Ci class

Discover all icons of this iconset at




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


add_column → const String
Icon Data of add_column
add_row → const String
Icon Data of add_row
add_to_queue → const String
Icon Data of add_to_queue
adobe_xd → const String
Icon Data of adobe_xd
airplay → const String
Icon Data of airplay
alarm → const String
Icon Data of alarm
alarm_add → const String
Icon Data of alarm_add
app_store → const String
Icon Data of app_store
apple → const String
Icon Data of apple
bar_bottom → const String
Icon Data of bar_bottom
bar_chart → const String
Icon Data of bar_chart
bar_chart_alt → const String
Icon Data of bar_chart_alt
bar_chart_circle → const String
Icon Data of bar_chart_circle
bar_chart_horizontal → const String
Icon Data of bar_chart_horizontal
bar_chart_square → const String
Icon Data of bar_chart_square
bar_left → const String
Icon Data of bar_left
bar_right → const String
Icon Data of bar_right
bar_top → const String
Icon Data of bar_top
barcode → const String
Icon Data of barcode
behance → const String
Icon Data of behance
black_lives_matter → const String
Icon Data of black_lives_matter
bold → const String
Icon Data of bold
building → const String
Icon Data of building
bulb → const String
Icon Data of bulb
calendar → const String
Icon Data of calendar
calendar_calendar → const String
Icon Data of calendar_calendar
calendar_check → const String
Icon Data of calendar_check
calendar_edit → const String
Icon Data of calendar_edit
calendar_event → const String
Icon Data of calendar_event
calendar_minus → const String
Icon Data of calendar_minus
calendar_plus → const String
Icon Data of calendar_plus
calendar_week → const String
Icon Data of calendar_week
calendar_x → const String
Icon Data of calendar_x
caret_down → const String
Icon Data of caret_down
caret_left → const String
Icon Data of caret_left
caret_right → const String
Icon Data of caret_right
caret_up → const String
Icon Data of caret_up
cast → const String
Icon Data of cast
chat → const String
Icon Data of chat
chat_alt → const String
Icon Data of chat_alt
check → const String
Icon Data of check
check_all → const String
Icon Data of check_all
check_all_big → const String
Icon Data of check_all_big
check_big → const String
Icon Data of check_big
check_bold → const String
Icon Data of check_bold
checkbox → const String
Icon Data of checkbox
checkbox_checked → const String
Icon Data of checkbox_checked
checkbox_square → const String
Icon Data of checkbox_square
chevron_big_down → const String
Icon Data of chevron_big_down
chevron_big_left → const String
Icon Data of chevron_big_left
chevron_big_right → const String
Icon Data of chevron_big_right
chevron_big_up → const String
Icon Data of chevron_big_up
chevron_down → const String
Icon Data of chevron_down
chevron_duo_down → const String
Icon Data of chevron_duo_down
chevron_duo_left → const String
Icon Data of chevron_duo_left
chevron_duo_right → const String
Icon Data of chevron_duo_right
chevron_duo_up → const String
Icon Data of chevron_duo_up
chevron_left → const String
Icon Data of chevron_left
chevron_right → const String
Icon Data of chevron_right
chevron_up → const String
Icon Data of chevron_up
circle_check → const String
Icon Data of circle_check
circle_check_outline → const String
Icon Data of circle_check_outline
circle_chevron_down → const String
Icon Data of circle_chevron_down
circle_chevron_left → const String
Icon Data of circle_chevron_left
circle_chevron_right → const String
Icon Data of circle_chevron_right
circle_chevron_up → const String
Icon Data of circle_chevron_up
circle_down → const String
Icon Data of circle_down
circle_left → const String
Icon Data of circle_left
circle_right → const String
Icon Data of circle_right
circle_up → const String
Icon Data of circle_up
clock → const String
Icon Data of clock
close_big → const String
Icon Data of close_big
close_small → const String
Icon Data of close_small
cloud → const String
Icon Data of cloud
cloud_check → const String
Icon Data of cloud_check
cloud_close → const String
Icon Data of cloud_close
cloud_down → const String
Icon Data of cloud_down
cloud_off → const String
