load method

  1. @override
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> load(
  1. Locale locale, {
  2. String manifest = 'AssetManifest.json',

Loads all '.json' localization files declared in manifest with bundlePath given a locale. The assets themselves must have been previously declared in pubspec.yaml.

For example, if your project structure is as follows:

  - l10n
    - en-US/localizations.json
    - pt-BR/localizations.json

Then the desired bundlePath should be l10n.

  • manifest determines from where the namespaced files will be loaded from. This file should contain a Map where the keys represent the asset's path. Defaults to 'AssetManifest.json'.

The end result is a Map that contains all the namespaces which are the file names themselves (case sensitive).


Future<Map<String, dynamic>> load(
  Locale locale, {
  String manifest = 'AssetManifest.json',
}) async {

  final assetFiles = await bundle
      .loadString(manifest, cache: cache)
      .then<Map<String, dynamic>>((string) => json.decode(string))
      .then((map) => map.keys);

  /// On every platform you never should try to get the `path.separator`,
  /// because Flutter is fetching all assets in `/` style.
  /// `path.separator` should only be used to handle OS files.
  final bundleLocalePath = '$bundlePath/${locale.toLanguageTag()}';

  final files = assetFiles
      // trailing slash is to guarantee the whole dir matches, otherwise
      // it might allow undesired files
      .where((key) => key.contains(bundleLocalePath))
      .where((key) => path.extension(key) == '.json');

  return await loadFromFiles(files);