InAppPurchaseData class


InAppPurchaseData({bool? autoRenewing, String? orderId, String? packageName, int? applicationId, int? kind, String? productId, String? productName, int? purchaseTime, int? purchaseTimeMillis, int? purchaseState, String? developerPayload, String? purchaseToken, int? consumptionState, int? confirmed, String? currency, int? price, String? country, String? payOrderId, String? payType, int? purchaseType, String? lastOrderId, String? productGroup, int? oriPurchaseTime, String? subscriptionId, int? quantity, int? daysLasted, int? numOfPeriods, int? numOfDiscounts, int? expirationDate, int? expirationIntent, int? retryFlag, int? introductoryFlag, int? trialFlag, int? cancelTime, int? cancelReason, String? appInfo, int? notifyClosed, int? renewStatus, bool? subIsvalid, int? cancelledSubKeepDays, String? developerChallenge, int? deferFlag, String? oriSubscriptionId, int? cancelWay, int? cancellationTime, int? resumeTime, int? accountFlag, int? priceConsentStatus, int? renewPrice, int? graceExpirationTime})
InAppPurchaseData.fromJson(String str)
InAppPurchaseData.fromMap(Map json)


accountFlag int?
getter/setter pair
appInfo String?
getter/setter pair
applicationId int?
getter/setter pair
autoRenewing bool?
getter/setter pair
cancellationTime int?
getter/setter pair
cancelledSubKeepDays int?
getter/setter pair
cancelReason int?
getter/setter pair
cancelTime int?
getter/setter pair
cancelWay int?
getter/setter pair
confirmed int?
getter/setter pair
consumptionState int?
getter/setter pair
country String?
getter/setter pair
currency String?
getter/setter pair
daysLasted int?
getter/setter pair
deferFlag int?
getter/setter pair
developerChallenge String?
getter/setter pair
developerPayload String?
getter/setter pair
expirationDate int?
getter/setter pair
expirationIntent int?
getter/setter pair
graceExpirationTime int?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
introductoryFlag int?
getter/setter pair
kind int?
getter/setter pair
lastOrderId String?
getter/setter pair
notifyClosed int?
getter/setter pair
numOfDiscounts int?
getter/setter pair
numOfPeriods int?
getter/setter pair
orderId String?
getter/setter pair
oriPurchaseTime int?
getter/setter pair
oriSubscriptionId String?
getter/setter pair
packageName String?
getter/setter pair
payOrderId String?
getter/setter pair
payType String?
getter/setter pair
price int?
getter/setter pair
priceConsentStatus int?
getter/setter pair
productGroup String?
getter/setter pair
productId String?
getter/setter pair
productName String?
getter/setter pair
purchaseState int?
getter/setter pair
purchaseTime int?
getter/setter pair
purchaseTimeMillis int?
getter/setter pair
purchaseToken String?
getter/setter pair
purchaseType int?
getter/setter pair
quantity int?
getter/setter pair
renewPrice int?
getter/setter pair
renewStatus int?
getter/setter pair
resumeTime int?
getter/setter pair
retryFlag int?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
subIsvalid bool?
getter/setter pair
subscriptionId String?
getter/setter pair
trialFlag int?
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() String
toMap() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


CANCELED → const int
INITIALIZED → const int
NOT_PRESENT → const int
PURCHASED → const int
REFUNDED → const int