statusCodes constant

Map<String, String> const statusCodes

Status codes map of the Safety Detect SDK.


static const Map<String, String> statusCodes = <String, String>{
  /// [Description:] HMS Core SDK internal error.
  /// [Solution:] Go to Support > Customer Service > Submit Question Online,
  /// select the relevant topic, and submit your question. Huawei will get back
  /// to you as soon as possible.
  '19001': 'SDK_INTERNAL_ERROR',

  /// [Description:] Network exception.
  /// [Solution:] Verify that your phone has access to the Internet.
  '19002': 'NETWORK_ERROR',

  /// [Description:] The API is unavailable in this region.
  /// [Solution:] Verify that this API is supported in the region where the user is located.
  '19003': 'UNSUPPORTED_AREA',

  /// [Description:] Invalid app ID in the request.
  /// [Solution:] Verify that the app ID in the request is valid.

  /// [Description:] The HMS Core (APK) version on the user device does not support
  /// the Safety Detect service.
  /// [Solution:] Update HMS Core (APK) to the latest version.

  /// [Description:] The number of apps to check exceeds the maximum allowed by AppCheck.
  /// [Solution:] Reduce the number of apps to check.

  /// [Description:] A mandatory parameter in the request is empty.
  /// [Solution:] Verify that all mandatory parameters in the request are correctly set.
  '19150': 'PARAM_ERROR_EMPTY',

  /// [Description:] Parameter verification failed.
  /// [Solution:] Verify that parameters in the request are valid.

  /// [Description:] An internal error occurred during app security check.
  /// [Solution:] Contact Huawei technical support.

  /// [Description:] An internal error occurred during malicious URL check.
  /// [Solution:] Contact Huawei technical support.

  /// [Description:] URLCheck initialization failed.
  /// [Solution:] Call the initUrlCheck() API first to initialize URLCheck.
  '19601': 'CHECK_WITHOUT_INIT',

  /// [Description:] The URLCheck API does not support the passed URL categories.
  /// Currently, Safety Detect can only identify phishing and malware URLs.
  /// [Solution:] Verify that the passed URL categories are valid.

  /// [Description:] Invalid parameters for calling urlCheck.
  /// [Solution:] Verify that relevant parameters are valid.

  /// [Description:] The app ID passed for calling urlCheck is invalid.
  /// [Solution:] Verify that the passed app ID is valid.

  /// [Description:] Fake user detection failed.
  /// [Solution:] Try again. If the detection fails for three times, risks exist.
  '19800': 'DETECT_FAIL',

  /// [Description:] Fake user detection timed out, for example, when the user enters the verification code.
  /// [Solution:] Try again.

  /// [Description:] The app ID passed for calling userDetection is invalid.
  /// [Solution:] Verify that the passed app ID is valid.

  /// [Description:] Failed to display a popup on a non-Huawei phone.
  /// [Solution:] Go to Settings (or your phone manager app), assign HMS Core (APK) with the permission to display a popup while running in the background, and try again.

  /// [Description:] Failed to initialize imperceptible fake user detection.
  /// [Solution:] Contact Huawei technical support.
  '19820': 'ANTI_FRAUD_INIT_FAIL',

  /// [Description:] The app ID passed to the initAntiFraud API is incorrect.
  /// [Solution:] Verify the passed parameter.

  /// [Description:] Failed to obtain the risk token.
  /// [Solution:] Initialize the API again.
  '19830': 'RISK_TOKEN_GET_FAIL',

  /// [Description:] An internal error occurred on the API for obtaining a risk token.
  /// [Solution:] Contact Huawei technical support.

  /// [Description:] Unkown error code.
  /// [Solution:] Contact Huawei technical support.