AkarIcons class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


air → const String
airplay_audio → const String
airplay_video → const String
airpods → const String
alarm → const String
align_bottom → const String
align_horizontal_center → const String
align_left → const String
align_right → const String
align_to_bottom → const String
align_to_middle → const String
align_to_top → const String
align_top → const String
align_vertical_center → const String
android_fill → const String
angular_fill → const String
arrow_back → const String
arrow_back_thick → const String
arrow_back_thick_fill → const String
arrow_clockwise → const String
arrow_counter_clockwise → const String
arrow_cycle → const String
arrow_down → const String
arrow_down_left → const String
arrow_down_right → const String
arrow_down_thick → const String
arrow_forward → const String
arrow_forward_thick → const String
arrow_forward_thick_fill → const String
arrow_left → const String
arrow_left_thick → const String
arrow_repeat → const String
arrow_right → const String
arrow_right_left → const String
arrow_right_thick → const String
arrow_shuffle → const String
arrow_up → const String
arrow_up_down → const String
arrow_up_left → const String
arrow_up_right → const String
arrow_up_thick → const String
ascending → const String
attach → const String
backspace → const String
backspace_fill → const String
basket → const String
battery_charging → const String
battery_empty → const String
battery_full → const String
battery_low → const String
battery_medium → const String
behance_fill → const String
bell → const String
bicycle → const String
bitcoin_fill → const String
block → const String
bluetooh → const String
bluetooth → const String
boat → const String
book → const String
book_close → const String
book_open → const String
bookmark → const String
bootstrap_fill → const String
box → const String
briefcase → const String
bug → const String
cake → const String
calculator → const String
calendar → const String
camera → const String
cart → const String
chat_add → const String
chat_approve → const String
chat_bubble → const String
chat_dots → const String
chat_edit → const String
chat_error → const String
chat_question → const String
chat_remove → const String
check → const String
check_box → const String
check_box_fill → const String
check_in → const String
chess → const String
chevron_down → const String
chevron_horizontal → const String
chevron_left → const String
chevron_right → const String
chevron_up → const String
chevron_vertical → const String
circle → const String
circle_alert → const String
circle_alert_fill → const String
circle_check → const String
circle_check_fill → const String
circle_chevron_down → const String
circle_chevron_down_fill → const String
circle_chevron_left → const String
circle_chevron_left_fill → const String
circle_chevron_right → const String
circle_chevron_right_fill → const String
circle_chevron_up → const String
circle_chevron_up_fill → const String
circle_fill → const String
circle_minus → const String
circle_minus_fill → const String
circle_plus → const String
circle_plus_fill → const String
circle_triangle_down → const String
circle_triangle_down_fill → const String
circle_triangle_left → const String
circle_triangle_left_fill → const String
circle_triangle_right → const String
circle_triangle_right_fill → const String
circle_triangle_up → const String
circle_triangle_up_fill → const String
circle_x → const String
circle_x_fill → const String
clipboard → const String
clock → const String
cloud → const String
cloud_download → const String
cloud_upload → const String
codepen_fill → const String
coffee → const String
coin → const String
command → const String
comment → const String
comment_add → const String
computing → const String
copy → const String
credit_card → const String
cross → const String
crown → const String
css_fill → const String
cursor → const String
cut → const String
dashboard → const String
dental → const String
descending → const String
desktop_device → const String
devices → const String
diamond → const String
discord_fill → const String
django_fill → const String
door → const String
dot_grid → const String
dot_grid_fill → const String
double_check → const String
double_sword → const String
download → const String
draft → const String
drag_horizontal → const String
drag_horizontal_fill → const String
drag_vertical → const String
drag_vertical_fill → const String
dribbble_fill → const String
dropbox_fill → const String
edit → const String
enlarge → const String
envelope → const String
eye → const String
eye_closed → const String
eye_open → const String
eye_slashed → const String
face_happy → const String
face_neutral → const String
face_sad → const String
face_very_happy → const String
face_very_sad → const String
face_wink → const String
facebook_fill → const String
figma → const String
figma_fill → const String
file → const String
filter → const String
fire → const String
flag → const String
flashlight → const String
folder → const String
folder_add → const String
frame → const String
full_screen → const String
game_controller → const String
gatsby_fill → const String
gear → const String
gift → const String
github → const String
github_fill → const String
github_outline_fill → const String
glasses → const String
globe → const String
google_contained_fill → const String
google_fill → const String
graphql_fill → const String
grid → const String
hand → const String
hashtag → const String
headphone → const String
health → const String
heart → const String
height → const String
