
pub package

The icomoon_generator package provides an easy way to generate Flutter-compatible class. This class contains static const IconData fields for each icon in your IcoMoon selection.

The package is written fully in Dart and doesn't require any external dependency.

Font generation

Install via dev dependency

$ flutter pub add --dev icomoon_generator

# And it's ready to go:
$ flutter pub run icomoon_generator:generate <input-json-file> <output-class-file> [options]

or Globally activate the package:

$ dart pub global activate icomoon_generator

# And it's ready to go:
$ icomoon_generator <input-json-file> <output-class-file> [options]

Required positional arguments:

  • <input-json-file> Path to the input json file. Should have .json extension.
  • <output-class-file> Path to the output class file. Should have .dart extension.

Flutter class options:

  • -c or --class-name=<name> Name for a generated class.
  • -p or --package=<name> Name of a package that provides a font. Used to provide a font through package dependency.
  • --[no-]format Format dart generated code.

Other options:

  • -z or --config-file=<path> Path to icomoon_generator yaml configuration file. pubspec.yaml and icomoon_generator.yaml files are used by default.
  • -v or --verbose Display every logging message.
  • -h or --help Shows usage information.

Usage example:

$ icomoon_generator fonts/selection.json lib/my_icons.dart --class-name=MyIcons -v

Updated Flutter project's pubspec.yaml:

    - family: Icomoon
        - asset: fonts/icomoon.ttf

Config file

icomoongenerator's configuration can also be placed in yaml file. Add _icomoon_generator section to either pubspec.yaml or icomoon_generator.yaml file:

  input_json_file: "fonts/selection.json"
  output_class_file: "lib/my_icons.dart"

  class_name: "MyIcons"
  package: my_font_package
  format: true

  verbose: false

input_json_file and output_class_file keys are required. It's possible to specify any other config file by using --config-file option.

Structure input_json_file key

  "icons": [
      "properties": {
        "name": "home",
        "code": 01
      "properties": {
        "name": "home2",
        "code": 02
      "properties": {
        "name": "home3",
        "code": 03
      "properties": {
        "name": "office",
        "code": 04


Any suggestions, issues, pull requests are welcomed.




The main library of the package. This library exposes the public API of the package.