HyperSnapSDKConstants class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

docCaptureSubText String
getter/setter pair
faceInstructionsProceed String
getter/setter pair
faceInstructionsProceedBackCam String
getter/setter pair


accessToken → const String
alertTextBoxBackgroundColor → const String
alertTextBoxBorderColor → const String
alertTextBoxTextColor → const String
alertTextBoxTextFont → const String
alertTextBoxTextSize → const String
alertTextBoxTextWeight → const String
appId → const String
----------------------------hyper-snap sdk constants------------------------- map properties
appKey → const String
autoCaptureDuration → const String
barcodeCaptureCameraAccessButton → const String
barcodeCaptureCameraAccessDescription → const String
barcodeCaptureCameraAccessTitle → const String
barcodeCaptureDescription → const String
barcodeCaptureSkip → const String
barcodeCaptureSubText → const String
barcodeCaptureTitle → const String
barcodeInstructionsDescription → const String
barcodeInstructionsProceed → const String
barcodeInstructionsTitle → const String
qr ui strings
bitRateM → const String
captureButtonColor → const String
checkActiveLiveness → const String
connectTimeout → const String
descriptionTextAlignment → const String
descriptionTextColor → const String
descriptionTextFont → const String
descriptionTextSize → const String
descriptionTextWeight → const String
docAspectRatioValue → const String
doc config properties
docAutoCapture → const String
docAutoCaptureDuration → const String
docCaptureAutoCaptureError → const String
docCaptureAutoCaptureWait → const String
docCaptureBarcodeScanned → const String
docCaptureCameraAccessButton → const String
docCaptureCameraAccessDesc → const String
docCaptureCameraAccessTitle → const String
docCaptureDescription → const String
docCaptureDocFound → const String
docCaptureDocNotFound → const String
docCaptureMoveAwayFromCamera → const String
docCaptureMoveAwayFromEdge → const String
docCaptureMoveCloser → const String
docCaptureScanningBarcode → const String
docCaptureTitle → const String
docCaptureUIStrings → const String
docCloseAlertDialogDescription → const String
docCloseAlertDialogTitle → const String
docConfig → const String
----------------------------hyper-snap doc capture constants------------------------- map properties
docDefaultPaddingValue → const String
docDisableBarcodeSkip → const String
docInstructionsDescription → const String
docInstructionsProceed → const String
docInstructionsTitle → const String
doc ui strings
docInstructionsUploadButton → const String
docLoaderDesc → const String
docLoaderTitle → const String
docReadBarcodeTimeout → const String
docRetakeButton → const String
docRetakeTitle → const String
docReviewContinueButton → const String
docReviewDescription → const String
docReviewRetakeButton → const String
docReviewTitle → const String
docShouldEnableRetries → const String
docShouldEnableUpload → const String
docShouldReadBarcode → const String
docShouldSetPadding → const String
docShouldShowCloseAlert → const String
docShouldShowFlashIcon → const String
docShouldShowInstructionPage → const String
docShouldShowReviewScreen → const String
docShouldShowTrustLogos → const String
docTypeValue → const String
documentFailureLottie → const String
documentInstructionBackSideLottie → const String
documentInstructionFrontSideLottie → const String
documentInstructionLottie → const String
ui animation
documentProcessingLottie → const String
documentSideHintTextColor → const String
documentSideHintTextFont → const String
documentSideHintTextSize → const String
documentSideHintTextWeight → const String
documentSideString → const String
documentSuccessLottie → const String
endStateFailure → const String
endStateProcessing → const String
endStateSuccess → const String
endUserSession → const String
faceAutoCapture → const String
faceCaptureAutoCaptureAction → const String
faceCaptureAutoCaptureWait → const String
faceCaptureCameraAccessButton → const String
faceCaptureCameraAccessDesc → const String
faceCaptureCameraAccessTitle → const String
faceCaptureDeviceWrongOrientation → const String
faceCaptureFaceFound → const String
faceCaptureFaceNotFound → const String
faceCaptureLookStraight → const String
