Entypo class

Discover all icons of this iconset at https://andronasef.ninja/iconify_flutter/collection/entypo




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


add_to_list → const String
Icon Data of add_to_list
add_user → const String
Icon Data of add_user
address → const String
Icon Data of address
adjust → const String
Icon Data of adjust
air → const String
Icon Data of air
aircraft → const String
Icon Data of aircraft
aircraft_landing → const String
Icon Data of aircraft_landing
aircraft_take_off → const String
Icon Data of aircraft_take_off
align_bottom → const String
Icon Data of align_bottom
align_horizontal_middle → const String
Icon Data of align_horizontal_middle
align_left → const String
Icon Data of align_left
align_right → const String
Icon Data of align_right
align_top → const String
Icon Data of align_top
align_vertical_middle → const String
Icon Data of align_vertical_middle
archive → const String
Icon Data of archive
area_graph → const String
Icon Data of area_graph
arrow_bold_down → const String
Icon Data of arrow_bold_down
arrow_bold_left → const String
Icon Data of arrow_bold_left
arrow_bold_right → const String
Icon Data of arrow_bold_right
arrow_bold_up → const String
Icon Data of arrow_bold_up
arrow_down → const String
Icon Data of arrow_down
arrow_left → const String
Icon Data of arrow_left
arrow_long_down → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_down
arrow_long_left → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_left
arrow_long_right → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_right
arrow_long_up → const String
Icon Data of arrow_long_up
arrow_right → const String
Icon Data of arrow_right
arrow_up → const String
Icon Data of arrow_up
arrow_with_circle_down → const String
Icon Data of arrow_with_circle_down
arrow_with_circle_left → const String
Icon Data of arrow_with_circle_left
arrow_with_circle_right → const String
Icon Data of arrow_with_circle_right
arrow_with_circle_up → const String
Icon Data of arrow_with_circle_up
attachment → const String
Icon Data of attachment
awareness_ribbon → const String
Icon Data of awareness_ribbon
back → const String
Icon Data of back
back_in_time → const String
Icon Data of back_in_time
bar_graph → const String
Icon Data of bar_graph
battery → const String
Icon Data of battery
beamed_note → const String
Icon Data of beamed_note
bell → const String
Icon Data of bell
blackboard → const String
Icon Data of blackboard
block → const String
Icon Data of block
book → const String
Icon Data of book
bookmark → const String
Icon Data of bookmark
bookmarks → const String
Icon Data of bookmarks
bowl → const String
Icon Data of bowl
box → const String
Icon Data of box
briefcase → const String
Icon Data of briefcase
browser → const String
Icon Data of browser
brush → const String
Icon Data of brush
bucket → const String
Icon Data of bucket
cake → const String
Icon Data of cake
calculator → const String
Icon Data of calculator
calendar → const String
Icon Data of calendar
camera → const String
Icon Data of camera
ccw → const String
Icon Data of ccw
chat → const String
Icon Data of chat
check → const String
Icon Data of check
chevron_down → const String
Icon Data of chevron_down
chevron_left → const String
Icon Data of chevron_left
chevron_right → const String
Icon Data of chevron_right
chevron_small_down → const String
Icon Data of chevron_small_down
chevron_small_left → const String
Icon Data of chevron_small_left
chevron_small_right → const String
Icon Data of chevron_small_right
chevron_small_up → const String
Icon Data of chevron_small_up
chevron_thin_down → const String
Icon Data of chevron_thin_down
chevron_thin_left → const String
Icon Data of chevron_thin_left
chevron_thin_right → const String
Icon Data of chevron_thin_right
chevron_thin_up → const String
Icon Data of chevron_thin_up
chevron_up → const String
Icon Data of chevron_up
chevron_with_circle_down → const String
Icon Data of chevron_with_circle_down
chevron_with_circle_left → const String
Icon Data of chevron_with_circle_left
chevron_with_circle_right → const String
Icon Data of chevron_with_circle_right
chevron_with_circle_up → const String
Icon Data of chevron_with_circle_up
circle → const String
Icon Data of circle
circle_with_cross → const String
Icon Data of circle_with_cross
circle_with_minus → const String
Icon Data of circle_with_minus
circle_with_plus → const String
Icon Data of circle_with_plus
circular_graph → const String
Icon Data of circular_graph
clapperboard → const String
Icon Data of clapperboard
classic_computer → const String
Icon Data of classic_computer
clipboard → const String
Icon Data of clipboard
clock → const String
Icon Data of clock
cloud → const String
Icon Data of cloud
code → const String
Icon Data of code
cog → const String
Icon Data of cog
colours → const String
Icon Data of colours
compass → const String
Icon Data of compass
controller_fast_backward → const String
Icon Data of controller_fast_backward
controller_fast_forward → const String
Icon Data of controller_fast_forward
controller_jump_to_start → const String
Icon Data of controller_jump_to_start
controller_next → const String
Icon Data of controller_next
controller_paus → const String
Icon Data of controller_paus
controller_play → const String
Icon Data of controller_play
controller_record → const String
Icon Data of controller_record
