
A Flutter widget for displaying network images with efficient caching.

This package provides a convenient way to display network images in your Flutter applications while taking advantage of caching to improve performance and reduce data usage.


  1. Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

      icached_network_image: ^1.0.0 (or latest version)
  2. Run flutter pub get to install the package.


Import the package in your Dart code:

import 'package:icached_network_image/icached_network_image.dart';

Use the ICachedNetworkImage widget to display your network images:

  height: 100,
  width: 150,
  placeholderAssetImage: 'assets/placeholder.png',
  fit: BoxFit.cover,


  • Caches downloaded images for faster loading in subsequent uses.
  • Provides a placeholder image to display while the network image is loading.
  • Supports local file paths for placeholder images.
  • Allows customization of the image container's shape (rectangle, circle) and border.
  • Offers flexibility in specifying image dimensions (height, width) and fit within the container.
  • Handles checking and updating cached images to ensure they stay fresh.

Optional Parameters

  • height: Controls the height of the image container (defaults to 50).
  • width: Controls the width of the image container (defaults to 50).
  • placeholderAssetImage: The asset path of the placeholder image.
  • fit: The fit of the image within its container (defaults to BoxFit.cover). Can be any BoxFit value.
  • alwaysShowPlaceHolder: Set to true to always display the placeholder image, even when the network image is available (defaults to false).
  • shape: The shape of the image container (defaults to BoxShape.circle). Can be BoxShape.rectangle or BoxShape.circle.
  • borderRadius: The border radius of the image container (defaults to null).
  • filePlaceholderPath: The local file path of an alternative placeholder image (optional).
  • border: The border of the image container (optional). Use a BoxBorder object to define the border style and color.


We welcome contributions to this package! Feel free to fork the repository on GitHub (https://github.com/MicroProgramer/icached_network_image), create pull requests for bug fixes or new features, and raise issues for any problems you encounter.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.