FlutterIcoMoonIcons class

constants link to font code point




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


accessibility → const IconData
addressBook → const IconData
aidKit → const IconData
airplane → const IconData
alarm → const IconData
amazon → const IconData
android → const IconData
angry → const IconData
angry2 → const IconData
appleinc → const IconData
arrowDown → const IconData
arrowDown2 → const IconData
arrowDownLeft → const IconData
arrowDownLeft2 → const IconData
arrowDownRight → const IconData
arrowDownRight2 → const IconData
arrowLeft → const IconData
arrowLeft2 → const IconData
arrowRight → const IconData
arrowRight2 → const IconData
arrowUp → const IconData
arrowUp2 → const IconData
arrowUpLeft → const IconData
arrowUpLeft2 → const IconData
arrowUpRight → const IconData
arrowUpRight2 → const IconData
attachment → const IconData
backward → const IconData
backward2 → const IconData
baffled → const IconData
baffled2 → const IconData
barcode → const IconData
basecamp → const IconData
behance → const IconData
behance2 → const IconData
bell → const IconData
bin → const IconData
bin2 → const IconData
binoculars → const IconData
blocked → const IconData
blog → const IconData
blogger → const IconData
blogger2 → const IconData
bold → const IconData
book → const IconData
bookmark → const IconData
bookmarks → const IconData
books → const IconData
boxAdd → const IconData
boxRemove → const IconData
briefcase → const IconData
brightnessContrast → const IconData
bubble → const IconData
bubble2 → const IconData
bubbles → const IconData
bubbles2 → const IconData
bubbles3 → const IconData
bubbles4 → const IconData
bug → const IconData
bullhorn → const IconData
calculator → const IconData
calendar → const IconData
camera → const IconData
cancelCircle → const IconData
cart → const IconData
checkboxChecked → const IconData
checkboxUnchecked → const IconData
checkmark → const IconData
checkmark2 → const IconData
chrome → const IconData
circleDown → const IconData
circleLeft → const IconData
circleRight → const IconData
circleUp → const IconData
clearFormatting → const IconData
clipboard → const IconData
clock → const IconData
clock2 → const IconData
cloud → const IconData
cloudCheck → const IconData
cloudDownload → const IconData
cloudUpload → const IconData
clubs → const IconData
codepen → const IconData
cog → const IconData
cogs → const IconData
coinDollar → const IconData
coinEuro → const IconData
coinPound → const IconData
coinYen → const IconData
command → const IconData
compass → const IconData
compass2 → const IconData
confused → const IconData
confused2 → const IconData
connection → const IconData
contrast → const IconData
cool → const IconData
cool2 → const IconData
copy → const IconData
creditCard → const IconData
crop → const IconData
cross → const IconData
crying → const IconData
crying2 → const IconData
css3 → const IconData
ctrl → const IconData
database → const IconData
delicious → const IconData
deviantart → const IconData
diamonds → const IconData
dice → const IconData
display → const IconData
download → const IconData
download2 → const IconData
download3 → const IconData
drawer → const IconData
drawer2 → const IconData
dribbble → const IconData
drive → const IconData
dropbox → const IconData
droplet → const IconData
earth → const IconData
edge → const IconData
eject → const IconData
ello → const IconData
embed → const IconData
embed2 → const IconData
enlarge → const IconData
enlarge2 → const IconData
enter → const IconData
envelop → const IconData
equalizer → const IconData
equalizer2 → const IconData
evil → const IconData
evil2 → const IconData
exit → const IconData
eye → const IconData
eyeBlocked → const IconData
eyedropper → const IconData
eyeMinus → const IconData
eyePlus → const IconData
facebook → const IconData
facebook2 → const IconData
feed → const IconData
fileEmpty → const IconData
fileExcel → const IconData
fileMusic → const IconData
fileOpenoffice → const IconData
filePdf → const IconData
filePicture → const IconData
filePlay → const IconData
filesEmpty → const IconData
fileText → const IconData
fileText2 → const IconData
