onSelectionChange static method

String onSelectionChange({
  1. required String handlerBuilder(
    1. String payload

Build the onSelectionChange function.

handlerBuilder is a function which will build the handler function. It will receive the payload as a parameter. key is the key of the view.


static String onSelectionChange({
  required String Function(String payload)? handlerBuilder,
}) =>
  function onSelectionChange() {
        let {anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset} = document.getSelection();
        var isBold = false;
        var isItalic = false;
        var isUnderline = false;
        var isStrikethrough = false;
        var isSuperscript = false;
        var isSubscript = false;
        var isUL = false;
        var isOL = false;
        var isLeft = false;
        var isRight = false;
        var isCenter = false;
        var isFull = false;
        var parent;
        var fontName;
        var fontSize = 16;
        var foreColor = "000000";
        var backColor = "FFFF00";
        var focusNode2 = \$(window.getSelection().focusNode);
        var parentList = focusNode2.closest("div.note-editable ol, div.note-editable ul");
        var parentListType = parentList.css('list-style-type');
        var lineHeight = \$(focusNode.parentNode).css('line-height');
        var direction = \$(focusNode.parentNode).css('direction');
        if (document.queryCommandState) {
          isBold = document.queryCommandState('bold');
          isItalic = document.queryCommandState('italic');
          isUnderline = document.queryCommandState('underline');
          isStrikethrough = document.queryCommandState('strikeThrough');
          isSuperscript = document.queryCommandState('superscript');
          isSubscript = document.queryCommandState('subscript');
          isUL = document.queryCommandState('insertUnorderedList');
          isOL = document.queryCommandState('insertOrderedList');
          isLeft = document.queryCommandState('justifyLeft');
          isRight = document.queryCommandState('justifyRight');
          isCenter = document.queryCommandState('justifyCenter');
          isFull = document.queryCommandState('justifyFull');
        if (document.queryCommandValue) {
          parent = document.queryCommandValue('formatBlock');
          fontSize = document.queryCommandValue('fontSize');
          foreColor = document.queryCommandValue('foreColor');
          backColor = document.queryCommandValue('hiliteColor');
          fontName = document.queryCommandValue('fontName');
        const message = {
          'style': parent,
          'fontName': fontName,
          'fontSize': fontSize,
          'isBold': isBold,
          'isItalic': isItalic,
          'isUnderline': isUnderline,
          'isStrikethrough': isStrikethrough,
          'isSuperscript': isSuperscript,
          'isSubscript': isSubscript,
          'foregroundColor': foreColor,
          'backgroundColor': backColor,
          'isUL': isUL,
          'isOL': isOL,
          'listStyle': parentListType,
          'alignLeft': isLeft,
          'alignRight': isRight,
          'alignCenter': isCenter,
          'alignFull': isFull,
          'lineHeight': lineHeight,
          'direction': direction,
        ${handlerBuilder?.call("JSON.stringify(message)") ?? ""}