payWithSoredCards method

Future<PaymentResultData> payWithSoredCards({
  1. required StoredCards storedCards,

This function allows the user to make payments using their stored cards. It accepts an argument of type StoredCards and makes a call to the implementPaymentStoredCards function with the values required for the payment. It returns a Future


Future<PaymentResultData> payWithSoredCards(
    {required StoredCards storedCards}) async {
  return await implementPaymentStoredCards(
    brand: storedCards.brandName,
    checkoutId: storedCards.checkoutId,
    tokenId: storedCards.tokenId,
    cvv: storedCards.cvv,
    shopperResultUrl: shopperResultUrl,
    channelName: channelName,
    paymentMode: paymentMode,
    lang: lang,