Validate IBANs
A simple usage example:
import 'package:iban/iban.dart';
main() {
var iban = 'at61 1904 3002 3457 3201';
if (isValid(iban)) {
print('$iban is a valid iban');
} else {
print('$iban is not a valid iban');
if (isValid(iban, sanitize: false)) {
print('$iban without sanitization is a valid iban.');
} else {
print('$iban without sanitization is not a valid iban.');
print('Convert the IBAN into a standard format: ${electronicFormat(iban)}');
print('To display an IBAN to a user we have: ${toPrintFormat(iban)}');
Iban specifications
The iban specifications are copied from iban.js
See specifications.dart for all available countries.
Contrary to iban.js
, which parses the specifications at runtime, all regular expression
strings are parsed using specifications_builder.dart.
Please open an issue if you notice that my specifications are out of sync with iban.js
if you know how to build the iban for another country.