forceRebuild static method

void forceRebuild(
  1. String id

If you have multiple I18n widgets you can call this method to force specific I18n widgets to rebuild. First, give it an id (and not a key), for example: I18n(id:"myWidget", child: ...).

Then, whenever you need to rebuild it: I18n.forceRebuild("myWidget"). Note this is a hack. It is not recommended that you have multiple I18n widgets in your widget tree.

Note: The id must be a literal, const String, because GlobalObjectKey creates the key from the the id identity.


static void forceRebuild(String id) {
  var key = GlobalObjectKey<_I18nState>(id);
  var state = key.currentState;

  if (state == null)
    throw TranslationsException("Can't find a `I18n` widget "
        "with id=`$id` up in the tree.");


  // ignore: invalid_use_of_protected_member
  state.setState(() {});