HyperTrack class

This plugin allows you to use HyperTrack SDK for Flutter apps



Static Properties

allowMockLocation Future<bool>
If disallowed, the HyperTrack platform will display and outage if mocked location is detected
no setter
deviceId Future<String>
Returns a string that is used to uniquely identify the device.
no setter
errors Future<Set<HyperTrackError>>
Returns a list of errors that blocks the SDK from tracking.
no setter
errorsSubscription Stream<Set<HyperTrackError>>
Subscribe to tracking errors.
no setter
isAvailable Future<bool>
Reflects availability of the device for the Nearby search.
no setter
isAvailableSubscription Stream<bool>
Subscribe to availability changes.
no setter
isTracking Future<bool>
Reflects the tracking intent for the device.
no setter
isTrackingSubscription Stream<bool>
Subscribe to tracking intent changes.
no setter
location Future<Result<Location, LocationError>>
Reflects the current location of the user or an outage reason.
no setter
locationSubscription Stream<Result<Location, LocationError>>
Subscribe to location changes.
no setter
metadata Future<JSONObject>
Gets the metadata that is set for the device.
no setter
name Future<String>
Gets the name that is set for the device.
no setter
orders Future<Map<String, Order>>
Gets the active orders for the worker. The orders are sorted with the ordering in which the worker should complete them.
no setter
ordersSubscription Stream<Map<String, Order>>
Subscribe to changes in the orders assigned to the worker
no setter
workerHandle Future<String>
A primary identifier that uniquely identifies the worker outside of HyperTrack. Example: email, phone number, database id It is usually obtained and set when the worker logs into the app. Set it to an empty string "" when the worker logs out of the app to un-bind the device from the worker and avoid unintentional tracking.
no setter

Static Methods

addGeotag(String orderHandle, OrderStatus orderStatus, JSONObject data) Future<Result<Location, LocationError>>
Adds a new geotag. Check Shift tracking and Clock In/Out tagging docs to learn how to use Order handle and Order status params. Accepts:
addGeotagDeprecated(JSONObject data) Future<Result<Location, LocationError>>
Deprecated. Use addGeotag with orderHandle and orderStatus instead.
addGeotagWithExpectedLocation(String orderHandle, OrderStatus orderStatus, JSONObject data, Location expectedLocation) Future<Result<LocationWithDeviation, LocationError>>
Adds a new geotag with expected location. Check Shift tracking doc to learn how to use Order handle and Order status params. Accepts:
addGeotagWithExpectedLocationDeprecated(JSONObject data, Location expectedLocation) Future<Result<LocationWithDeviation, LocationError>>
Deprecated. Use addGeotagWithExpectedLocation with orderHandle and orderStatus instead.
locate() Stream<Result<Location, Set<HyperTrackError>>>
Requests one-time location update and returns the Location once it is available, or LocationError.
setAllowMockLocation(bool allow) → void
Allows mocking location data.
setIsAvailable(bool available) → void
Sets the availability of the device for the Nearby search.
setIsTracking(bool tracking) → void
Sets the tracking intent for the device.
setMetadata(JSONObject data) → void
Sets the metadata for the device.
setName(String name) → void
Sets the name for the device.
setWorkerHandle(String workerHandle) → void
A primary identifier that uniquely identifies the worker outside of HyperTrack. Example: email, phone number, database id It is usually obtained and set when the worker logs into the app. Set it to an empty string "" when the worker logs out of the app to un-bind the device from the worker and avoid unintentional tracking.