspace → const String
Icon Data of backspace
band_aid → const String
Icon Data of band_aid
battery → const String
Icon Data of battery
battery_empty → const String
Icon Data of battery_empty
battery_full → const String
Icon Data of battery_full
bee → const String
Icon Data of bee
bell → const String
Icon Data of bell
bitbucket → const String
Icon Data of bitbucket
block → const String
Icon Data of block
bmw → const String
Icon Data of bmw
board → const String
Icon Data of board
bolt → const String
Icon Data of bolt
bookmark → const String
Icon Data of bookmark
border_all → const String
Icon Data of border_all
border_bottom → const String
Icon Data of border_bottom
border_left → const String
Icon Data of border_left
border_right → const String
Icon Data of border_right
border_style_dashed → const String
Icon Data of border_style_dashed
border_style_dotted → const String
Icon Data of border_style_dotted
border_style_solid → const String
Icon Data of border_style_solid
border_top → const String
Icon Data of border_top
bot → const String
Icon Data of bot
bowl → const String
Icon Data of bowl
box → const String
Icon Data of box
boy → const String
Icon Data of boy
brackets → const String
Icon Data of brackets
briefcase → const String
Icon Data of briefcase
browse → const String
Icon Data of browse
browser → const String
Icon Data of browser
brush → const String
Icon Data of brush
bulb → const String
Icon Data of bulb
c_plus_plus → const String
Icon Data of c_plus_plus
calculator → const String
Icon Data of calculator
calendar → const String
Icon Data of calendar
calendar_dates → const String
Icon Data of calendar_dates
calendar_due → const String
Icon Data of calendar_due
calendar_next → const String
Icon Data of calendar_next
calendar_today → const String
Icon Data of calendar_today
calendar_two → const String
Icon Data of calendar_two
calibrate → const String
Icon Data of calibrate
camera → const String
Icon Data of camera
cap → const String
Icon Data of cap
captions → const String
Icon Data of captions
card_clubs → const String
Icon Data of card_clubs
card_diamonds → const String
Icon Data of card_diamonds
card_hearts → const String
Icon Data of card_hearts
card_spades → const String
Icon Data of card_spades
Icon Data of carousel
cast → const String
Icon Data of cast
chanel → const String
Icon Data of chanel
chart → const String
Icon Data of chart
check → const String
Icon Data of check
check_o → const String
Icon Data of check_o
check_r → const String
Icon Data of check_r
chevron_double_down → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_down
chevron_double_down_o → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_down_o
chevron_double_down_r → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_down_r
chevron_double_left → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_left
chevron_double_left_o → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_left_o
chevron_double_left_r → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_left_r
chevron_double_right → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_right
chevron_double_right_o → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_right_o
chevron_double_right_r → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_right_r
chevron_double_up → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_up
chevron_double_up_o → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_up_o
chevron_double_up_r → const String
Icon Data of chevron_double_up_r
chevron_down → const String
Icon Data of chevron_down
chevron_down_o → const String
Icon Data of chevron_down_o
chevron_down_r → const String
Icon Data of chevron_down_r
chevron_left → const String
Icon Data of chevron_left
chevron_left_o → const String
Icon Data of chevron_left_o
chevron_left_r → const String
Icon Data of chevron_left_r
chevron_right → const String
Icon Data of chevron_right
chevron_right_o → const String
Icon Data of chevron_right_o
chevron_right_r → const String
Icon Data of chevron_right_r
chevron_up → const String
Icon Data of chevron_up
chevron_up_o → const String
Icon Data of chevron_up_o
chevron_up_r → const String
Icon Data of chevron_up_r
circleci → const String
Icon Data of circleci
clapper_board → const String
Icon Data of clapper_board
clipboard → const String
Icon Data of clipboard