controller_stop → const String
Icon Data of controller_stop
controller_volume → const String
Icon Data of controller_volume
copy → const String
Icon Data of copy
creative_commons → const String
Icon Data of creative_commons
creative_commons_attribution → const String
Icon Data of creative_commons_attribution
creative_commons_noderivs → const String
Icon Data of creative_commons_noderivs
creative_commons_noncommercial_eu → const String
Icon Data of creative_commons_noncommercial_eu
creative_commons_noncommercial_us → const String
Icon Data of creative_commons_noncommercial_us
creative_commons_public_domain → const String
Icon Data of creative_commons_public_domain
creative_commons_remix → const String
Icon Data of creative_commons_remix
creative_commons_share → const String
Icon Data of creative_commons_share
creative_commons_sharealike → const String
Icon Data of creative_commons_sharealike
credit → const String
Icon Data of credit
credit_card → const String
Icon Data of credit_card
cross → const String
Icon Data of cross
cup → const String
Icon Data of cup
cw → const String
Icon Data of cw
cycle → const String
Icon Data of cycle
database → const String
Icon Data of database
dial_pad → const String
Icon Data of dial_pad
direction → const String
Icon Data of direction
document → const String
Icon Data of document
document_landscape → const String
Icon Data of document_landscape
documents → const String
Icon Data of documents
dot_single → const String
Icon Data of dot_single
dots_three_horizontal → const String
Icon Data of dots_three_horizontal
dots_three_vertical → const String
Icon Data of dots_three_vertical
dots_two_horizontal → const String
Icon Data of dots_two_horizontal
dots_two_vertical → const String
Icon Data of dots_two_vertical
download → const String
Icon Data of download
drink → const String
Icon Data of drink
drive → const String
Icon Data of drive
drop → const String
Icon Data of drop
edit → const String
Icon Data of edit
email → const String
Icon Data of email
emoji_flirt → const String
Icon Data of emoji_flirt
emoji_happy → const String
Icon Data of emoji_happy
emoji_neutral → const String
Icon Data of emoji_neutral
emoji_sad → const String
Icon Data of emoji_sad
erase → const String
Icon Data of erase
eraser → const String
Icon Data of eraser
eye → const String
Icon Data of eye
eye_with_line → const String
Icon Data of eye_with_line
feather → const String
Icon Data of feather
flag → const String
Icon Data of flag
flash → const String
Icon Data of flash
flashlight → const String
Icon Data of flashlight
flat_brush → const String
Icon Data of flat_brush
flow_branch → const String
Icon Data of flow_branch
flow_cascade → const String
Icon Data of flow_cascade
flow_line → const String
Icon Data of flow_line
flow_parallel → const String
Icon Data of flow_parallel
flow_tree → const String
Icon Data of flow_tree
flower → const String
Icon Data of flower
folder → const String
Icon Data of folder
folder_images → const String
Icon Data of folder_images
folder_music → const String
Icon Data of folder_music
folder_video → const String
Icon Data of folder_video
forward → const String
Icon Data of forward
funnel → const String
Icon Data of funnel
game_controller → const String
Icon Data of game_controller
gauge → const String
Icon Data of gauge
globe → const String
Icon Data of globe
graduation_cap → const String
Icon Data of graduation_cap
grid → const String
Icon Data of grid
hair_cross → const String
Icon Data of hair_cross
hand → const String
Icon Data of hand
heart → const String
Icon Data of heart
heart_outlined → const String
Icon Data of heart_outlined
help → const String
Icon Data of help
help_with_circle → const String
Icon Data of help_with_circle
home → const String
Icon Data of home
hour_glass → const String
Icon Data of hour_glass
i_export → const String
Icon Data of i_export
i_new → const String
Icon Data of i_new
i_switch → const String
Icon Data of i_switch
iconsList → const List
image → const String
Icon Data of image
image_inverted → const String
Icon Data of image_inverted
images → const String
Icon Data of images
inbox → const String
Icon Data of inbox
infinity → const String
Icon Data of infinity
info → const String
Icon Data of info
info_with_circle → const String
Icon Data of info_with_circle
install → const String
Icon Data of install
key → const String
Icon Data of key
keyboard → const String
Icon Data of keyboard
lab_flask → const String
Icon Data of lab_flask
landline → const String
Icon Data of landline
language → const String
Icon Data of language
laptop → const String
Icon Data of laptop
layers → const String
Icon Data of layers
leaf → const String
Icon Data of leaf
level_down → const String
Icon Data of level_down
level_up → const String
Icon Data of level_up
lifebuoy → const String
Icon Data of lifebuoy
light_bulb → const String
Icon Data of light_bulb
light_down → const String
Icon Data of light_down
light_up → const String
Icon Data of light_up
line_graph → const String
Icon Data of line_graph
Icon Data of link
list → const String
Icon Data of list
location → const String
Icon Data of location
location_pin → const String
Icon Data of location_pin
lock → const String
Icon Data of lock
lock_open → const String
Icon Data of lock_open
log_out → const String
Icon Data of log_out
login → const String
Icon Data of login
loop → const String
Icon Data of loop
