elementCss static method

String elementCss({
  1. required String selector,
  2. required Map<String, String> properties,

Build CSS for an html element.

selector is the element selector, like body or h1. You can chain selectors like body h1 or body, h1, etc. properties is a map of CSS properties and values, like color: #000000;.

Example of string built:

 selector: '.note-editable',
  properties: {
  'color': '#000000',
  'background-color': '#ffffff',


.note-editable {
 color: #000000;
 background-color: #ffffff;


static String elementCss({required String selector, required Map<String, String> properties}) {
  var css = '$selector{';
  for (final entry in properties.entries) {
    css += '${entry.key}:${entry.value};';
  css += '}';
  return css;