
This is a tiny package allowing interoperability between different HTTP client and server implementations in Dart. It defines the HTTP Request and Response classes and the universal slient/server Handler interface with a single method Future<Response> handle(Request request).


One of the most popular solutions for client-server interaction is an HTTP API where each request and each response fit in a single HTTP message. One good example is the API. It is a common task, given such an API to implement a client (or a server, or both if you're lucky enough) for it. To do that, you'd need to base your API client on top of an HTTP client which entails the risks of a close coupling with a particular HTTP client implementation. Related to this is the question of testability. It is likely to lead to some unwanted mocking in the unit-level tests or to resorting to end-to-end tests. Either case can limit the coverage or make testing cumbersome.


Using this package, instead of coupling to a certain HTTP-level implementation, one may just implement a single handle() method. The Request and Response are simple Dart classes which can be instantiated and analyzed directly in the tests. They have a simple API. As a developer, you're free to extend any or both of these classes or to make your own implementation.


  • The code gets decoupled from undelying HTTP delivery mechanism
  • The tests get cleaner and simpler whether you're writing a client or a server.
  • No need for HTTP stack in the tests.
  • Your customers can use their favorite HTTP client or server with your library. They can even switch between the clients.


  • Your abilities might be limited if you're using a streaming api, long polling or web sockets.
  • Your library will get another depency.
  • Your customers' projects will get at least 2 more dependencies (the interop package itself and the client/server wrapper)

Existing implementation

Where http_interop is used