draw method
- List<Series<dynamic, D>> seriesList
void draw(List<Series<dynamic, D>> seriesList) {
// Clear the selection model when [seriesList] changes.
for (final selectionModel in _selectionModels.values) {
selectionModel.clearSelection(notifyListeners: false);
var processedSeriesList =
// Allow listeners to manipulate the seriesList.
// Set an index on the series list.
// This can be used by listeners of selection to determine the order of
// series, because the selection details are not returned in this order.
var seriesIndex = 0;
for (var series in processedSeriesList) {
series.seriesIndex = seriesIndex++;
// Initially save a reference to processedSeriesList. After drawInternal
// finishes, we expect _currentSeriesList to contain a new, possibly
// modified list.
_currentSeriesList = processedSeriesList;
// Store off processedSeriesList for use later during redraw calls. This
// list will not reflect any modifications that were made to
// _currentSeriesList by behaviors during the draw cycle.
_originalSeriesList = processedSeriesList;
drawInternal(processedSeriesList, skipAnimation: false, skipLayout: false);