close → const String
Icon Data of close
close_o → const String
Icon Data of close_o
close_r → const String
Icon Data of close_r
cloud → const String
Icon Data of cloud
code → const String
Icon Data of code
code_climate → const String
Icon Data of code_climate
code_slash → const String
Icon Data of code_slash
coffee → const String
Icon Data of coffee
collage → const String
Icon Data of collage
color_bucket → const String
Icon Data of color_bucket
color_picker → const String
Icon Data of color_picker
comedy_central → const String
Icon Data of comedy_central
comment → const String
Icon Data of comment
community → const String
Icon Data of community
components → const String
Icon Data of components
compress → const String
Icon Data of compress
compress_left → const String
Icon Data of compress_left
compress_right → const String
Icon Data of compress_right
compress_v → const String
Icon Data of compress_v
controller → const String
Icon Data of controller
copy → const String
Icon Data of copy
Icon Data of copyright
corner_double_down_left → const String
Icon Data of corner_double_down_left
corner_double_down_right → const String
Icon Data of corner_double_down_right
corner_double_left_down → const String
Icon Data of corner_double_left_down
corner_double_left_up → const String
Icon Data of corner_double_left_up
corner_double_right_down → const String
Icon Data of corner_double_right_down
corner_double_right_up → const String
Icon Data of corner_double_right_up
corner_double_up_left → const String
Icon Data of corner_double_up_left
corner_double_up_right → const String
Icon Data of corner_double_up_right
corner_down_left → const String
Icon Data of corner_down_left
corner_down_right → const String
Icon Data of corner_down_right
corner_left_down → const String
Icon Data of corner_left_down
corner_left_up → const String
Icon Data of corner_left_up
corner_right_down → const String
Icon Data of corner_right_down
corner_right_up → const String
Icon Data of corner_right_up
corner_up_left → const String
Icon Data of corner_up_left
corner_up_right → const String
Icon Data of corner_up_right
credit_card → const String
Icon Data of credit_card
crop → const String
Icon Data of crop
cross → const String
Icon Data of cross
crowdfire → const String
Icon Data of crowdfire
crown → const String
Icon Data of crown
danger → const String
Icon Data of danger
dark_mode → const String
Icon Data of dark_mode
data → const String
Icon Data of data
database → const String
Icon Data of database
debug → const String
Icon Data of debug
designmodo → const String
Icon Data of designmodo
desktop → const String
Icon Data of desktop
details_less → const String
Icon Data of details_less
details_more → const String
Icon Data of details_more
dialpad → const String
Icon Data of dialpad
dice_1 → const String
Icon Data of dice_1
dice_2 → const String
Icon Data of dice_2
dice_3 → const String
Icon Data of dice_3
dice_4 → const String
Icon Data of dice_4
dice_5 → const String
Icon Data of dice_5
dice_6 → const String
Icon Data of dice_6
digitalocean → const String
Icon Data of digitalocean
disc → const String
Icon Data of disc
display_flex → const String
Icon Data of display_flex
display_fullwidth → const String
Icon Data of display_fullwidth
display_grid → const String
Icon Data of display_grid
display_spacing → const String
Icon Data of display_spacing
distribute_horizontal → const String
Icon Data of distribute_horizontal
distribute_vertical → const String
Icon Data of distribute_vertical
dock_bottom → const String
Icon Data of dock_bottom
dock_left → const String
Icon Data of dock_left
dock_right → const String
Icon Data of dock_right
dock_window → const String
Icon Data of dock_window
dolby → const String
Icon Data of dolby
dollar → const String
Icon Data of dollar
dribbble → const String
Icon Data of dribbble
drive → const String
Icon Data of drive
drop → const String
Icon Data of drop
drop_invert → const String
Icon Data of drop_invert
drop_opacity → const String
Icon Data of drop_opacity
duplicate → const String
Icon Data of duplicate
edit_black_point → const String
Icon Data of edit_black_point
edit_contrast → const String
Icon Data of edit_contrast
edit_exposure → const String
Icon Data of edit_exposure
edit_fade → const String
Icon Data of edit_fade
edit_flip_h → const String
