upload method

  1. @override
Future<void> upload({
  1. required String containerId,
  2. required String filePath,
  3. required String destinationRelativePath,
  4. StreamHandler<double>? onProgress,

Upload a local file to iCloud.

containerId is the iCloud Container Id.

filePath is the full path of the local file.

destinationRelativePath is the relative path of the file to be stored in iCloud.

onProgress is an optional callback to track the progress of the upload. It takes a Stream

The returned future completes without waiting for the file to be uploaded to iCloud.


Future<void> upload({
  required String containerId,
  required String filePath,
  required String destinationRelativePath,
  StreamHandler<double>? onProgress,
}) async {
  var eventChannelName = '';

  if (onProgress != null) {
    eventChannelName = _generateEventChannelName('upload', containerId);

    await methodChannel.invokeMethod(
        'createEventChannel', {'eventChannelName': eventChannelName});

    final uploadEventChannel = EventChannel(eventChannelName);
    final stream = uploadEventChannel
        .where((event) => event is double)
        .map((event) => event as double);


  await methodChannel.invokeMethod('upload', {
    'containerId': containerId,
    'localFilePath': filePath,
    'cloudFileName': destinationRelativePath,
    'eventChannelName': eventChannelName