Eva class

Discover all icons of this iconset at https://andronasef.ninja/iconify_flutter/collection/eva




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


activity_fill → const String
activity_outline → const String
alert_circle_fill → const String
alert_circle_outline → const String
alert_triangle_fill → const String
alert_triangle_outline → const String
archive_fill → const String
archive_outline → const String
arrow_back_fill → const String
arrow_back_outline → const String
arrow_circle_down_fill → const String
arrow_circle_down_outline → const String
arrow_circle_left_fill → const String
arrow_circle_left_outline → const String
arrow_circle_right_fill → const String
arrow_circle_right_outline → const String
arrow_circle_up_fill → const String
arrow_circle_up_outline → const String
arrow_down_fill → const String
arrow_down_outline → const String
arrow_downward_fill → const String
arrow_downward_outline → const String
arrow_forward_fill → const String
arrow_forward_outline → const String
arrow_ios_back_fill → const String
arrow_ios_back_outline → const String
arrow_ios_downward_fill → const String
arrow_ios_downward_outline → const String
arrow_ios_forward_fill → const String
arrow_ios_forward_outline → const String
arrow_ios_upward_fill → const String
arrow_ios_upward_outline → const String
arrow_left_fill → const String
arrow_left_outline → const String
arrow_right_fill → const String
arrow_right_outline → const String
arrow_up_fill → const String
arrow_up_outline → const String
arrow_upward_fill → const String
arrow_upward_outline → const String
arrowhead_down_fill → const String
arrowhead_down_outline → const String
arrowhead_left_fill → const String
arrowhead_left_outline → const String
arrowhead_right_fill → const String
arrowhead_right_outline → const String
arrowhead_up_fill → const String
arrowhead_up_outline → const String
at_fill → const String
at_outline → const String
attach_2_fill → const String
attach_2_outline → const String
attach_fill → const String
attach_outline → const String
award_fill → const String
award_outline → const String
backspace_fill → const String
backspace_outline → const String
bar_chart_2_fill → const String
bar_chart_2_outline → const String
bar_chart_fill → const String
bar_chart_outline → const String
battery_fill → const String
battery_outline → const String
behance_fill → const String
behance_outline → const String
bell_fill → const String
bell_off_fill → const String
bell_off_outline → const String
bell_outline → const String
bluetooth_fill → const String
bluetooth_outline → const String
book_fill → const String
book_open_fill → const String
book_open_outline → const String
book_outline → const String
bookmark_fill → const String
bookmark_outline → const String
briefcase_fill → const String
briefcase_outline → const String
browser_fill → const String
browser_outline → const String
brush_fill → const String
brush_outline → const String
bulb_fill → const String
bulb_outline → const String
calendar_fill → const String
calendar_outline → const String
camera_fill → const String
camera_outline → const String
car_fill → const String
car_outline → const String
cast_fill → const String
cast_outline → const String
charging_fill → const String
charging_outline → const String
checkmark_circle_2_fill → const String
checkmark_circle_2_outline → const String
checkmark_circle_fill → const String
checkmark_circle_outline → const String
checkmark_fill → const String
checkmark_outline → const String
checkmark_square_2_fill → const String
checkmark_square_2_outline → const String
checkmark_square_fill → const String
checkmark_square_outline → const String
chevron_down_fill → const String
chevron_down_outline → const String
chevron_left_fill → const String
chevron_left_outline → const String
chevron_right_fill → const String
chevron_right_outline → const String
chevron_up_fill → const String
chevron_up_outline → const String
clipboard_fill → const String
clipboard_outline → const String
clock_fill → const String
clock_outline → const String
close_circle_fill → const String
close_circle_outline → const String
close_fill → const String
close_outline → const String
close_square_fill → const String
close_square_outline → const String
cloud_download_fill → const String
cloud_download_outline → const String
cloud_upload_fill → const String
cloud_upload_outline → const String
code_download_fill → const String
code_download_outline → const String
code_fill → const String
code_outline → const String
collapse_fill → const String
collapse_outline → const String
color_palette_fill → const String
color_palette_outline → const String
color_picker_fill → const String
color_picker_outline → const String
compass_fill → const String
compass_outline → const String
copy_fill → const String
copy_outline → const String
corner_down_left_fill → const String
corner_down_left_outline → const String
corner_down_right_fill → const String
corner_down_right_outline → const String
corner_left_down_fill → const String