Icon Data of edit_flip_h
edit_flip_v → const String
Icon Data of edit_flip_v
edit_highlight → const String
Icon Data of edit_highlight
edit_markup → const String
Icon Data of edit_markup
edit_mask → const String
Icon Data of edit_mask
edit_noise → const String
Icon Data of edit_noise
edit_shadows → const String
Icon Data of edit_shadows
edit_straight → const String
Icon Data of edit_straight
edit_unmask → const String
Icon Data of edit_unmask
eject → const String
Icon Data of eject
enter → const String
Icon Data of enter
erase → const String
Icon Data of erase
ereader → const String
Icon Data of ereader
ericsson → const String
Icon Data of ericsson
ethernet → const String
Icon Data of ethernet
euro → const String
Icon Data of euro
eventbrite → const String
Icon Data of eventbrite
expand → const String
Icon Data of expand
extension_add → const String
Icon Data of extension_add
extension_alt → const String
Icon Data of extension_alt
extension_remove → const String
Icon Data of extension_remove
eye → const String
Icon Data of eye
eye_alt → const String
Icon Data of eye_alt
facebook → const String
Icon Data of facebook
feed → const String
Icon Data of feed
figma → const String
Icon Data of figma
file → const String
Icon Data of file
file_add → const String
Icon Data of file_add
file_document → const String
Icon Data of file_document
file_remove → const String
Icon Data of file_remove
film → const String
Icon Data of film
filters → const String
Icon Data of filters
flag → const String
Icon Data of flag
flag_alt → const String
Icon Data of flag_alt
folder → const String
Icon Data of folder
folder_add → const String
Icon Data of folder_add
folder_remove → const String
Icon Data of folder_remove
font_height → const String
Icon Data of font_height
font_spacing → const String
Icon Data of font_spacing
format_bold → const String
Icon Data of format_bold
format_center → const String
Icon Data of format_center
format_color → const String
Icon Data of format_color
format_heading → const String
Icon Data of format_heading
format_indent_decrease → const String
Icon Data of format_indent_decrease
format_indent_increase → const String
Icon Data of format_indent_increase
format_italic → const String
Icon Data of format_italic
format_justify → const String
Icon Data of format_justify
format_left → const String
Icon Data of format_left
format_line_height → const String
Icon Data of format_line_height
format_right → const String
Icon Data of format_right
format_separator → const String
Icon Data of format_separator
format_slash → const String
Icon Data of format_slash
format_strike → const String
Icon Data of format_strike
format_text → const String
Icon Data of format_text
format_underline → const String
Icon Data of format_underline
format_uppercase → const String
Icon Data of format_uppercase
framer → const String
Icon Data of framer
games → const String
Icon Data of games
gender_female → const String
Icon Data of gender_female
gender_male → const String
Icon Data of gender_male
ghost → const String
Icon Data of ghost
ghost_character → const String
Icon Data of ghost_character
gift → const String
Icon Data of gift
girl → const String
Icon Data of girl
git_branch → const String
Icon Data of git_branch
git_commit → const String
Icon Data of git_commit
git_fork → const String
Icon Data of git_fork
git_pull → const String
Icon Data of git_pull
gitter → const String
Icon Data of gitter
glass → const String
Icon Data of glass
glass_alt → const String
Icon Data of glass_alt
globe → const String
Icon Data of globe
globe_alt → const String
Icon Data of globe_alt
google → const String
Icon Data of google
google_tasks → const String
Icon Data of google_tasks
gym → const String
Icon Data of gym
hashtag → const String
Icon Data of hashtag
headset → const String
Icon Data of headset
heart → const String
Icon Data of heart
hello → const String
Icon Data of hello
home → const String
Icon Data of home
home_alt → const String
Icon Data of home_alt
home_screen → const String
Icon Data of home_screen
i_abstract → const String
Icon Data of i_abstract
i_export → const String
Icon Data of i_export
i_extension → const String
Icon Data of i_extension
i_external → const String
Icon Data of i_external
i_import → const String
Icon Data of i_import
i_sync → const String
Icon Data of i_sync
