entities constant

Map<String, String> const entities

A map of all symbols with their corresponding non-ASCII code charcter entities.

Note: The following characters were left out of this map as values, as they do not have actual character representations: zero-width non-joiner (&zwnj;), zero-width joiner (&zwj;), left-to-right mark (&lrm;), and right-to-left mark (&rlm;).


static const Map<String, String> entities = <String, String>{
  // double quote
  '"': '&quot;',
  // ampersand
  '&': '&amp;',
  // apostrophe (single quote)
  '\'': '&apos;',
  // less-than
  '<': '&lt;',
  // greater-than
  '>': '&gt;',
  // non-breaking space
  ' ': '&nbsp;',
  // inverted exclamation mark
  '¡': '&iexcl;',
  // cent sign
  '¢': '&cent;',
  // pound sign
  '£': '&pound;',
  // currency sign
  '¤': '&curren;',
  // yen sign (yuan sign)
  '¥': '&yen;',
  // broken bar (broken vertical bar)
  '¦': '&brvbar;',
  // section sign
  '§': '&sect;',
  // diaeresis (spacing diaeresis)
  '¨': '&uml;',
  // copyright symbol
  '©': '&copy;',
  // feminine ordinal indicator
  'ª': '&ordf;',
  // left-pointing double angle quotation mark (left pointing guillemet)
  '«': '&laquo;',
  // not sign
  '¬': '&not;',
  // registered sign (registered trademark symbol)
  '®': '&reg;',
  // macron (spacing macron, overline, APL overbar)
  '¯': '&macr;',
  // degree symbol
  '°': '&deg;',
  // plus-minus sign (plus-or-minus sign)
  '±': '&plusmn;',
  // superscript two (superscript digit two, squared)
  '²': '&sup2;',
  // superscript three (superscript digit three, cubed)
  '³': '&sup3;',
  // acute accent (spacing acute)
  '´': '&acute;',
  // micro sign
  'µ': '&micro;',
  // pilcrow sign (paragraph sign)
  '¶': '&para;',
  // middle dot (Georgian comma, Greek middle dot)
  '·': '&middot;',
  // cedilla (spacing cedilla)
  '¸': '&cedil;',
  // superscript one (superscript digit one)
  '¹': '&sup1;',
  // masculine ordinal indicator
  'º': '&ordm;',
  // right-pointing double angle quotation mark (right pointing guillemet)
  '»': '&raquo;',
  // vulgar fraction one quarter (fraction one quarter)
  '¼': '&frac14;',
  // vulgar fraction one half (fraction one half)
  '½': '&frac12;',
  // vulgar fraction three quarters (fraction three quarters)
  '¾': '&frac34;',
  // inverted question mark (turned question mark)
  '¿': '&iquest;',
  // Latin capital letter A with grave accent (Latin capital letter A grave)
  'À': '&Agrave;',
  // Latin capital letter A with acute accent
  'Á': '&Aacute;',
  // Latin capital letter A with circumflex
  'Â': '&Acirc;',
  // Latin capital letter A with tilde
  'Ã': '&Atilde;',
  // Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
  'Ä': '&Auml;',
  // Latin capital letter A with ring above (Latin capital letter A ring)
  'Å': '&Aring;',
  // Latin capital letter AE (Latin capital ligature AE)
  'Æ': '&AElig;',
  // Latin capital letter C with cedilla
  'Ç': '&Ccedil;',
  // Latin capital letter E with grave accent
  'È': '&Egrave;',
  // Latin capital letter E with acute accent
  'É': '&Eacute;',
  // Latin capital letter E with circumflex
  'Ê': '&Ecirc;',
  // Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
  'Ë': '&Euml;',
  // Latin capital letter I with grave accent
  'Ì': '&Igrave;',
  // Latin capital letter I with acute accent
  'Í': '&Iacute;',
  // Latin capital letter I with circumflex
  'Î': '&Icirc;',
  // Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
  'Ï': '&Iuml;',
  // Latin capital letter Eth
  'Ð': '&ETH;',
  // Latin capital letter N with tilde
  'Ñ': '&Ntilde;',
  // Latin capital letter O with grave accent
  'Ò': '&Ograve;',
  // Latin capital letter O with acute accent
  'Ó': '&Oacute;',
  // Latin capital letter O with circumflex
  'Ô': '&Ocirc;',
  // Latin capital letter O with tilde
  'Õ': '&Otilde;',
  // Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
  'Ö': '&Ouml;',
  // multiplication sign
  '×': '&times;',
  // Latin capital letter O with stroke (Latin capital letter O slash)
  'Ø': '&Oslash;',
  // Latin capital letter U with grave accent
  'Ù': '&Ugrave;',
  // Latin capital letter U with acute accent
  'Ú': '&Uacute;',
  // Latin capital letter U with circumflex
  'Û': '&Ucirc;',
  // Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
  'Ü': '&Uuml;',
  // Latin capital letter Y with acute accent
  'Ý': '&Yacute;',
  // Latin capital letter THORN
  'Þ': '&THORN;',
  // Latin small letter sharp s (ess-zed); see German Eszett
  'ß': '&szlig;',
  // Latin small letter a with grave accent
