readyUICards method
This async function takes a ReadyUI object as input and returns a Future object of type PaymentResultData. It implements a payment operation by passing the Brand name, Checkout ID, Shopper Result URL, Payment Channel name, Payment mode, Language, Theme color in HEX (iOS), and a flag to set the store payment details mode. The function waits for the payment operation to complete and returns the resulting PaymentResultData.
Future<PaymentResultData> readyUICards({required ReadyUI readyUI}) async {
return await implementPayment(
brands: readyUI.brandsName,
checkoutId: readyUI.checkoutId,
shopperResultUrl: shopperResultUrl,
channelName: channelName,
paymentMode: paymentMode,
merchantId: readyUI.merchantIdApplePayIOS,
countryCode: readyUI.countryCodeApplePayIOS,
companyName: readyUI.companyNameApplePayIOS,
lang: lang,
themColorHexIOS: readyUI.themColorHexIOS,
setStorePaymentDetailsMode: readyUI.setStorePaymentDetailsMode,