icecream → const String
Icon Data of icecream
iconsList → const List
if_design → const String
Icon Data of if_design
image → const String
Icon Data of image
inbox → const String
Icon Data of inbox
indie_hackers → const String
Icon Data of indie_hackers
infinity → const String
Icon Data of infinity
info → const String
Icon Data of info
inpicture → const String
Icon Data of inpicture
insert_after → const String
Icon Data of insert_after
insert_after_o → const String
Icon Data of insert_after_o
insert_after_r → const String
Icon Data of insert_after_r
insert_before → const String
Icon Data of insert_before
insert_before_o → const String
Icon Data of insert_before_o
insert_before_r → const String
Icon Data of insert_before_r
insights → const String
Icon Data of insights
instagram → const String
Icon Data of instagram
internal → const String
Icon Data of internal
key → const String
Icon Data of key
keyboard → const String
Icon Data of keyboard
keyhole → const String
Icon Data of keyhole
laptop → const String
Icon Data of laptop
lastpass → const String
Icon Data of lastpass
layout_grid → const String
Icon Data of layout_grid
layout_grid_small → const String
Icon Data of layout_grid_small
layout_list → const String
Icon Data of layout_list
layout_pin → const String
Icon Data of layout_pin
linear → const String
Icon Data of linear
Icon Data of link
list → const String
Icon Data of list
list_tree → const String
Icon Data of list_tree
live_photo → const String
Icon Data of live_photo
loadbar → const String
Icon Data of loadbar
loadbar_alt → const String
Icon Data of loadbar_alt
loadbar_doc → const String
Icon Data of loadbar_doc
loadbar_sound → const String
Icon Data of loadbar_sound
lock → const String
Icon Data of lock
lock_unlock → const String
Icon Data of lock_unlock
log_in → const String
Icon Data of log_in
log_off → const String
Icon Data of log_off
log_out → const String
Icon Data of log_out
loupe → const String
Icon Data of loupe
magnet → const String
Icon Data of magnet
mail → const String
Icon Data of mail
mail_forward → const String
Icon Data of mail_forward
mail_open → const String
Icon Data of mail_open
mail_reply → const String
Icon Data of mail_reply
math_divide → const String
Icon Data of math_divide
math_equal → const String
Icon Data of math_equal
math_minus → const String
Icon Data of math_minus
math_percent → const String
Icon Data of math_percent
math_plus → const String
Icon Data of math_plus
maximize → const String
Icon Data of maximize
maximize_alt → const String
Icon Data of maximize_alt
maze → const String
Icon Data of maze
media_live → const String
Icon Data of media_live
media_podcast → const String
Icon Data of media_podcast
Icon Data of menu
Icon Data of menu_boxed
Icon Data of menu_cake
Icon Data of menu_cheese
Icon Data of menu_grid_o
Icon Data of menu_grid_r
Icon Data of menu_hotdog
Icon Data of menu_left
Icon Data of menu_left_alt
Icon Data of menu_motion
Icon Data of menu_oreos
Icon Data of menu_right
Icon Data of menu_right_alt
Icon Data of menu_round
merge_horizontal → const String
Icon Data of merge_horizontal
merge_vertical → const String
Icon Data of merge_vertical
mic → const String
Icon Data of mic
microbit → const String
Icon Data of microbit
microsoft → const String
Icon Data of microsoft
mini_player → const String
Icon Data of mini_player
minimize → const String
Icon Data of minimize
minimize_alt → const String
Icon Data of minimize_alt
modem → const String
Icon Data of modem
monday → const String
Icon Data of monday
moon → const String
Icon Data of moon
more → const String
Icon Data of more
more_alt → const String
Icon Data of more_alt
more_o → const String
Icon Data of more_o
more_r → const String
Icon Data of more_r
more_vertical → const String
Icon Data of more_vertical
more_vertical_alt → const String
Icon Data of more_vertical_alt
more_vertical_o → const String
Icon Data of more_vertical_o
more_vertical_r → const String
Icon Data of more_vertical_r
mouse → const String
Icon Data of mouse
move_down → const String
Icon Data of move_down
move_left → const String
Icon Data of move_left
move_right → const String
Icon Data of move_right
move_task → const String
Icon Data of move_task
move_up → const String
Icon Data of move_up
music → const String
Icon Data of music
music_note → const String