Icon Data of cloud_off
cloud_outline → const String
Icon Data of cloud_outline
cloud_up → const String
Icon Data of cloud_up
code → const String
Icon Data of code
coffee_togo → const String
Icon Data of coffee_togo
color → const String
Icon Data of color
combine_cells → const String
Icon Data of combine_cells
command → const String
Icon Data of command
confused → const String
Icon Data of confused
Icon Data of cookie
coolicons → const String
Icon Data of coolicons
copy → const String
Icon Data of copy
credit_card → const String
Icon Data of credit_card
credit_card_alt → const String
Icon Data of credit_card_alt
css3 → const String
Icon Data of css3
cupcake → const String
Icon Data of cupcake
cylinder → const String
Icon Data of cylinder
dashboard → const String
Icon Data of dashboard
dashboard_02 → const String
Icon Data of dashboard_02
data → const String
Icon Data of data
delete_column → const String
Icon Data of delete_column
delete_row → const String
Icon Data of delete_row
devices → const String
Icon Data of devices
discord → const String
Icon Data of discord
dot_01_xs → const String
Icon Data of dot_01_xs
dot_02_s → const String
Icon Data of dot_02_s
dot_03_m → const String
Icon Data of dot_03_m
dot_04_l → const String
Icon Data of dot_04_l
dot_05_xl → const String
Icon Data of dot_05_xl
double_quotes_l → const String
Icon Data of double_quotes_l
double_quotes_r → const String
Icon Data of double_quotes_r
doughnut_chart → const String
Icon Data of doughnut_chart
download → const String
Icon Data of download
download_done → const String
Icon Data of download_done
dribbble → const String
Icon Data of dribbble
dropbox → const String
Icon Data of dropbox
edit → const String
Icon Data of edit
error → const String
Icon Data of error
error_outline → const String
Icon Data of error_outline
exit → const String
Icon Data of exit
expand → const String
Icon Data of expand
Icon Data of external_link
facebook → const String
Icon Data of facebook
fast_forward → const String
Icon Data of fast_forward
fast_rewind → const String
Icon Data of fast_rewind
figma → const String
Icon Data of figma
file_archive → const String
Icon Data of file_archive
file_blank_fill → const String
Icon Data of file_blank_fill
file_blank_outline → const String
Icon Data of file_blank_outline
file_css → const String
Icon Data of file_css
file_find → const String
Icon Data of file_find
file_html → const String
Icon Data of file_html
file_image → const String
Icon Data of file_image
file_jpg → const String
Icon Data of file_jpg
file_js → const String
Icon Data of file_js
file_minus → const String
Icon Data of file_minus
file_new → const String
Icon Data of file_new
file_pdf → const String
Icon Data of file_pdf
file_png → const String
Icon Data of file_png
file_svg → const String
Icon Data of file_svg
filter → const String
Icon Data of filter
filter_off → const String
Icon Data of filter_off
filter_off_outline → const String
Icon Data of filter_off_outline
filter_outline → const String
Icon Data of filter_outline
first_page → const String
Icon Data of first_page
flag_fill → const String
Icon Data of flag_fill
flag_outline → const String
Icon Data of flag_outline
folder → const String
Icon Data of folder
folder_minus → const String
Icon Data of folder_minus
folder_open → const String
Icon Data of folder_open
folder_plus → const String
Icon Data of folder_plus
github → const String
Icon Data of github
google → const String
Icon Data of google
grid → const String
Icon Data of grid
grid_big → const String
Icon Data of grid_big
grid_big_round → const String
Icon Data of grid_big_round
grid_horizontal → const String
Icon Data of grid_horizontal
grid_horizontal_round → const String
Icon Data of grid_horizontal_round
grid_round → const String
Icon Data of grid_round
grid_small → const String
Icon Data of grid_small
grid_small_round → const String
Icon Data of grid_small_round
grid_vertical → const String
Icon Data of grid_vertical
grid_vertical_round → const String
Icon Data of grid_vertical_round
group → const String
Icon Data of group
group_alt → const String
Icon Data of group_alt
hamburger → const String
Icon Data of hamburger
happy → const String
Icon Data of happy
