twos_compliment_bitstring_as_the_bigint function

BigInt twos_compliment_bitstring_as_the_bigint(
  1. String bit_string, {
  2. required int bit_size,


BigInt twos_compliment_bitstring_as_the_bigint(String bit_string, {required int bit_size}) {
    final BigInt max_size = BigInt.from(2).pow(bit_size-1) - BigInt.from(1);
    final BigInt min_size = -BigInt.from(2).pow(bit_size-1);
    BigInt bit_string_number = BigInt.parse(bit_string, radix: 2);
    late BigInt bi;
    if (bit_string_number > max_size ) {
        bi = min_size + BigInt.parse(bit_string.substring(1), radix: 2);
    else if (bit_string_number <= max_size ) {
        bi = bit_string_number;
    if (bi > max_size || bi < min_size) {
        throw Exception(' value must be >= ${min_size} and value <= ${max_size} for a ${bit_size} bit integers. ');
    return bi;