ConsoleClient constructor

  1. String? proxy,
  2. String proxyFn(
    1. Uri uri
  3. dynamic headers,
  4. Duration? idleTimeout,
  5. int? maxConnectionsPerHost,
  6. bool? autoUncompress,
  7. String? userAgent,
  8. bool? ignoreBadCertificates,

HTTP Client in console (server) environment.

Set proxy for static http proxy, or proxyFn for dynamic http proxy. Return format should be e.g. ""PROXY host:port; PROXY host2:port2; DIRECT"


factory ConsoleClient({
  String? proxy,
  String Function(Uri uri)? proxyFn,

  /* Headers | Map */
  dynamic headers,

  /// The idle timeout of non-active persistent (keep-alive) connections.
  Duration? idleTimeout,

  /// the maximum number of live connections, to a single host.
  int? maxConnectionsPerHost,

  /// Whether the body of a response will be automatically uncompressed.
  bool? autoUncompress,

  /// The default value of the `User-Agent` header for all requests.
  /// Set to empty string to disable setting the User-Agent header automatically.
  String? userAgent,

  /// Whether to silently ignore bad certificates.
  /// Use it only on known servers with demo/expired SSL certs.
  bool? ignoreBadCertificates,
}) {
  ignoreBadCertificates ??= false;
  final delegate = io.HttpClient();
  if (proxy != null) {
    delegate.findProxy = (uri) => proxy;
  } else if (proxyFn != null) {
    delegate.findProxy = proxyFn;
  if (idleTimeout != null) {
    delegate.idleTimeout = idleTimeout;
  if (maxConnectionsPerHost != null) {
    delegate.maxConnectionsPerHost = maxConnectionsPerHost;
  if (autoUncompress != null) {
    delegate.autoUncompress = autoUncompress;
  if (userAgent != null) {
    delegate.userAgent = userAgent.isEmpty ? null : userAgent;
  if (ignoreBadCertificates) {
    delegate.badCertificateCallback = (cert, host, port) => true;
  return ConsoleClient._(delegate, wrapHeaders(headers, clone: true));