Hyper SDK WebView Flutter

A Flutter Plugin that enables merchants to open Juspay's Paymentpage inside the webview widget.

Flutter Setup

  1. Begin by including the Hyper SDK WebView Flutter plugin in your project's pubspec.yaml file. Obtain the necessary dependency here
  2. Instantiate a HyperWebviewFlutter object provided by this plugin.
  3. Provide the webview Controller to the attach() function of the HyperWebviewFlutter object.
class _WebviewPaymentPageState extends State<WebviewPaymentPage> {
  late WebViewController _controller;
  void initState() {
     var url = Uri.parse(widget.url);
    _controller = WebViewController()
    widget._hyperWebviewFlutterPlugin = HyperWebviewFlutter();
  1. Utilize this controller to render the PaymentPage within the WebView.