icon_set_generator library

Generate icons sets from an image to a wide array of


apple → const List<int>
The standard set of icons required for an iOS / MacOS application.
standardSet → const List<int>
The standard set of icons required for most applications.
w10 → const List<int>
The standard set of icons required for a Windows 10 application.


generateIconSet(String path, List sets, {String? extension, String out = './out'}) Future<int>
Returns the number of icons produced in the out dir given an image path, or -1 in case of error.
getDecoder(String name) Function?
Returns the proper Decoder inferred from the file name.
getEncoder(String format) Function?
Returns the proper Encoder for the given format.
normalizeSet(List arr) → void
Remove numbers greater than 256 from a flat or nested list when handling the ICO format.