Icon Data of music_note
music_speaker → const String
Icon Data of music_speaker
nametag → const String
Icon Data of nametag
notes → const String
Icon Data of notes
notifications → const String
Icon Data of notifications
npm → const String
Icon Data of npm
oculus → const String
Icon Data of oculus
open_collective → const String
Icon Data of open_collective
options → const String
Icon Data of options
organisation → const String
Icon Data of organisation
overflow → const String
Icon Data of overflow
pacman → const String
Icon Data of pacman
password → const String
Icon Data of password
path_back → const String
Icon Data of path_back
path_crop → const String
Icon Data of path_crop
path_divide → const String
Icon Data of path_divide
path_exclude → const String
Icon Data of path_exclude
path_front → const String
Icon Data of path_front
path_intersect → const String
Icon Data of path_intersect
path_outline → const String
Icon Data of path_outline
path_trim → const String
Icon Data of path_trim
path_unite → const String
Icon Data of path_unite
patreon → const String
Icon Data of patreon
paypal → const String
Icon Data of paypal
pen → const String
Icon Data of pen
pentagon_bottom_left → const String
Icon Data of pentagon_bottom_left
pentagon_bottom_right → const String
Icon Data of pentagon_bottom_right
pentagon_down → const String
Icon Data of pentagon_down
pentagon_left → const String
Icon Data of pentagon_left
pentagon_right → const String
Icon Data of pentagon_right
pentagon_top_left → const String
Icon Data of pentagon_top_left
pentagon_top_right → const String
Icon Data of pentagon_top_right
pentagon_up → const String
Icon Data of pentagon_up
performance → const String
Icon Data of performance
pexels → const String
Icon Data of pexels
phone → const String
Icon Data of phone
photoscan → const String
Icon Data of photoscan
piano → const String
Icon Data of piano
pill → const String
Icon Data of pill
pin → const String
Icon Data of pin
pin_alt → const String
Icon Data of pin_alt
pin_bottom → const String
Icon Data of pin_bottom
pin_top → const String
Icon Data of pin_top
play_backwards → const String
Icon Data of play_backwards
play_button → const String
Icon Data of play_button
play_button_o → const String
Icon Data of play_button_o
play_button_r → const String
Icon Data of play_button_r
play_forwards → const String
Icon Data of play_forwards
play_list → const String
Icon Data of play_list
play_list_add → const String
Icon Data of play_list_add
play_list_check → const String
Icon Data of play_list_check
play_list_remove → const String
Icon Data of play_list_remove
Icon Data of play_list_search
play_pause → const String
Icon Data of play_pause
play_pause_o → const String
Icon Data of play_pause_o
play_pause_r → const String
Icon Data of play_pause_r
play_stop → const String
Icon Data of play_stop
play_stop_o → const String
Icon Data of play_stop_o
play_stop_r → const String
Icon Data of play_stop_r
play_track_next → const String
Icon Data of play_track_next
play_track_next_o → const String
Icon Data of play_track_next_o
play_track_next_r → const String
Icon Data of play_track_next_r
play_track_prev → const String
Icon Data of play_track_prev
play_track_prev_o → const String
Icon Data of play_track_prev_o
play_track_prev_r → const String
Icon Data of play_track_prev_r
plug → const String
Icon Data of plug
pocket → const String
Icon Data of pocket
pokemon → const String
Icon Data of pokemon
polaroid → const String
Icon Data of polaroid
poll → const String
Icon Data of poll
presentation → const String
Icon Data of presentation
printer → const String
Icon Data of printer
product_hunt → const String
Icon Data of product_hunt
profile → const String
Icon Data of profile
pull_clear → const String
Icon Data of pull_clear
push_chevron_down → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_down
push_chevron_down_o → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_down_o
push_chevron_down_r → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_down_r
push_chevron_left → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_left
push_chevron_left_o → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_left_o
push_chevron_left_r → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_left_r
push_chevron_right → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_right