fileVideo → const IconData
fileWord → const IconData
fileZip → const IconData
film → const IconData
filter → const IconData
finder → const IconData
fire → const IconData
firefox → const IconData
first → const IconData
flag → const IconData
flattr → const IconData
flickr → const IconData
flickr2 → const IconData
flickr3 → const IconData
flickr4 → const IconData
floppyDisk → const IconData
folder → const IconData
folderDownload → const IconData
folderMinus → const IconData
folderOpen → const IconData
folderPlus → const IconData
folderUpload → const IconData
font → const IconData
fontSize → const IconData
forward → const IconData
forward2 → const IconData
forward3 → const IconData
foursquare → const IconData
frustrated → const IconData
frustrated2 → const IconData
gift → const IconData
git → const IconData
github → const IconData
glass → const IconData
glass2 → const IconData
google → const IconData
google2 → const IconData
google3 → const IconData
googleDrive → const IconData
googlePlus → const IconData
googlePlus2 → const IconData
googlePlus3 → const IconData
grin → const IconData
grin2 → const IconData
hackernews → const IconData
hammer → const IconData
hammer2 → const IconData
hangouts → const IconData
happy → const IconData
happy2 → const IconData
headphones → const IconData
heart → const IconData
heartBroken → const IconData
hipster → const IconData
hipster2 → const IconData
history → const IconData
home → const IconData
home2 → const IconData
home3 → const IconData
hourGlass → const IconData
htmlFive → const IconData
htmlFive2 → const IconData
icoMoon → const IconData
ie → const IconData
image → const IconData
images → const IconData
indentDecrease → const IconData
indentIncrease → const IconData
infinite → const IconData
info → const IconData
insertTemplate → const IconData
instagram → const IconData
italic → const IconData
joomla → const IconData
key → const IconData
key2 → const IconData
keyboard → const IconData
lab → const IconData
lanyrd → const IconData
laptop → const IconData
last → const IconData
lastfm → const IconData
lastfm2 → const IconData
leaf → const IconData
library → const IconData
libreoffice → const IconData
lifebuoy → const IconData
ligature → const IconData
ligature2 → const IconData
linkedin → const IconData
linkedin2 → const IconData
list → const IconData
list2 → const IconData
listNumbered → const IconData
location → const IconData
location2 → const IconData
lock → const IconData
loop → const IconData
loop2 → const IconData
ltr → const IconData
magicWand → const IconData
magnet → const IconData
mail → const IconData
mail2 → const IconData
mail3 → const IconData
mail4 → const IconData
makeGroup → const IconData
man → const IconData
manWoman → const IconData
map → const IconData
map2 → const IconData
meter → const IconData
meter2 → const IconData
mic → const IconData
minus → const IconData
mobile → const IconData
mobile2 → const IconData
moveDown → const IconData
moveUp → const IconData
mug → const IconData
music → const IconData
neutral → const IconData
neutral2 → const IconData
newspaper → const IconData
newTab → const IconData
next → const IconData
next2 → const IconData
notification → const IconData
npm → const IconData
office → const IconData
omega → const IconData
onedrive → const IconData
opera → const IconData
opt → const IconData
pacman → const IconData
pageBreak → const IconData
pagebreak → const IconData
paintFormat → const IconData
paragraphCenter → const IconData
paragraphJustify → const IconData
paragraphLeft → const IconData
paragraphRight → const IconData
paste → const IconData
pause → const IconData
pause2 → const IconData
paypal → const IconData
pen → const IconData
pencil → const IconData
pencil2 → const IconData
phone → const IconData
phoneHangUp → const IconData
pieChart → const IconData
pilcrow → const IconData
pinterest → const IconData
pinterest2 → const IconData
play → const IconData
play2 → const IconData
play3 → const IconData
plus → const IconData
podcast → const IconData
pointDown → const IconData
pointLeft → const IconData
pointRight → const IconData
pointUp → const IconData
power → const IconData
