start static method

Future<void> start({
  1. HVFaceConfig? hvFaceConfig,
  2. required void onComplete(
    1. HVResponse?,
    2. HVError?

Starts the face capture process and returns the parsed result.

hvFaceConfig (optional) is an instance of HVFaceConfig that configures the face capture.

onComplete is a callback function that receives the HVResponse and HVError objects.

Example usage:

  hvFaceConfig: HVFaceConfig(), // Provide the face capture configuration if needed
  onComplete: (response, error) {
    // Handle the response and error objects


static Future<void> start({
  HVFaceConfig? hvFaceConfig,
  required void Function(HVResponse?, HVError?) onComplete,
}) async {
  Map resMap = {};
  HVError? hvError;
  HVResponse? hvResponse;

  try {
    resMap = await _hyperSnapSDKChannel.invokeMethod(
            hvFaceConfig?.toMap() ?? HVFaceConfig().toMap(),

    Map errorObj = resMap["errorObj"];
    Map resObj = resMap["resultObj"];
    hvError = (errorObj.isEmpty) ? null : HVError.fromMap(errorObj);
    hvResponse = (resObj.isEmpty) ? null : HVResponse.fromMap(resObj);
  } catch (e) {

  onComplete(hvResponse, hvError);