heading → const String
Icon Data of heading
heading_h1 → const String
Icon Data of heading_h1
heading_h2 → const String
Icon Data of heading_h2
heading_h3 → const String
Icon Data of heading_h3
heading_h4 → const String
Icon Data of heading_h4
heading_h5 → const String
Icon Data of heading_h5
heading_h6 → const String
Icon Data of heading_h6
heart_fill → const String
Icon Data of heart_fill
heart_outline → const String
Icon Data of heart_outline
help_circle → const String
Icon Data of help_circle
help_circle_outline → const String
Icon Data of help_circle_outline
help_questionmark → const String
Icon Data of help_questionmark
home_alt_check → const String
Icon Data of home_alt_check
home_alt_fill → const String
Icon Data of home_alt_fill
home_alt_minus → const String
Icon Data of home_alt_minus
home_alt_outline → const String
Icon Data of home_alt_outline
home_alt_plus → const String
Icon Data of home_alt_plus
home_alt_x → const String
Icon Data of home_alt_x
home_check → const String
Icon Data of home_check
home_fill → const String
Icon Data of home_fill
home_heart → const String
Icon Data of home_heart
home_heart_1 → const String
Icon Data of home_heart_1
home_minus → const String
Icon Data of home_minus
home_outline → const String
Icon Data of home_outline
home_plus → const String
Icon Data of home_plus
home_x → const String
Icon Data of home_x
html5 → const String
Icon Data of html5
i_hide → const String
Icon Data of i_hide
i_show → const String
Icon Data of i_show
iconsList → const List
id_card → const String
Icon Data of id_card
image → const String
Icon Data of image
image_alt → const String
Icon Data of image_alt
info_circle → const String
Icon Data of info_circle
info_circle_outline → const String
Icon Data of info_circle_outline
info_square → const String
Icon Data of info_square
info_square_outline → const String
Icon Data of info_square_outline
instagram → const String
Icon Data of instagram
invision → const String
Icon Data of invision
italic → const String
Icon Data of italic
javascript → const String
Icon Data of javascript
label → const String
Icon Data of label
laptop → const String
Icon Data of laptop
last_page → const String
Icon Data of last_page
layers → const String
Icon Data of layers
layers_alt → const String
Icon Data of layers_alt
line_break → const String
Icon Data of line_break
line_chart_down → const String
Icon Data of line_chart_down
line_chart_up → const String
Icon Data of line_chart_up
line_l → const String
Icon Data of line_l
line_m → const String
Icon Data of line_m
line_s → const String
Icon Data of line_s
line_sx → const String
Icon Data of line_sx
line_xl → const String
Icon Data of line_xl
Icon Data of link
Icon Data of link_02
linkedin → const String
Icon Data of linkedin
linkpath → const String
Icon Data of linkpath
list_check → const String
Icon Data of list_check
list_checklist → const String
Icon Data of list_checklist
list_checklist_alt → const String
Icon Data of list_checklist_alt
list_minus → const String
Icon Data of list_minus
list_ol → const String
Icon Data of list_ol
list_plus → const String
Icon Data of list_plus
list_ul → const String
Icon Data of list_ul
loading → const String
Icon Data of loading
location → const String
Icon Data of location
location_outline → const String
Icon Data of location_outline
log_out → const String
Icon Data of log_out
long_bottom_down → const String
Icon Data of long_bottom_down
long_bottom_up → const String
Icon Data of long_bottom_up
long_down → const String
Icon Data of long_down
long_left → const String
Icon Data of long_left
long_right → const String
Icon Data of long_right
long_up → const String
Icon Data of long_up
long_up_left → const String
Icon Data of long_up_left
long_up_right → const String
Icon Data of long_up_right
mail → const String
Icon Data of mail
mail_open → const String
Icon Data of mail_open
map → const String
Icon Data of map
mention → const String
Icon Data of mention
Icon Data of menu_alt_01
Icon Data of menu_alt_02
Icon Data of menu_alt_03
Icon Data of menu_alt_04
Icon Data of menu_alt_05
Icon Data of menu_duo
message → const String
Icon Data of message
message_check → const String
Icon Data of message_check
