updateToolbar method

void updateToolbar(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> json

Updates the toolbar from the JS handler on mobile and the onMessage listener on web


void updateToolbar(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
  //get parent element
  String parentElem = json['style'] ?? '';
  //get font name
  var fontName = (json['fontName'] ?? '').toString().replaceAll('"', '');
  //get font size
  var fontSize = double.tryParse(json['fontSize']) ?? 3;
  //get bold/underline/italic status
  var fontList = (json['font'] as List<dynamic>).cast<bool?>();
  //get superscript/subscript/strikethrough status
  var miscFontList = (json['miscFont'] as List<dynamic>).cast<bool?>();
  //get forecolor/backcolor
  var colorList = (json['color'] as List<dynamic>).cast<String?>();
  //get ordered/unordered list status
  var paragraphList = (json['paragraph'] as List<dynamic>).cast<bool?>();
  //get justify status
  var alignList = (json['align'] as List<dynamic>).cast<bool?>();
  //get line height
  String lineHeight = json['lineHeight'] ?? '';
  //get list icon type
  String listType = json['listStyle'] ?? '';
  //get text direction
  String textDir = json['direction'] ?? 'ltr';
  //check the parent element if it matches one of the predetermined styles and update the toolbar
  if (['pre', 'blockquote', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6']
      .contains(parentElem)) {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _fontSelectedItem = parentElem;
  } else {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _fontSelectedItem = 'p';
  //check the font name if it matches one of the predetermined fonts and update the toolbar
  if (['Courier New', 'sans-serif', 'Times New Roman'].contains(fontName)) {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _fontNameSelectedItem = fontName;
  } else {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _fontNameSelectedItem = 'sans-serif';
  //update the fore/back selected color if necessary
  if (colorList[0] != null && colorList[0]!.isNotEmpty) {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      var rgb = colorList[0]!.replaceAll('rgb(', '').replaceAll(')', '');
      var rgbList = rgb.split(', ');
      _foreColorSelected = Color.fromRGBO(int.parse(rgbList[0]),
          int.parse(rgbList[1]), int.parse(rgbList[2]), 1);
  } else {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _foreColorSelected = Colors.black;
  if (colorList[1] != null && colorList[1]!.isNotEmpty) {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _backColorSelected =
          Color(int.parse(colorList[1]!, radix: 16) + 0xFF000000);
  } else {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _backColorSelected = Colors.yellow;
  //check the list style if it matches one of the predetermined styles and update the toolbar
  if ([
  ].contains(listType)) {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _listStyleSelectedItem = listType;
  } else {
    _listStyleSelectedItem = null;
  //update the lineheight selected item if necessary
  if (lineHeight.isNotEmpty && lineHeight.endsWith('px')) {
    var lineHeightDouble =
        double.tryParse(lineHeight.replaceAll('px', '')) ?? 16;
    var lineHeights = <double>[1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2, 3];
    lineHeights =
        lineHeights.map((e) => e * _actualFontSizeSelectedItem).toList();
    if (lineHeights.contains(lineHeightDouble)) {
      setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
        _lineHeightSelectedItem =
            lineHeightDouble / _actualFontSizeSelectedItem;
  } else if (lineHeight == 'normal') {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _lineHeightSelectedItem = 1.0;
  //check if the font size matches one of the predetermined sizes and update the toolbar
  if ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].contains(fontSize)) {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _fontSizeSelectedItem = fontSize;
  if (textDir == 'ltr') {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _textDirectionSelected = [true, false];
  } else if (textDir == 'rtl') {
    setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
      _textDirectionSelected = [false, true];
  //use the remaining bool lists to update the selected items accordingly
  setState(mounted, this.setState, () {
    for (var t in widget.htmlToolbarOptions.defaultToolbarButtons) {
      if (t is FontButtons) {
        for (var i = 0; i < _fontSelected.length; i++) {
          if (t.getIcons1()[i].icon == Icons.format_bold) {
            _fontSelected[i] = fontList[0] ?? false;
          if (t.getIcons1()[i].icon == Icons.format_italic) {
            _fontSelected[i] = fontList[1] ?? false;
          if (t.getIcons1()[i].icon == Icons.format_underline) {
            _fontSelected[i] = fontList[2] ?? false;
        for (var i = 0; i < _miscFontSelected.length; i++) {
          if (t.getIcons2()[i].icon == Icons.format_strikethrough) {
            _miscFontSelected[i] = miscFontList[0] ?? false;
          if (t.getIcons2()[i].icon == Icons.superscript) {
            _miscFontSelected[i] = miscFontList[1] ?? false;
          if (t.getIcons2()[i].icon == Icons.subscript) {
            _miscFontSelected[i] = miscFontList[2] ?? false;
      if (t is ListButtons) {
        for (var i = 0; i < _listSelected.length; i++) {
          if (t.getIcons()[i].icon == Icons.format_list_bulleted) {
            _listSelected[i] = paragraphList[0] ?? false;
          if (t.getIcons()[i].icon == Icons.format_list_numbered) {
            _listSelected[i] = paragraphList[1] ?? false;
      if (t is ParagraphButtons) {
        for (var i = 0; i < _alignSelected.length; i++) {
          if (t.getIcons1()[i].icon == Icons.format_align_left) {
            _alignSelected[i] = alignList[0] ?? false;
          if (t.getIcons1()[i].icon == Icons.format_align_center) {
            _alignSelected[i] = alignList[1] ?? false;
          if (t.getIcons1()[i].icon == Icons.format_align_right) {
            _alignSelected[i] = alignList[2] ?? false;
          if (t.getIcons1()[i].icon == Icons.format_align_justify) {
            _alignSelected[i] = alignList[3] ?? false;
  if (widget.callbacks?.onChangeSelection != null) {
        parentElement: parentElem,
        fontName: fontName,
        fontSize: fontSize,
        isBold: fontList[0] ?? false,
        isItalic: fontList[1] ?? false,
        isUnderline: fontList[2] ?? false,
        isStrikethrough: miscFontList[0] ?? false,
        isSuperscript: miscFontList[1] ?? false,
        isSubscript: miscFontList[2] ?? false,
        foregroundColor: _foreColorSelected,
        backgroundColor: _backColorSelected,
        isUl: paragraphList[0] ?? false,
        isOl: paragraphList[1] ?? false,
        isAlignLeft: alignList[0] ?? false,
        isAlignCenter: alignList[1] ?? false,
        isAlignRight: alignList[2] ?? false,
        isAlignJustify: alignList[3] ?? false,
        lineHeight: _lineHeightSelectedItem,
            textDir == 'rtl' ? TextDirection.rtl : TextDirection.ltr));