heptagon → const String
heptagon_fill → const String
hexagon → const String
hexagon_fill → const String
home → const String
html_fill → const String
iconsList → const List
image → const String
inbox → const String
infinite → const String
infinity → const String
info → const String
info_fill → const String
instagram → const String
instagram_fill → const String
jar → const String
javascript_fill → const String
jquery_fill → const String
key → const String
key_cap → const String
language → const String
laptop_device → const String
leaf → const String
lifesaver → const String
light_bulb → const String
linkedin_box_fill → const String
linkedin_fill → const String
linkedin_v1_fill → const String
linkedin_v2_fill → const String
linkedinv1_fill → const String
linkedinv2_fill → const String
location → const String
lock_off → const String
lock_on → const String
map → const String
mastodon_fill → const String
medium_fill → const String
mention → const String
microphone → const String
miniplayer → const String
minus → const String
mobile_device → const String
money → const String
moon → const String
moon_fill → const String
more_horizontal → const String
more_horizontal_fill → const String
more_vertical → const String
more_vertical_fill → const String
music → const String
music_album → const String
music_album_fill → const String
music_note → const String
network → const String
newspaper → const String
nextjs_fill → const String
node_fill → const String
normal_screen → const String
npm_fill → const String
octagon → const String
octagon_fill → const String
octocat_fill → const String
open_envelope → const String
oval → const String
panel_bottom → const String
panel_left → const String
panel_right → const String
panel_split → const String
panel_split_column → const String
panel_split_row → const String
panel_top → const String
paper → const String
parallelogram → const String
pause → const String
pencil → const String
pentagon → const String
pentagon_fill → const String
people_group → const String
people_multiple → const String
percentage → const String
person → const String
person_add → const String
person_check → const String
person_cross → const String
phone → const String
php_fill → const String
pin → const String
pinterest_fill → const String
plane → const String
plane_fill → const String
planet → const String
plant → const String
play → const String
plus → const String
pointer_down_fill → const String
pointer_hand → const String
pointer_left_fill → const String
pointer_right_fill → const String
pointer_up_fill → const String
pointing_up → const String
postgresql_fill → const String
python_fill → const String
question → const String
question_fill → const String
radish → const String
react_fill → const String
reddit_fill → const String
reduce → const String
redux_fill → const String
reply → const String
ribbon → const String
rock_on → const String
rss → const String
sass_fill → const String
schedule → const String
scissor → const String
send → const String
settings_horizontal → const String
settings_vertical → const String
share_arrow → const String
share_box → const String
shield → const String
shipping_box_01 → const String
shipping_box_02 → const String
shipping_box_v1 → const String
shipping_box_v2 → const String
shopping_bag → const String
sign_out → const String
slack_fill → const String
slice → const String
snapchat_fill → const String
sound_down → const String
sound_off → const String
sound_on → const String
sound_up → const String
soundcloud_fill → const String
sparkles → const String
spotify_fill → const String
square → const String
square_fill → const String
stack_overflow_fill → const String
star → const String
statistic_down → const String
statistic_up → const String
stop → const String
stop_fill → const String
sun → const String
sun_fill → const String
sword → const String
tablet_device → const String
tag → const String
telegram_fill → const String
telescope → const String
tetragon → const String
tetragon_fill → const String
text_align_center → const String
text_align_justified → const String
text_align_left → const String
text_align_right → const String
three_line_horizontal → const String
three_line_vertical → const String
thumbs_down → const String
thumbs_up → const String
thunder → const String
ticket → const String
tiktok_fill → const String
toggle_off → const String
toggle_off_fill → const String
toggle_on → const String
toggle_on_fill → const String
togo_cup → const String
trash → const String
trash_bin → const String
trash_can → const String
triangle → const String
triangle_alert → const String
triangle_alert_fill → const String
triangle_down → const String
triangle_fill → const String
triangle_left → const String
triangle_right → const String
triangle_up → const String
trophy → const String
truck → const String
tumblr_fill → const String
twitch_fill → const String
twitter_fill → const String
two_line_horizontal → const String
two_line_vertical → const String
typescript_fill → const String
umbrella → const String
utensils → const String
vape_kit → const String
vercel_fill → const String
victory_hand → const String
video → const String
vimeo_fill → const String
vk_fill → const String
vr_ar → const String
vscode_fill → const String
vue_fill → const String
wallet → const String
watch_device → const String
water → const String
whatsapp_fill → const String
width → const String
wifi → const String
wine_glass → const String
yarn_fill → const String
youtube → const String
youtube_fill → const String
zoom_fill → const String
zoom_in → const String
zoom_out → const String