magnet → const String
Icon Data of magnet
magnifying_glass → const String
Icon Data of magnifying_glass
mail → const String
Icon Data of mail
man → const String
Icon Data of man
map → const String
Icon Data of map
mask → const String
Icon Data of mask
medal → const String
Icon Data of medal
megaphone → const String
Icon Data of megaphone
Icon Data of menu
merge → const String
Icon Data of merge
message → const String
Icon Data of message
mic → const String
Icon Data of mic
minus → const String
Icon Data of minus
mobile → const String
Icon Data of mobile
modern_mic → const String
Icon Data of modern_mic
moon → const String
Icon Data of moon
mouse → const String
Icon Data of mouse
music → const String
Icon Data of music
network → const String
Icon Data of network
new_message → const String
Icon Data of new_message
news → const String
Icon Data of news
note → const String
Icon Data of note
notification → const String
Icon Data of notification
old_mobile → const String
Icon Data of old_mobile
old_phone → const String
Icon Data of old_phone
open_book → const String
Icon Data of open_book
palette → const String
Icon Data of palette
paper_plane → const String
Icon Data of paper_plane
pencil → const String
Icon Data of pencil
phone → const String
Icon Data of phone
pie_chart → const String
Icon Data of pie_chart
pin → const String
Icon Data of pin
plus → const String
Icon Data of plus
Icon Data of popup
power_plug → const String
Icon Data of power_plug
price_ribbon → const String
Icon Data of price_ribbon
price_tag → const String
Icon Data of price_tag
print → const String
Icon Data of print
progress_empty → const String
Icon Data of progress_empty
progress_full → const String
Icon Data of progress_full
progress_one → const String
Icon Data of progress_one
progress_two → const String
Icon Data of progress_two
publish → const String
Icon Data of publish
quote → const String
Icon Data of quote
radio → const String
Icon Data of radio
remove_user → const String
Icon Data of remove_user
reply → const String
Icon Data of reply
reply_all → const String
Icon Data of reply_all
resize_100 → const String
Icon Data of resize_100
resize_full_screen → const String
Icon Data of resize_full_screen
retweet → const String
Icon Data of retweet
rocket → const String
Icon Data of rocket
round_brush → const String
Icon Data of round_brush
rss → const String
Icon Data of rss
ruler → const String
Icon Data of ruler
save → const String
Icon Data of save
scissors → const String
Icon Data of scissors
select_arrows → const String
Icon Data of select_arrows
share → const String
Icon Data of share
share_alternitive → const String
Icon Data of share_alternitive
shareable → const String
Icon Data of shareable
shield → const String
Icon Data of shield
shop → const String
Icon Data of shop
shopping_bag → const String
Icon Data of shopping_bag
shopping_basket → const String
Icon Data of shopping_basket
shopping_cart → const String
Icon Data of shopping_cart
shuffle → const String
Icon Data of shuffle
signal → const String
Icon Data of signal
sound → const String
Icon Data of sound
sound_mix → const String
Icon Data of sound_mix
sound_mute → const String
Icon Data of sound_mute
sports_club → const String
Icon Data of sports_club
spreadsheet → const String
Icon Data of spreadsheet
squared_cross → const String
Icon Data of squared_cross
squared_minus → const String
Icon Data of squared_minus
squared_plus → const String
Icon Data of squared_plus
star → const String
Icon Data of star
star_outlined → const String
Icon Data of star_outlined
stopwatch → const String
Icon Data of stopwatch
suitcase → const String
Icon Data of suitcase
swap → const String
Icon Data of swap
sweden → const String
Icon Data of sweden
tablet → const String
Icon Data of tablet
tag → const String
Icon Data of tag
text → const String
Icon Data of text
text_document → const String
Icon Data of text_document
text_document_inverted → const String
Icon Data of text_document_inverted
thermometer → const String
Icon Data of thermometer
thumbs_down → const String
Icon Data of thumbs_down
thumbs_up → const String
Icon Data of thumbs_up
thunder_cloud → const String
Icon Data of thunder_cloud
ticket → const String
Icon Data of ticket
time_slot → const String
Icon Data of time_slot
tools → const String
Icon Data of tools
traffic_cone → const String
Icon Data of traffic_cone
trash → const String
Icon Data of trash
tree → const String
Icon Data of tree
triangle_down → const String
Icon Data of triangle_down
triangle_left → const String
Icon Data of triangle_left
triangle_right → const String
Icon Data of triangle_right
triangle_up → const String
Icon Data of triangle_up
trophy → const String
Icon Data of trophy
tv → const String
Icon Data of tv
typing → const String
Icon Data of typing
uninstall → const String
Icon Data of uninstall
unread → const String
Icon Data of unread
untag → const String
Icon Data of untag
upload → const String
Icon Data of upload
upload_to_cloud → const String
Icon Data of upload_to_cloud
user → const String
Icon Data of user
users → const String
Icon Data of users
v_card → const String
Icon Data of v_card
video → const String
Icon Data of video
vinyl → const String
Icon Data of vinyl
voicemail → const String
Icon Data of voicemail
wallet → const String
Icon Data of wallet
warning → const String
Icon Data of warning
water → const String
Icon Data of water