faceCaptureMoveAway → const String
faceCaptureMoveCloser → const String
faceCaptureMultipleFaces → const String
faceCaptureTitle → const String
faceCaptureUIStrings → const String
faceCloseAlertDialogDesc → const String
faceCloseAlertDialogTitle → const String
faceConfig → const String
----------------------------hyper-snap face capture constants------------------------- map properties
faceFailureLottie → const String
faceGestureLookLeft → const String
faceGestureLookRight → const String
faceGestureLookStraight → const String
faceInstructionLottie → const String
faceInstructionsDesc → const String
faceInstructionsTitle → const String
face ui strings
faceLoaderDesc → const String
faceLoaderTitle → const String
facePadding → const String
faceProcessingLottie → const String
faceRetakeButton → const String
faceRetakeTitle → const String
faceShouldAddPadding → const String
faceShouldHandleRetries → const String
faceShouldReturnFullImageUrl → const String
faceShouldShowCameraSwitchButton → const String
faceShouldShowCloseAlert → const String
faceShouldShowInstructionPage → const String
face config properties
faceShouldShowTrustLogos → const String
faceShouldUseBackCamera → const String
faceSuccessLottie → const String
faceVideoRecording → const String
fps → const String
headers → const String
hvQRConfig → const String
map properties
hvUIAlignment → const String
hvUIAnimation → const String
hvUIBorderRadius → const String
hvUIColor → const String
ui config
hvUIFont → const String
hvUIFontSize → const String
hvUIFontWeight → const String
hyperSnapChannel → const String
----------------------------MethodChannel constants--------------------------
hyperSnapSDKConfig → const String
initialize → const String
initializeWithToken → const String
isInitialised → const String
livenessApiDetails → const String
livenessEndpoint → const String
liveness api properties
livenessHeaders → const String
livenessParams → const String
livenessValue → const String
networkHelperMakeFaceMatchCall → const String
networkHelperMakeOCRCall → const String
---------------------------------------------hv network helper strings---------------------
noOfFrames → const String
ocrApiDetails → const String
ocrEndpoint → const String
ocr api properties
paddingBottom → const String
paddingLeft → const String
padding properties
paddingRight → const String
paddingTop → const String
params → const String
primaryButtonBackgroundColor → const String
primaryButtonBorderColor → const String
primaryButtonRadius → const String
ui border
primaryButtonTextColor → const String
primaryButtonTextFont → const String
primaryButtonTextSize → const String
primaryButtonTextWeight → const String
qrInstruction → const String
qrScanCaptureStart → const String
---------------------------------------------hv qr capture strings--------------------- methods
qrScanUIStrings → const String
qrShouldShowInstructionPage → const String
qr config
readTimeout → const String
region → const String
retakeMessageColor → const String
retakeMessageFont → const String
retakeMessageTextSize → const String
retakeMessageWeight → const String
secondaryButtonBackgroundColor → const String
secondaryButtonBorderColor → const String
secondaryButtonRadius → const String
secondaryButtonTextColor → const String
secondaryButtonTextFont → const String
secondaryButtonTextSize → const String
secondaryButtonTextWeight → const String
shouldEnableSSLPinning → const String
hyper snap config properties
shouldRecordVideo → const String
video recording config properties
shouldReturnRawResponse → const String
shouldUseSignature → const String
sortJSONKeysAlphabetically → const String
startDocCapture → const String
startFaceCapture → const String
startUserSession → const String
statusTextAlignment → const String
statusTextColor → const String
statusTextFont → const String
statusTextSize → const String
statusTextWeight → const String
titleTextAlignment → const String
ui alignment
titleTextColor → const String
ui color
titleTextFont → const String
ui font
titleTextSize → const String
ui font size
titleTextWeight → const String
ui font weight
totalGestures → const String
uiConfigMap → const String
uploadFailure → const String
userId → const String
writeTimeout → const String