HyperTrack class

This plugin allows you to use HyperTrack SDK for Flutter apps



Static Properties

deviceId Future<String>
Returns a string that is used to uniquely identify the device.
no setter
errors Future<Set<HyperTrackError>>
Returns a list of errors that blocks the SDK from tracking.
no setter
errorsSubscription Stream<Set<HyperTrackError>>
Subscribe to tracking errors.
no setter
isAvailable Future<bool>
Reflects availability of the device for the Nearby search.
no setter
isAvailableSubscription Stream<bool>
Subscribe to availability changes.
no setter
isTracking Future<bool>
Reflects the tracking intent for the device.
no setter
isTrackingSubscription Stream<bool>
Subscribe to tracking intent changes.
no setter
location Future<Result<Location, LocationError>>
Reflects the current location of the user or an outage reason.
no setter
locationSubscription Stream<Result<Location, LocationError>>
Subscribe to location changes.
no setter
metadata Future<JSONObject>
Gets the metadata that is set for the device.
no setter
name Future<String>
Gets the name that is set for the device.
no setter

Static Methods

addGeotag(JSONObject data) Future<Result<Location, LocationError>>
Adds a new geotag. Accepts data - Geotag data JSON. Returns current location if success or LocationError if failure.
addGeotagWithExpectedLocation(JSONObject data, Location expectedLocation) Future<Result<LocationWithDeviation, LocationError>>
Adds a new geotag with expected location. Accepts data - Geotag data JSON. Accepts expectedLocation - Expected location. Returns current location with deviation from expected location if success or LocationError if failure.
locate() Stream<Result<Location, Set<HyperTrackError>>>
Requests one-time location update and returns the Location once it is available, or LocationError.
setIsAvailable(bool available) → void
Sets the availability of the device for the Nearby search.
setIsTracking(bool tracking) → void
Sets the tracking intent for the device.
setMetadata(JSONObject data) → void
Sets the metadata for the device.
setName(String name) → void
Sets the name for the device.