corner_left_down_outline → const String
corner_left_up_fill → const String
corner_left_up_outline → const String
corner_right_down_fill → const String
corner_right_down_outline → const String
corner_right_up_fill → const String
corner_right_up_outline → const String
corner_up_left_fill → const String
corner_up_left_outline → const String
corner_up_right_fill → const String
corner_up_right_outline → const String
credit_card_fill → const String
credit_card_outline → const String
crop_fill → const String
crop_outline → const String
cube_fill → const String
cube_outline → const String
diagonal_arrow_left_down_fill → const String
diagonal_arrow_left_down_outline → const String
diagonal_arrow_left_up_fill → const String
diagonal_arrow_left_up_outline → const String
diagonal_arrow_right_down_fill → const String
diagonal_arrow_right_down_outline → const String
diagonal_arrow_right_up_fill → const String
diagonal_arrow_right_up_outline → const String
done_all_fill → const String
done_all_outline → const String
download_fill → const String
download_outline → const String
droplet_fill → const String
droplet_off_fill → const String
droplet_off_outline → const String
droplet_outline → const String
edit_2_fill → const String
edit_2_outline → const String
edit_fill → const String
edit_outline → const String
email_fill → const String
email_outline → const String
expand_fill → const String
expand_outline → const String
eye_fill → const String
eye_off_2_fill → const String
eye_off_2_outline → const String
eye_off_fill → const String
eye_off_outline → const String
eye_outline → const String
facebook_fill → const String
facebook_outline → const String
file_add_fill → const String
file_add_outline → const String
file_fill → const String
file_outline → const String
file_remove_fill → const String
file_remove_outline → const String
file_text_fill → const String
file_text_outline → const String
film_fill → const String
film_outline → const String
flag_fill → const String
flag_outline → const String
flash_fill → const String
flash_off_fill → const String
flash_off_outline → const String
flash_outline → const String
flip_2_fill → const String
flip_2_outline → const String
flip_fill → const String
flip_outline → const String
folder_add_fill → const String
folder_add_outline → const String
folder_fill → const String
folder_outline → const String
folder_remove_fill → const String
folder_remove_outline → const String
funnel_fill → const String
funnel_outline → const String
gift_fill → const String
gift_outline → const String
github_fill → const String
github_outline → const String
globe_2_fill → const String
globe_2_outline → const String
globe_3_fill → const String
globe_fill → const String
globe_outline → const String
google_fill → const String
google_outline → const String
grid_fill → const String
grid_outline → const String
hard_drive_fill → const String
hard_drive_outline → const String
hash_fill → const String
hash_outline → const String
headphones_fill → const String
headphones_outline → const String
heart_fill → const String
heart_outline → const String
home_fill → const String
home_outline → const String
iconsList → const List
image_2_fill → const String
image_fill → const String
image_outline → const String
inbox_fill → const String
inbox_outline → const String
info_fill → const String
info_outline → const String
keypad_fill → const String
keypad_outline → const String
layers_fill → const String
layers_outline → const String
layout_fill → const String
layout_outline → const String
linkedin_fill → const String
linkedin_outline → const String
list_fill → const String
list_outline → const String
loader_outline → const String
lock_fill → const String
lock_outline → const String
log_in_fill → const String
log_in_outline → const String
log_out_fill → const String
log_out_outline → const String
map_fill → const String
map_outline → const String
maximize_fill → const String
maximize_outline → const String
message_circle_fill → const String
message_circle_outline → const String
message_square_fill → const String
message_square_outline → const String
mic_fill → const String
mic_off_fill → const String
mic_off_outline → const String
mic_outline → const String
minimize_fill → const String
minimize_outline → const String
minus_circle_fill → const String
minus_circle_outline → const String
minus_fill → const String
minus_outline → const String
minus_square_fill → const String
minus_square_outline → const String
monitor_fill → const String
monitor_outline → const String
moon_fill → const String
moon_outline → const String
more_horizontal_fill → const String
more_horizontal_outline → const String
more_vertical_fill → const String
more_vertical_outline → const String
move_fill → const String
move_outline → const String
music_fill → const String
music_outline → const String
npm_fill → const String
npm_outline → const String
options_2_fill → const String
options_2_outline → const String
options_fill → const String
options_outline → const String