powerCord → const IconData
previous → const IconData
previous2 → const IconData
priceTag → const IconData
priceTags → const IconData
printer → const IconData
profile → const IconData
pushpin → const IconData
qrcode → const IconData
question → const IconData
quill → const IconData
quotesLeft → const IconData
quotesRight → const IconData
radioChecked → const IconData
radioChecked2 → const IconData
radioUnchecked → const IconData
reddit → const IconData
redo → const IconData
redo2 → const IconData
renren → const IconData
reply → const IconData
road → const IconData
rocket → const IconData
rss → const IconData
rss2 → const IconData
rtl → const IconData
sad → const IconData
sad2 → const IconData
safari → const IconData
scissors → const IconData
section → const IconData
share → const IconData
share2 → const IconData
shield → const IconData
shift → const IconData
shocked → const IconData
shocked2 → const IconData
shrink → const IconData
shrink2 → const IconData
shuffle → const IconData
sigma → const IconData
sinaWeibo → const IconData
skype → const IconData
sleepy → const IconData
sleepy2 → const IconData
smile → const IconData
smile2 → const IconData
sortAlphaAsc → const IconData
sortAlphaDesc → const IconData
sortAmountAsc → const IconData
sortAmountDesc → const IconData
sortNumbericDesc → const IconData
sortNumericAsc → const IconData
soundcloud → const IconData
soundcloud2 → const IconData
spades → const IconData
spellCheck → const IconData
sphere → const IconData
spinner → const IconData
spinner2 → const IconData
spinner3 → const IconData
spinner4 → const IconData
spinner5 → const IconData
spinner6 → const IconData
spinner7 → const IconData
spinner8 → const IconData
spinner9 → const IconData
spinner10 → const IconData
spinner11 → const IconData
spoonKnife → const IconData
spotify → const IconData
stack → const IconData
stackoverflow → const IconData
starEmpty → const IconData
starFull → const IconData
starHalf → const IconData
statsBars → const IconData
statsBars2 → const IconData
statsDots → const IconData
steam → const IconData
steam2 → const IconData
stop → const IconData
stop2 → const IconData
stopwatch → const IconData
strikethrough → const IconData
stumbleupon → const IconData
stumbleupon2 → const IconData
subscript → const IconData
subscript2 → const IconData
sun → const IconData
superscript → const IconData
superscript2 → const IconData
svg → const IconData
tab → const IconData
table → const IconData
table2 → const IconData
tablet → const IconData
target → const IconData
telegram → const IconData
terminal → const IconData
textColor → const IconData
textHeight → const IconData
textWidth → const IconData
ticket → const IconData
tongue → const IconData
tongue2 → const IconData
tree → const IconData
trello → const IconData
trophy → const IconData
truck → const IconData
tumblr → const IconData
tumblr2 → const IconData
tux → const IconData
tv → const IconData
twitch → const IconData
twitter → const IconData
underline → const IconData
undo → const IconData
undo2 → const IconData
ungroup → const IconData
unlocked → const IconData
upload → const IconData
upload2 → const IconData
upload3 → const IconData
user → const IconData
userCheck → const IconData
userMinus → const IconData
userPlus → const IconData
users → const IconData
userTie → const IconData
videoCamera → const IconData
vimeo → const IconData
vimeo2 → const IconData
vine → const IconData
vk → const IconData
volumeDecrease → const IconData
volumeHigh → const IconData
volumeIncrease → const IconData
volumeLow → const IconData
volumeMedium → const IconData
volumeMute → const IconData
volumeMute2 → const IconData
warning → const IconData
whatsapp → const IconData
wikipedia → const IconData
windows → const IconData
windows8 → const IconData
wink → const IconData
wink2 → const IconData
woman → const IconData
wondering → const IconData
wondering2 → const IconData
wordpress → const IconData
wrench → const IconData
xing → const IconData
xing2 → const IconData
yahoo → const IconData
yahoo2 → const IconData
yelp → const IconData
youtube → const IconData
youtube2 → const IconData
zoomIn → const IconData
zoomOut → const IconData