push_chevron_right_o → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_right_o
push_chevron_right_r → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_right_r
push_chevron_up → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_up
push_chevron_up_o → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_up_o
push_chevron_up_r → const String
Icon Data of push_chevron_up_r
push_down → const String
Icon Data of push_down
push_left → const String
Icon Data of push_left
push_right → const String
Icon Data of push_right
push_up → const String
Icon Data of push_up
qr → const String
Icon Data of qr
quote → const String
Icon Data of quote
quote_o → const String
Icon Data of quote_o
radio_check → const String
Icon Data of radio_check
radio_checked → const String
Icon Data of radio_checked
ratio → const String
Icon Data of ratio
read → const String
Icon Data of read
readme → const String
Icon Data of readme
record → const String
Icon Data of record
redo → const String
Icon Data of redo
remote → const String
Icon Data of remote
remove → const String
Icon Data of remove
remove_r → const String
Icon Data of remove_r
rename → const String
Icon Data of rename
reorder → const String
Icon Data of reorder
repeat → const String
Icon Data of repeat
ring → const String
Icon Data of ring
row_first → const String
Icon Data of row_first
row_last → const String
Icon Data of row_last
ruler → const String
Icon Data of ruler
sand_clock → const String
Icon Data of sand_clock
scan → const String
Icon Data of scan
screen → const String
Icon Data of screen
screen_mirror → const String
Icon Data of screen_mirror
screen_shot → const String
Icon Data of screen_shot
screen_wide → const String
Icon Data of screen_wide
scroll_h → const String
Icon Data of scroll_h
scroll_v → const String
Icon Data of scroll_v
Icon Data of search
search_found → const String
Icon Data of search_found
search_loading → const String
Icon Data of search_loading
select → const String
Icon Data of select
select_o → const String
Icon Data of select_o
select_r → const String
Icon Data of select_r
server → const String
Icon Data of server
serverless → const String
Icon Data of serverless
shape_circle → const String
Icon Data of shape_circle
shape_half_circle → const String
Icon Data of shape_half_circle
shape_hexagon → const String
Icon Data of shape_hexagon
shape_rhombus → const String
Icon Data of shape_rhombus
shape_square → const String
Icon Data of shape_square
shape_triangle → const String
Icon Data of shape_triangle
shape_zigzag → const String
Icon Data of shape_zigzag
share → const String
Icon Data of share
shield → const String
Icon Data of shield
shopping_bag → const String
Icon Data of shopping_bag
shopping_cart → const String
Icon Data of shopping_cart
shortcut → const String
Icon Data of shortcut
shutterstock → const String
Icon Data of shutterstock
Icon Data of sidebar
Icon Data of sidebar_open
Icon Data of sidebar_right
signal → const String
Icon Data of signal
size → const String
Icon Data of size
sketch → const String
Icon Data of sketch
slack → const String
Icon Data of slack
sleep → const String
Icon Data of sleep
smart_home_boiler → const String
Icon Data of smart_home_boiler
smart_home_cooker → const String
Icon Data of smart_home_cooker
smart_home_heat → const String
Icon Data of smart_home_heat
smart_home_light → const String
Icon Data of smart_home_light
smart_home_refrigerator → const String
Icon Data of smart_home_refrigerator
smart_home_wash_machine → const String
Icon Data of smart_home_wash_machine
smartphone → const String
Icon Data of smartphone
smartphone_chip → const String
Icon Data of smartphone_chip
smartphone_ram → const String
Icon Data of smartphone_ram
smartphone_shake → const String
Icon Data of smartphone_shake
smile → const String
Icon Data of smile
smile_mouth_open → const String
Icon Data of smile_mouth_open
smile_neutral → const String
Icon Data of smile_neutral
smile_no_mouth → const String
Icon Data of smile_no_mouth
smile_none → const String
Icon Data of smile_none
smile_sad → const String
Icon Data of smile_sad
smile_upside → const String
Icon Data of smile_upside
software_download → const String
Icon Data of software_download
software_upload → const String
Icon Data of software_upload
sort_az → const String