message_circle → const String
Icon Data of message_circle
message_close → const String
Icon Data of message_close
message_minus → const String
Icon Data of message_minus
message_plus → const String
Icon Data of message_plus
message_plus_alt → const String
Icon Data of message_plus_alt
message_round → const String
Icon Data of message_round
message_writing → const String
Icon Data of message_writing
messenger → const String
Icon Data of messenger
minus → const String
Icon Data of minus
minus_circle → const String
Icon Data of minus_circle
minus_circle_outline → const String
Icon Data of minus_circle_outline
minus_square → const String
Icon Data of minus_square
mobile → const String
Icon Data of mobile
mobile_alt → const String
Icon Data of mobile_alt
monitor → const String
Icon Data of monitor
moon → const String
Icon Data of moon
more_horizontal → const String
Icon Data of more_horizontal
more_vertical → const String
Icon Data of more_vertical
move → const String
Icon Data of move
move_horizontal → const String
Icon Data of move_horizontal
move_vertical → const String
Icon Data of move_vertical
note → const String
Icon Data of note
notification → const String
Icon Data of notification
notification_active → const String
Icon Data of notification_active
notification_deactivated → const String
Icon Data of notification_deactivated
notification_dot → const String
Icon Data of notification_dot
notification_minus → const String
Icon Data of notification_minus
notification_outline → const String
Icon Data of notification_outline
notification_outline_dot → const String
Icon Data of notification_outline_dot
notification_outline_minus → const String
Icon Data of notification_outline_minus
notification_outline_plus → const String
Icon Data of notification_outline_plus
notification_plus → const String
Icon Data of notification_plus
off_close → const String
Icon Data of off_close
off_outline_close → const String
Icon Data of off_outline_close
paragraph → const String
Icon Data of paragraph
path → const String
Icon Data of path
pause_circle_filled → const String
Icon Data of pause_circle_filled
pause_circle_outline → const String
Icon Data of pause_circle_outline
paypal → const String
Icon Data of paypal
phone → const String
Icon Data of phone
phone_outline → const String
Icon Data of phone_outline
pie_chart_25 → const String
Icon Data of pie_chart_25
pie_chart_50 → const String
Icon Data of pie_chart_50
pie_chart_75 → const String
Icon Data of pie_chart_75
pie_chart_outline → const String
Icon Data of pie_chart_outline
pie_chart_outline_25 → const String
Icon Data of pie_chart_outline_25
play_arrow → const String
Icon Data of play_arrow
play_circle_filled → const String
Icon Data of play_circle_filled
play_circle_outline → const String
Icon Data of play_circle_outline
play_store → const String
Icon Data of play_store
plus → const String
Icon Data of plus
plus_circle → const String
Icon Data of plus_circle
plus_circle_outline → const String
Icon Data of plus_circle_outline
plus_square → const String
Icon Data of plus_square
qr_code → const String
Icon Data of qr_code
qr_code_1 → const String
Icon Data of qr_code_1
radio → const String
Icon Data of radio
radio_filled → const String
Icon Data of radio_filled
reddit → const String
Icon Data of reddit
redo → const String
Icon Data of redo
refresh → const String
Icon Data of refresh
refresh_02 → const String
Icon Data of refresh_02
repeat → const String
Icon Data of repeat
sad → const String
Icon Data of sad
Icon Data of search
search_small → const String
Icon Data of search_small
search_small_minus → const String
Icon Data of search_small_minus
search_small_plus → const String
Icon Data of search_small_plus
select_multiple → const String
Icon Data of select_multiple
settings → const String
Icon Data of settings
settings_filled → const String
Icon Data of settings_filled
settings_future → const String
Icon Data of settings_future
share → const String
Icon Data of share
share_outline → const String
Icon Data of share_outline
short_down → const String
Icon Data of short_down
short_left → const String
Icon Data of short_left
short_right → const String
Icon Data of short_right