pantone_fill → const String
pantone_outline → const String
paper_plane_fill → const String
paper_plane_outline → const String
pause_circle_fill → const String
pause_circle_outline → const String
people_fill → const String
people_outline → const String
percent_fill → const String
percent_outline → const String
person_add_fill → const String
person_add_outline → const String
person_delete_fill → const String
person_delete_outline → const String
person_done_fill → const String
person_done_outline → const String
person_fill → const String
person_outline → const String
person_remove_fill → const String
person_remove_outline → const String
phone_call_fill → const String
phone_call_outline → const String
phone_fill → const String
phone_missed_fill → const String
phone_missed_outline → const String
phone_off_fill → const String
phone_off_outline → const String
phone_outline → const String
pie_chart_2_fill → const String
pie_chart_fill → const String
pie_chart_outline → const String
pin_fill → const String
pin_outline → const String
play_circle_fill → const String
play_circle_outline → const String
plus_circle_fill → const String
plus_circle_outline → const String
plus_fill → const String
plus_outline → const String
plus_square_fill → const String
plus_square_outline → const String
power_fill → const String
power_outline → const String
pricetags_fill → const String
pricetags_outline → const String
printer_fill → const String
printer_outline → const String
question_mark_circle_fill → const String
question_mark_circle_outline → const String
question_mark_fill → const String
question_mark_outline → const String
radio_button_off_fill → const String
radio_button_off_outline → const String
radio_button_on_fill → const String
radio_button_on_outline → const String
radio_fill → const String
radio_outline → const String
recording_fill → const String
recording_outline → const String
refresh_fill → const String
refresh_outline → const String
repeat_fill → const String
repeat_outline → const String
rewind_left_fill → const String
rewind_left_outline → const String
rewind_right_fill → const String
rewind_right_outline → const String
save_fill → const String
save_outline → const String
scissors_fill → const String
scissors_outline → const String
search_fill → const String
search_outline → const String
settings_2_fill → const String
settings_2_outline → const String
settings_fill → const String
settings_outline → const String
shake_fill → const String
shake_outline → const String
share_fill → const String
share_outline → const String
shield_fill → const String
shield_off_fill → const String
shield_off_outline → const String
shield_outline → const String
shopping_bag_fill → const String
shopping_bag_outline → const String
shopping_cart_fill → const String
shopping_cart_outline → const String
shuffle_2_fill → const String
shuffle_2_outline → const String
shuffle_fill → const String
shuffle_outline → const String
skip_back_fill → const String
skip_back_outline → const String
skip_forward_fill → const String
skip_forward_outline → const String
slash_fill → const String
slash_outline → const String
smartphone_fill → const String
smartphone_outline → const String
smiling_face_fill → const String
smiling_face_outline → const String
speaker_fill → const String
speaker_outline → const String
square_fill → const String
square_outline → const String
star_fill → const String
star_outline → const String
stop_circle_fill → const String
stop_circle_outline → const String
sun_fill → const String
sun_outline → const String
swap_fill → const String
swap_outline → const String
sync_fill → const String
sync_outline → const String
text_fill → const String
text_outline → const String
thermometer_fill → const String
thermometer_minus_fill → const String
thermometer_minus_outline → const String
thermometer_outline → const String
thermometer_plus_fill → const String
thermometer_plus_outline → const String
toggle_left_fill → const String
toggle_left_outline → const String
toggle_right_fill → const String
toggle_right_outline → const String
trash_2_fill → const String
trash_2_outline → const String
trash_fill → const String
trash_outline → const String
tv_fill → const String
tv_outline → const String
twitter_fill → const String
twitter_outline → const String
umbrella_fill → const String
umbrella_outline → const String
undo_fill → const String
undo_outline → const String
unlock_fill → const String
unlock_outline → const String
upload_fill → const String
upload_outline → const String
video_fill → const String
video_off_fill → const String
video_off_outline → const String
video_outline → const String
volume_down_fill → const String
volume_down_outline → const String
volume_mute_fill → const String
volume_mute_outline → const String
volume_off_fill → const String
volume_off_outline → const String
volume_up_fill → const String
volume_up_outline → const String
wifi_fill → const String
wifi_off_fill → const String
wifi_off_outline → const String
wifi_outline → const String