makeOCRCall static method

Future<void> makeOCRCall({
  1. required String endpoint,
  2. required String documentUri,
  3. required Map parameters,
  4. required Map headers,
  5. required dynamic onComplete(
    1. HVResponse?,
    2. HVError?

Makes an OCR API call using the document image.


  • endpoint: The endpoint URL to obtain the OCR response.
  • documentUri: The path/URI of the document image on which the OCR call has to be performed.
  • parameters: A map/json containing key-value pairs of different fraud/malice checks provided by
  • headers: A map/json containing key-value pairs of different header options provided by
  • onComplete: A callback function Function(HVResponse?, HVError?) that will be called when the OCR call is complete.


static Future<void> makeOCRCall({
  required String endpoint,
  required String documentUri,
  required Map parameters,
  required Map headers,
  required Function(HVResponse?, HVError?) onComplete,
}) async {
  try {
    final resMap = await _hvNetworkHelperChannel.invokeMethod(
        'endpoint': endpoint,
        'documentUri': documentUri,
        'parameters': parameters,
        'headers': headers,

    final errorObj = resMap['errorObj'];
    final resObj = resMap['resultObj'];
    final hvError = errorObj.isEmpty ? null : HVError.fromMap(errorObj);
    final hvResponse = resObj.isEmpty ? null : HVResponse.fromMap(resObj);

    onComplete(hvResponse, hvError);
  } catch (e) {