short_up → const String
Icon Data of short_up
shrink → const String
Icon Data of shrink
shuffle → const String
Icon Data of shuffle
single_quotes_l → const String
Icon Data of single_quotes_l
single_quotes_r → const String
Icon Data of single_quotes_r
sketch → const String
Icon Data of sketch
skip_next → const String
Icon Data of skip_next
skip_previous → const String
Icon Data of skip_previous
slack → const String
Icon Data of slack
slider_01 → const String
Icon Data of slider_01
slider_02 → const String
Icon Data of slider_02
slider_03 → const String
Icon Data of slider_03
small_long_down → const String
Icon Data of small_long_down
small_long_left → const String
Icon Data of small_long_left
small_long_right → const String
Icon Data of small_long_right
small_long_up → const String
Icon Data of small_long_up
snapchat → const String
Icon Data of snapchat
spectrum → const String
Icon Data of spectrum
spotify → const String
Icon Data of spotify
stack_overflow → const String
Icon Data of stack_overflow
stopwatch → const String
Icon Data of stopwatch
strikethrough → const String
Icon Data of strikethrough
sub_left → const String
Icon Data of sub_left
sub_right → const String
Icon Data of sub_right
sun → const String
Icon Data of sun
table → const String
Icon Data of table
table_add → const String
Icon Data of table_add
table_delete → const String
Icon Data of table_delete
tablet → const String
Icon Data of tablet
tag → const String
Icon Data of tag
tag_outline → const String
Icon Data of tag_outline
tennis → const String
Icon Data of tennis
tennis_match → const String
Icon Data of tennis_match
tennis_match_alt → const String
Icon Data of tennis_match_alt
terminal → const String
Icon Data of terminal
text_align_center → const String
Icon Data of text_align_center
text_align_justify → const String
Icon Data of text_align_justify
text_align_left → const String
Icon Data of text_align_left
text_align_right → const String
Icon Data of text_align_right
thin_big_down → const String
Icon Data of thin_big_down
thin_big_left → const String
Icon Data of thin_big_left
thin_big_right → const String
Icon Data of thin_big_right
thin_big_up → const String
Icon Data of thin_big_up
thin_long_02_down → const String
Icon Data of thin_long_02_down
thin_long_02_left → const String
Icon Data of thin_long_02_left
thin_long_02_right → const String
Icon Data of thin_long_02_right
thin_long_02_up → const String
Icon Data of thin_long_02_up
thin_long_down → const String
Icon Data of thin_long_down
thin_long_left → const String
Icon Data of thin_long_left
thin_long_right → const String
Icon Data of thin_long_right
thin_long_up → const String
Icon Data of thin_long_up
transfer → const String
Icon Data of transfer
trash_empty → const String
Icon Data of trash_empty
trash_full → const String
Icon Data of trash_full
trello → const String
Icon Data of trello
Icon Data of trending_down
Icon Data of trending_up
twitter → const String
Icon Data of twitter
underline → const String
Icon Data of underline
undo → const String
Icon Data of undo
unfold_less → const String
Icon Data of unfold_less
unfold_more → const String
Icon Data of unfold_more
Icon Data of unlink
unsplash → const String
Icon Data of unsplash
user → const String
Icon Data of user
user_check → const String
Icon Data of user_check
user_circle → const String
Icon Data of user_circle
user_close → const String
Icon Data of user_close
user_heart → const String
Icon Data of user_heart
user_minus → const String
Icon Data of user_minus
user_pin → const String
Icon Data of user_pin
user_plus → const String
Icon Data of user_plus
user_square → const String
Icon Data of user_square
user_voice → const String
Icon Data of user_voice
warning → const String
Icon Data of warning
warning_outline → const String
Icon Data of warning_outline
window → const String
Icon Data of window
window_check → const String
Icon Data of window_check
window_close → const String
Icon Data of window_close
window_code_block → const String
Icon Data of window_code_block
window_sidebar → const String
Icon Data of window_sidebar
window_terminal → const String
Icon Data of window_terminal
youtube → const String
Icon Data of youtube