Icon Data of sort_az
sort_za → const String
Icon Data of sort_za
space_between → const String
Icon Data of space_between
space_between_v → const String
Icon Data of space_between_v
spectrum → const String
Icon Data of spectrum
spinner → const String
Icon Data of spinner
spinner_alt → const String
Icon Data of spinner_alt
spinner_two → const String
Icon Data of spinner_two
spinner_two_alt → const String
Icon Data of spinner_two_alt
square → const String
Icon Data of square
stack → const String
Icon Data of stack
stark → const String
Icon Data of stark
stopwatch → const String
Icon Data of stopwatch
stories → const String
Icon Data of stories
studio → const String
Icon Data of studio
style → const String
Icon Data of style
sun → const String
Icon Data of sun
support → const String
Icon Data of support
swap → const String
Icon Data of swap
swap_vertical → const String
Icon Data of swap_vertical
sweden → const String
Icon Data of sweden
swiss → const String
Icon Data of swiss
tab → const String
Icon Data of tab
tag → const String
Icon Data of tag
tally → const String
Icon Data of tally
tap_double → const String
Icon Data of tap_double
tap_single → const String
Icon Data of tap_single
template → const String
Icon Data of template
tennis → const String
Icon Data of tennis
terminal → const String
Icon Data of terminal
terrain → const String
Icon Data of terrain
thermometer → const String
Icon Data of thermometer
thermostat → const String
Icon Data of thermostat
tikcode → const String
Icon Data of tikcode
time → const String
Icon Data of time
timelapse → const String
Icon Data of timelapse
timer → const String
Icon Data of timer
today → const String
Icon Data of today
toggle_off → const String
Icon Data of toggle_off
toggle_on → const String
Icon Data of toggle_on
toggle_square → const String
Icon Data of toggle_square
toggle_square_off → const String
Icon Data of toggle_square_off
toolbar_bottom → const String
Icon Data of toolbar_bottom
toolbar_left → const String
Icon Data of toolbar_left
toolbar_right → const String
Icon Data of toolbar_right
toolbar_top → const String
Icon Data of toolbar_top
toolbox → const String
Icon Data of toolbox
touchpad → const String
Icon Data of touchpad
track → const String
Icon Data of track
transcript → const String
Icon Data of transcript
trash → const String
Icon Data of trash
trash_empty → const String
Icon Data of trash_empty
tree → const String
Icon Data of tree
trees → const String
Icon Data of trees
trello → const String
Icon Data of trello
Icon Data of trending
Icon Data of trending_down
trophy → const String
Icon Data of trophy
tv → const String
Icon Data of tv
twilio → const String
Icon Data of twilio
twitter → const String
Icon Data of twitter
ui_kit → const String
Icon Data of ui_kit
umbrella → const String
Icon Data of umbrella
unavailable → const String
Icon Data of unavailable
unblock → const String
Icon Data of unblock
undo → const String
Icon Data of undo
unfold → const String
Icon Data of unfold
unsplash → const String
Icon Data of unsplash
usb → const String
Icon Data of usb
usb_c → const String
Icon Data of usb_c
user → const String
Icon Data of user
user_add → const String
Icon Data of user_add
user_list → const String
Icon Data of user_list
user_remove → const String
Icon Data of user_remove
userlane → const String
Icon Data of userlane
view_cols → const String
Icon Data of view_cols
view_comfortable → const String
Icon Data of view_comfortable
view_day → const String
Icon Data of view_day
view_grid → const String
Icon Data of view_grid
view_list → const String
Icon Data of view_list
view_month → const String
Icon Data of view_month
view_split → const String
Icon Data of view_split
vinyl → const String
Icon Data of vinyl
voicemail → const String
Icon Data of voicemail
voicemail_o → const String
Icon Data of voicemail_o
voicemail_r → const String
Icon Data of voicemail_r
volume → const String
Icon Data of volume
webcam → const String
Icon Data of webcam
website → const String
Icon Data of website
windows → const String
Icon Data of windows
work_alt → const String
Icon Data of work_alt
yinyang → const String
Icon Data of yinyang
youtube → const String
Icon Data of youtube
zeit → const String
Icon Data of zeit
zoom_in → const String
Icon Data of zoom_in
zoom_out → const String
Icon Data of zoom_out