roll method

Widget roll(
  1. String newText, {
  2. EdgeInsets padding =,
  3. SymbolTapeStrategy tapeStrategy = const ConsistentSymbolTapeStrategy(0),
  4. Curve? tapeCurve,
  5. TapeSlideDirection tapeSlideDirection = TapeSlideDirection.up,
  6. bool staggerTapes = true,
  7. int staggerSoftness = 10,
  8. bool reverseStaggerDirection = false,
  9. Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
  10. double symbolDistanceMultiplier = 1,
  11. double? fixedTapeWidth,
  12. Duration? widthDuration,
  13. Curve? widthCurve,

Rolls each character individually to form the newText.

The padding is the internal padding to apply between the row of symbol tapes and the clipping mask.

The tapeStrategy parameter is used to determine the string of characters to create and roll through for each character index between the old and new text.

The tapeCurve parameter is used to determine the curve each roll of symbol tape uses to slide up and down through its characters. If null, the same curve is used as the one provided to the animate function.

The tapeSlideDirection parameter is used to determine the direction each roll of symbol tape slides through its characters.

The staggerTapes parameter is used to determine whether the tapes should be staggered or not. If set to true, the starting tapes will move and end their sliding faster than the ending tapes.

The staggerSoftness parameter is used to determine how harsh the stagger effect is. The higher the number, the more the stagger effect is softened, and the interpolation between each tape will more similar to each other.

A value of 1 will result in the animation timeline being evenly split from the starting tape to the end tape, so the first tape will have the shortest duration of sliding time, and the last tape will have the longest duration of sliding time.

A value of 10 will result in the animation timeline being split into (text's length + 10) equal parts, so the first tape will have a duration of sliding time that is very similar to the last tape.

The reverseStaggerDirection parameter is used to determine whether the stagger effect should be reversed or not. If set to true, the starting tapes will move their sliding slower than the ending tapes. If set to false, the starting tapes will move their sliding faster than the ending tapes.

The clipBehavior parameter is used to determine how the text should be clipped. The rendered text is going to be a fixed-height box based on the font size. If you want to clip the text on your own terms, set this parameter to Clip.none.

The symbolDistanceMultiplier parameter is used to determine the height of each symbol in each tape relative to the font size. If the font size is 32, the final height of the entire widget is fontSize * lineHeightMultiplier. The default multiplier is 1.

The interpolateWidthPerSymbol parameter is used to determine whether the width of each tape should be interpolated between the width of the old and new text as the symbols roll or if the width should interpolate directly between the starting and ending texts.

The fixedTapeWidth parameter can be optionally used to set a fixed width for each tape. If null, the width of each tape will be the width of the active character in the tape. If not null, the width of each tape will be the fixed width provided. Note that this will allow the text's characters to potentially overlap each other.

The widthDuration parameter is used to determine the duration of the width animation of each tape. If null, the same duration is used as the one provided to the animate function.

The widthCurve parameter is used to determine the curve of the width animation of each tape. If null, the same curve is used as the one provided to the animate function.


Widget roll(
  String newText, {
  EdgeInsets padding =,
  SymbolTapeStrategy tapeStrategy = const ConsistentSymbolTapeStrategy(0),
  Curve? tapeCurve,
  TapeSlideDirection tapeSlideDirection = TapeSlideDirection.up,
  bool staggerTapes = true,
  int staggerSoftness = 10,
  bool reverseStaggerDirection = false,
  Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
  double symbolDistanceMultiplier = 1,
  double? fixedTapeWidth,
  Duration? widthDuration,
  Curve? widthCurve,
}) {
    symbolDistanceMultiplier > 0,
    'lineHeightMultiplier must be greater than 0.',
    staggerSoftness > 0,
    'staggerSoftness must be greater than 0.',
    !(data ?? '').contains('\n') && !newText.contains('\n'),
    'Rolling text effect does not support multiline text.',

  return Builder(builder: (context) {
    final TextStyle defaultStyle =
        DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style.copyWith(inherit: true);
    final TextStyle effectiveStyle =
        style != null ? defaultStyle.merge(style) : defaultStyle;

    return EffectWidget(
      end: RollingTextEffect(
        oldText: data ?? '',
        newText: newText,
        padding: padding,
        tapeStrategy: tapeStrategy,
        tapeCurve: tapeCurve,
        tapeSlideDirection: tapeSlideDirection,
        staggerTapes: staggerTapes,
        staggerSoftness: staggerSoftness,
        reverseStaggerDirection: reverseStaggerDirection,
        clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
        style: effectiveStyle,
        fixedTapeWidth: fixedTapeWidth,
        widthDuration: widthDuration,
        widthCurve: widthCurve,
        strutStyle: StrutStyle(
          fontSize: effectiveStyle.fontSize,
          height: 1,
          forceStrutHeight: true,
          leading: symbolDistanceMultiplier - 1,
        textAlign: textAlign,
        textDirection: textDirection,
        locale: locale,
        softWrap: softWrap,
        overflow: overflow,
        textScaler: textScaler,
        maxLines: maxLines,
        semanticsLabel: semanticsLabel,
        textWidthBasis: textWidthBasis,
        textHeightBehavior: textHeightBehavior,
        selectionColor: selectionColor,
      child: this,