stateCode property

int? stateCode

1001: FACE_ASPECT --> The face orientation is inconsistent with that of the phone.

1002: NO_FACE --> No face is detected.

1003: MULTI_FACES --> Multiple faces are detected.

1004: PART_FACE --> The face deviates from the center of the face frame.

1005: BIG_FACE --> The face is too large.

1006: SMALL_FACE --> The face is too small.

1007: WEAR_SUNGLASSES --> The face is blocked by the sunglasses.

1008: WEAR_MASK --> The face is blocked by the mask.

1009: ACTION_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_ERROR --> The detected action is not the required one. When this result code is returned, exit the detection, and the call will be charged as a valid call.

1014: CONTINUITY_DETECTION_ERROR --> The continuity detection fails. When this result code is returned, exit the detection, and the call will be charged as a valid call.

1018: DARK --> The light is dark.

1019: BLUR --> The image is blurry.

1020: BACK_LIGHTING --> The face is backlit.

1021: BRIGHT --> The light is bright.

2000: IN_PROGRESS --> The detection is underway.

2002: SPOOFING --> The face does not belong to a real person. When this result code is returned, exit the detection, and the call will be charged as a valid call.

2003: LIVE_AND_ACTION_CORRECT --> Verification is performed, and the detected action is correct.

2004: GUIDE_DETECTION_SUCCESS --> Verification succeeded.

2007: INIT_FACE_RECTANGLE_ERROR --> The position of the face frame is not set before the algorithm is called.

5020: ERROR_RESULT_BEFORE --> The previous detection ended when it was not complete. When this result code is returned, exit the detection, and the call will not be charged.

5030: RESULT_TIME_OUT --> The detection times out. When this result code is returned, the call will be charged as a valid call.

9999: ALL_ACTION_CORRECT --> Three consecutive actions are correct, and the detection ends. When this result code is returned, the call will be charged as a valid call.

-1: INITIALED_FAILED --> The initialization of the interactive biometric verification service failed. When this result code is returned, exit the detection.

-5001: NO_ORDER_PAY --> The developer account does not subscribe to any API call plan. When this result code is returned, exit the detection.

-5002: OUT_OF_CREDIT --> The developer account is in arrears. When this result code is returned, exit the detection.

-5003: FREE_AMOUNT_USE_UP --> The free quota in the free plan is used up. When this result code is returned, exit the detection.

-5004: BLACK_LIST --> The app is in the blocklist. When this result code is returned, exit the detection.

-6001: OFFLINE_USE_COUNT_OVER_THRESHOLD --> The number of offline API calls exceeds the maximum. When this result code is returned, exit the detection.

-6002: OFFLINE_USE_TIME_OVER_THRESHOLD --> The offline usage time exceeds the maximum. When this result code is returned, exit the detection.

-7001: LOCAL_AND_CLOUD_BILL_INFO_IS_NULL --> The first initialization is not performed for the interactive biometric verification service. When this result code is returned, exit the detection.

-7002: UPDATE_BILL_INFO_FILE_FAILED --> The usage status of the interactive biometric verification service is not synchronized from the cloud to the local. When this result code is returned, exit the detection.


final int? stateCode;