websocket method

Stream websocket({
  1. required String baseDataUrl,
  2. required String mentor,
  3. required String sessionId,
  4. required String token,
  5. required String username,
  6. String? prompt,


Stream<dynamic> websocket({
  required String baseDataUrl,
  required String mentor,
  required String sessionId,
  required String token,
  required String username,
  String? prompt, // Optional prompt
}) {
  var channel = WebSocketChannel.connect(

  // Initial data without the prompt
  final dataWithoutPrompt = {
    "flow": {"name": mentor, "tenant": 'main', "username": username},
    "session_id": sessionId,
    "token": token

  // Send initial data without prompt

  // Wait for three seconds before sending the prompt
  Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3), () {
    // Check if prompt is provided and send it
    if (prompt != null) {
      final dataWithPrompt = {...dataWithoutPrompt, "prompt": prompt};

  // Return a stream that handles incoming messages
  return channel.stream.map((message) {
    return jsonDecode(message);
  }).handleError((error) {
    print('Error connecting to server: $error');