HTTP Requests

HTTP Requests Package Inspired By Python Requests Module Which Is Used For To Make HTTP Request And Get Response. You Can Use It In Rest API


Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  http_requests: ^1.2.0


Start by importing the library

import 'package:http_requests/http_requests.dart';

Let's make a simple HTTP request

Response r = await HttpRequests.get('');

Some Methods

just like in python's request module, the Response object has this functionallity

  • r.status - the response status code
  • r.url - the url in the request
  • r.headers - the response headers
  • r.success - a boolean. true indicates that the request was a great success
  • r.hasError - a boolean. true indicates that the request was not a great success
  • r.bytes - return the body in the respone as a list of bytes
  • r.contentLength - return the response content lenght
  • r.contentType - return the response content type application/json,
  • r.isRedirect - return the Redirection Status is true or false
  • r.content - return the body in the respone as a string (with UTF-8)
  • r.response - return the body in the respone as a string (without UTF-8 {take default})
  • r.json - recodes the body in the respone and returns the result (dynamic type)
  • r.throwForStatus() - will throw an exception if the response statusCode is not a great success.

