put_code_on_the_canister function

Future<void> put_code_on_the_canister(
  1. Caller caller,
  2. Principal canister_id,
  3. Uint8List wasm_module,
  4. CanisterInstallMode mode, [
  5. Uint8List? canister_install_arg,

Installs the wasm_module onto the canister_id using the management canister's install_code method. WARNING: This function does not stop or start the canister. If your canister needs to be stopped before upgrading, make sure to call the management canister's stop_canister method before calling this function.

The caller must be a controller of the canister_id.


Future<void> put_code_on_the_canister(Caller caller, Principal canister_id, Uint8List wasm_module, CanisterInstallMode mode, [Uint8List? canister_install_arg]) async {
    await SYSTEM_CANISTERS.management.call(
        caller: caller,
        calltype: CallType.call,
        method_name: 'install_code',
        put_bytes: c_forwards([
                'mode': Variant.of_the_map({mode.name: Null()}),
                'canister_id': canister_id,
                'wasm_module': Blob(wasm_module),
                'arg': canister_install_arg != null ? Blob(canister_install_arg) : Blob([])