huawei_ads library
- ActivateStyle
- AdParam
- AdParamErrorCode
- AdProvider
- Ads
- AdSize
- AdvertiserInfo
- Advertiser information.
- AdvertisingIdClient
- AdvertisingIdClientInfo
- AppInfo
- BannerAd
- BannerAdSize
- BannerView
- BannerViewController
- BaseAdSlot
- BiddingInfo
- BiddingParam
- Bundle
- Consent
- ConsentConstant
- ContentClassification
- CreativeMatchStrategy
- DetailedCreativeType
- DislikeAdReason
- ErrorCodes
- Gender
- HwAds
- ImageViewScaleType
- InstallReferrerClient
- InstreamAd
- InstreamAdLoader
- InstreamAdView
- InstreamAdViewController
- InstreamAdViewElements
- InterstitialAd
- LinearAdSlot
- Location
- NativeAd
- NativeAdAssetNames
- NativeAdChoicesPosition
- NativeAdConfiguration
- NativeAdController
- NativeAdDirection
- NativeStyles
- NonPersonalizedAd
- Orientation
- PlayerConfig
- PromoteInfo
- ReferrerDetails
- RequestOptions
- Reward
- RewardAd
- RewardAdErrorCode
- RewardVerifyConfig
- SplashAd
- SplashAdOrientation
- TagForChild
- UnderAge
- VastAdEventListener
- VastAdView
- VastAdViewController
- VastRequestOptions
- VastSdkConfiguration
- VastSdkFactory
- VideoConfiguration
- VideoOperator
- AdEvent
- AudioFocusType
- AutoPlayNetwork
- ConsentStatus
- ConsentUpdateEvent
- Events of a consent update attempt.
- DebugNeedConsent
- Gravity
- Enum that specifies where a banner ad should be displayed on the screen.
- InstallReferrerStateEvent
- Enumerated object that represents the events of install referrer connections.
- NativeAdLoadState
- NativeAdType
- NativeFontWeight
- Enumerated object that represents the available font weights and styles for text.
- ReferrerCallMode
- ReferrerResponse
- Enumerated object that represents install referrer result codes.
- RewardAdEvent
- Enumerated object that represents the events of rewarded ads.
- SplashAdDisplayEvent
- Enumerated object that represents the display or click events of splash ads.
- SplashAdLoadEvent
- Enumerated object that represents the load events of splash ads.
- SplashAdType
- Enumerated object that represents the layout types of splash ads.
- VideoLifecycleEvent
- AdListener = void Function(AdEvent event, {int? errorCode})
= void Function(ConsentUpdateEvent? event, {List<
AdProvider> ? adProviders, ConsentStatus? consentStatus, String? description, bool? isNeedConsent}) - DislikeAdListener = void Function(AdEvent? event)
- A function type defined for ad dislike events.
- InstallReferrerStateListener = void Function(InstallReferrerStateEvent? event, {ReferrerResponse? responseCode})
- Function type defined for listening to install referrer state events.
- NativeAdStateListener = void Function(NativeAdLoadState state)
- RewardAdListener = void Function(RewardAdEvent? event, {int? errorCode, Reward? reward})
- Function type defined for listening to rewarded ad events.
- SplashAdDisplayListener = void Function(SplashAdDisplayEvent event)
- A function type defined for listening to splash ad display events.
- SplashAdLoadListener = void Function(SplashAdLoadEvent event, {int? errorCode})
- Listens to splash ad load events.
- VideoLifecycleListener = void Function(VideoLifecycleEvent event, {bool? isMuted})