MdiLight class



hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


account → const String
account_alert → const String
alarm → const String
alarm_plus → const String
alert → const String
alert_circle → const String
alert_octagon → const String
arrange_bring_forward → const String
arrange_bring_to_front → const String
arrange_send_backward → const String
arrange_send_to_back → const String
arrow_down → const String
arrow_down_circle → const String
arrow_left → const String
arrow_left_circle → const String
arrow_right → const String
arrow_right_circle → const String
arrow_up → const String
arrow_up_circle → const String
bank → const String
bell → const String
bell_off → const String
bell_plus → const String
bluetooth → const String
book → const String
book_multiple → const String
book_plus → const String
bookmark → const String
border_all → const String
border_bottom → const String
border_horizontal → const String
border_inside → const String
border_left → const String
border_none → const String
border_outside → const String
border_right → const String
border_top → const String
border_vertical → const String
briefcase → const String
bullhorn → const String
calendar → const String
camcorder → const String
camera → const String
cancel → const String
cart → const String
chart_areaspline → const String
chart_bar → const String
chart_histogram → const String
chart_line → const String
chart_pie → const String
check → const String
check_bold → const String
chevron_double_down → const String
chevron_double_left → const String
chevron_double_right → const String
chevron_double_up → const String
chevron_down → const String
chevron_left → const String
chevron_right → const String
chevron_up → const String
clipboard → const String
clipboard_check → const String
clipboard_plus → const String
clipboard_text → const String
clock → const String
closed_caption → const String
cloud → const String
cloud_download → const String
cloud_upload → const String
cog → const String
comment → const String
comment_alert → const String
comment_text → const String
console → const String
content_cut → const String
content_duplicate → const String
content_paste → const String
content_save → const String
content_save_all → const String
credit_card → const String
crop → const String
crop_free → const String
currency_eur → const String
currency_gbp → const String
currency_rub → const String
currency_usd → const String
delete → const String
diamond → const String
dots_horizontal → const String
dots_vertical → const String
download → const String
eject → const String
email → const String
email_open → const String
ereader → const String
eye → const String
eye_off → const String
fast_forward → const String
file → const String
file_alert → const String
file_multiple → const String
file_plus → const String
filmstrip → const String
flag → const String
flash → const String
flask → const String
flask_empty → const String
folder → const String
folder_multiple → const String
folder_plus → const String
format_align_bottom → const String
format_align_center → const String
format_align_justify → const String
format_align_left → const String
format_align_middle → const String
format_align_right → const String
format_align_top → const String
format_bold → const String
format_clear → const String
format_float_center → const String
format_float_left → const String
format_float_none → const String
format_float_right → const String
format_indent_decrease → const String
format_indent_increase → const String
format_italic → const String
format_line_spacing → const String
format_list_bulleted → const String
format_list_checks → const String
format_list_numbers → const String
format_quote_close → const String
format_quote_open → const String
format_underline → const String
format_wrap_inline → const String
format_wrap_square → const String
format_wrap_tight → const String
format_wrap_top_bottom → const String
forum → const String
fullscreen → const String
fullscreen_close → const String
gift → const String
grid → const String
grid_large → const String
grid_off → const String
group → const String
hamburger → const String
heart → const String
heart_half → const String
heart_off → const String
help → const String
help_circle → const String
home → const String
i_factory → const String
iconsList → const List
inbox → const String
information → const String
label → const String
layers → const String
lightbulb → const String
lightbulb_on → const String
loading → const String
lock → const String
lock_unlocked → const String
login → const String
logout → const String
magnify → const String
magnify_minus → const String
magnify_plus → const String
map_marker → const String
memory → const String
message → const String
message_alert → const String
message_photo → const String
message_processing → const String
message_reply → const String
message_text → const String
message_video → const String
microphone → const String
microphone_off → const String
minus → const String
minus_box → const String
minus_circle → const String
monitor → const String
monitor_multiple → const String
music → const String
music_off → const String
nfc → const String
note → const String
note_multiple → const String
note_plus → const String
note_text → const String
paperclip → const String
pause → const String
pencil → const String
phone → const String
picture → const String
pin → const String
pin_off → const String
play → const String
plus → const String
plus_box → const String
plus_circle → const String
power → const String
presentation → const String
presentation_play → const String
printer → const String
redo_variant → const String
refresh → const String
repeat → const String
repeat_off → const String
repeat_once → const String
rewind → const String
rss → const String
script → const String
seek_next → const String
seek_previous → const String
shape_circle → const String
shape_hexagon → const String
shape_octagon → const String
shape_rhombus → const String
shape_square → const String
shape_triangle → const String
shield → const String
shuffle → const String
signal → const String
sim → const String
sim_alert → const String
sim_off → const String
sitemap → const String
sleep → const String
sleep_off → const String
spellcheck → const String
star → const String
star_half → const String
stop → const String
tab → const String
tab_plus → const String
table → const String
taco → const String
tag → const String
television → const String
thumb_down → const String
thumb_up → const String
thumbs_up_down → const String
tooltip → const String
tooltip_text → const String
trophy → const String
truck → const String
undo_variant → const String
unfold_less_horizontal → const String
unfold_less_vertical → const String
unfold_more_horizontal → const String
unfold_more_vertical → const String
ungroup → const String
upload → const String
view_dashboard → const String
view_module → const String
volume → const String
volume_minus → const String
volume_mute → const String
volume_off → const String
volume_plus → const String
wallet → const String
wifi → const String
xml → const String