hypersnapsdk_flutter library
- HVBarcodeConfig
- Configuration options for barcode scanning.
- HVBarcodeScanCapture
- The class that provides methods for barcode capture using HyperSnap SDK.
- HVBarcodeScanUIStrings
- UI strings for the barcode scanning UI.
- HVDocCaptureUIStrings
- HVDocCaptureUIStrings represents the localized UI strings for the document capture user interface.
- HVDocConfig
- HVDocConfig - used to configure the doc capture options for the sdk HVDocConfig is used to configure the document capture options for the SDK.
- HVDocsCapture
- The class that provides methods for document capture using HyperSnap SDK.
- HVError
- HVError represents an error object with an error code and error message.
- HVFaceCapture
- Class that provides face capture functionality.
- HVFaceCapturePadding
- Represents the padding values for face capture.
- HVFaceCaptureUIStrings
- HVFaceCaptureUIStrings is used to set custom strings for all customizable text in HyperSnapSDK face capture.
- HVFaceConfig
- HVFaceConfig is used to customise HyperSnapSDK face capture flow.
- HVLivenessAPIDetails
- HVLivenessAPIDetails is used to pre-set the endpoint, liveness value, params, and headers for making a liveness API call immediately after the document has been captured.
- HVNetworkHelper
- HVNetworkHelper is a utility class that provides methods for making OCR and face match API calls.
- HVOCRAPIDetails represents the details of the OCR API for document capture.
- HVResponse
- HVResponse represents a response object containing various attributes related to an API response.
- HVTimeoutConfig
- Configuration class for setting timeout values for API calls.
- HVUIAlignment
- HVUIAnimation
- HVUIBorderRadius
- HVUIColor
- HVUIConfig
- HVUIFont
- HVUIFontSize
- HVUIFontWeight
- HVVideoRecordingConfig
- Configuration for video recording in the user's selfie flow.
- HyperSnapSDK
- HyperSnapSDK is used to initial the sdk, to config the sdk, and to manage user sessions
- HyperSnapSDKConfig
- Configuration class for setting options for the HyperSnap SDK.
- DocumentSide
- An enumeration representing the side of a document.
- DocumentType
- An enumeration representing the type of a document.
- FaceMatchMode
- FaceMatchMode is an enumeration that represents the different modes for performing face matching.
- LivenessMode
- Enum representing different liveness modes.
- Region
- Enum representing different regions.
- DocumentSideExtension on DocumentSide
- Extension methods for the DocumentSide enum.
- DocumentTypeExtension on DocumentType
- Extension methods for the DocumentType enum.
- FaceMatchModeExtension on FaceMatchMode
- LivenessModeExtension on LivenessMode
- Extension methods for the LivenessMode enum.
- RegionExtension on Region
- Extension on Region enum to provide additional functionality.