define static method

  1. @visibleForTesting
void define(
  1. Locale? locale

To change the current locale:

I18n.define(Locale("pt", "BR"));

To return the current locale to the system default:


Note: This will change the current locale only for the i18n_extension, and not for Flutter as a whole.

IMPORTANT: This should be used in tests ONLY. The real app, you should instead do: I18n.of(context).locale = Locale("en", "US");


static void define(Locale? locale) {
  Locale oldLocale = I18n.locale;
  _forcedLocale = locale;
  Locale newLocale = I18n.locale;
  if (oldLocale != newLocale) I18n.observeLocale(oldLocale: oldLocale, newLocale: newLocale);