lerp method

  1. @override
BlurEffect lerp(
  1. covariant BlurEffect other,
  2. double value

Linearly interpolates between two Effects. This is used to animate between two Effects. The value argument is a fraction that determines the position of this effect between this and other.

If a Curve is provided to the parent AnimatableEffect, the value will be interpolated by the Curve. Otherwise, the value will be interpolated linearly.

The implementation should return this if value is 0.0 and other if value is 1.0. Otherwise, returns an Effect that is a combination of this and other by interpolating between them.

clampedValue is the clamped value of value between 0.0 and 1.0, if desired.

If no parent AnimatableEffect or ScrollTransition is provided, then this method is called with other being the same as this effectively nullifying the effect.

Check out ScaleEffect.lerp for an example of how to implement this method.

Returns a new Effect that is a combination of this and other. This returned Effect is then applied to the Widget by calling apply.


BlurEffect lerp(covariant BlurEffect other, double value) {
  final effect = BlurEffect(
    blur: blur != null ? (lerpDouble(blur, other.blur, value) ?? 1) : null,
    blurX: blur == null ? (lerpDouble(blurX, other.blurX, value) ?? 1) : null,
    blurY: blur == null ? (lerpDouble(blurY, other.blurY, value) ?? 1) : null,
  return effect;