fileUpload static method

String fileUpload({
  1. required String handlerBuilder(
    1. String payload
  2. required String errorHandlerBuilder(
    1. String payload

Build a function which handles file uploads.

handlerBuilder is a function which will build the handler function. It will receive the payload as a parameter.


static String fileUpload({
  required String Function(String payload) handlerBuilder,
  required String Function(String payload) errorHandlerBuilder,
}) =>
      name: "uploadFile",
      args: ["file"],
      body: '''
const reader = new FileReader();
let base64 = "";
reader.onload = function (e) {
base64 = reader.result;
const fileObject = ${fileObject(fileNode: "file")}
reader.onerror = function (error) {
${logDebugCall(message: '"Error while reading file: " + error')}
const fileObject = ${fileObject(fileNode: "file")}
const fileObjectAsString = JSON.stringify(fileObject);
${errorHandlerBuilder("JSON.stringify({'file': fileObjectAsString, 'error': 'An error occurred!'})")}