  'à': '&agrave;',
  // Latin small letter a with acute accent
  'á': '&aacute;',
  // Latin small letter a with circumflex
  'â': '&acirc;',
  // Latin small letter a with tilde
  'ã': '&atilde;',
  // Latin small letter a with diaeresis
  'ä': '&auml;',
  // Latin small letter a with ring above
  'å': '&aring;',
  // Latin small letter ae (Latin small ligature ae)
  'æ': '&aelig;',
  // Latin small letter c with cedilla
  'ç': '&ccedil;',
  // Latin small letter e with grave accent
  'è': '&egrave;',
  // Latin small letter e with acute accent
  'é': '&eacute;',
  // Latin small letter e with circumflex
  'ê': '&ecirc;',
  // Latin small letter e with diaeresis
  'ë': '&euml;',
  // Latin small letter i with grave accent
  'ì': '&igrave;',
  // Latin small letter i with acute accent
  'í': '&iacute;',
  // Latin small letter i with circumflex
  'î': '&icirc;',
  // Latin small letter i with diaeresis
  'ï': '&iuml;',
  // Latin small letter eth
  'ð': '&eth;',
  // Latin small letter n with tilde
  'ñ': '&ntilde;',
  // Latin small letter o with grave accent
  'ò': '&ograve;',
  // Latin small letter o with acute accent
  'ó': '&oacute;',
  // Latin small letter o with circumflex
  'ô': '&ocirc;',
  // Latin small letter o with tilde
  'õ': '&otilde;',
  // Latin small letter o with diaeresis
  'ö': '&ouml;',
  // division sign (obelus)
  '÷': '&divide;',
  // Latin small letter o with stroke (Latin small letter o slash)
  'ø': '&oslash;',
  // Latin small letter u with grave accent
  'ù': '&ugrave;',
  // Latin small letter u with acute accent
  'ú': '&uacute;',
  // Latin small letter u with circumflex
  'û': '&ucirc;',
  // Latin small letter u with diaeresis
  'ü': '&uuml;',
  // Latin small letter y with acute accent
  'ý': '&yacute;',
  // Latin small letter thorn
  'þ': '&thorn;',
  // Latin small letter y with diaeresis
  'ÿ': '&yuml;',
  // Latin capital ligature oe
  'Œ': '&OElig;',
  // Latin small ligature oe
  'œ': '&oelig;',
  // Latin capital letter s with caron
  'Š': '&Scaron;',
  // Latin small letter s with caron
  'š': '&scaron;',
  // Latin capital letter y with diaeresis
  'Ÿ': '&Yuml;',
  // Latin small letter f with hook (function, florin)
  'ƒ': '&fnof;',
  // modifier letter circumflex accent
  'ˆ': '&circ;',
  // small tilde
  '˜': '&tilde;',
  // Greek capital letter Alpha
  'Α': '&Alpha;',
  // Greek capital letter Beta
  'Β': '&Beta;',
  // Greek capital letter Gamma
  'Γ': '&Gamma;',
  // Greek capital letter Delta
  'Δ': '&Delta;',
  // Greek capital letter Epsilon
  'Ε': '&Epsilon;',
  // Greek capital letter Zeta
  'Ζ': '&Zeta;',
  // Greek capital letter Eta
  'Η': '&Eta;',
  // Greek capital letter Theta
  'Θ': '&Theta;',
  // Greek capital letter Iota
  'Ι': '&Iota;',
  // Greek capital letter Kappa
  'Κ': '&Kappa;',
  // Greek capital letter Lambda
  'Λ': '&Lambda;',
  // Greek capital letter Mu
  'Μ': '&Mu;',
  // Greek capital letter Nu
  'Ν': '&Nu;',
  // Greek capital letter Xi
  'Ξ': '&Xi;',
  // Greek capital letter Omicron
  'Ο': '&Omicron;',
  // Greek capital letter Pi
  'Π': '&Pi;',
  // Greek capital letter Rho
  'Ρ': '&Rho;',
  // Greek capital letter Sigma
  'Σ': '&Sigma;',
  // Greek capital letter Tau
  'Τ': '&Tau;',
  // Greek capital letter Upsilon
  'Υ': '&Upsilon;',
  // Greek capital letter Phi
  'Φ': '&Phi;',
  // Greek capital letter Chi
  'Χ': '&Chi;',
  // Greek capital letter Psi
  'Ψ': '&Psi;',
  // Greek capital letter Omega
  'Ω': '&Omega;',
  // Greek small letter alpha
  'α': '&alpha;',
  // Greek small letter beta
  'β': '&beta;',
  // Greek small letter gamma
  'γ': '&gamma;',
  // Greek small letter delta
  'δ': '&delta;',
  // Greek small letter epsilon
  'ε': '&epsilon;',
  // Greek small letter zeta
  'ζ': '&zeta;',
  // Greek small letter eta
  'η': '&eta;',
  // Greek small letter theta
  'θ': '&theta;',
  // Greek small letter iota
  'ι': '&iota;',
  // Greek small letter kappa
  'κ': '&kappa;',
  // Greek small letter lambda
  'λ': '&lambda;',
  // Greek small letter mu
  'μ': '&mu;',
  // Greek small letter nu
  'ν': '&nu;',
  // Greek small letter xi
  'ξ': '&xi;',
  // Greek small letter omicron
  'ο': '&omicron;',
  // Greek small letter pi
  'π': '&pi;',
  // Greek small letter rho
  'ρ': '&rho;',
  // Greek small letter final sigma
  'ς': '&sigmaf;',
  // Greek small letter sigma
  'σ': '&sigma;',
  // Greek small letter tau
  'τ': '&tau;',
  // Greek small letter upsilon
  'υ': '&upsilon;',
  // Greek small letter phi
  'φ': '&phi;',
  // Greek small letter chi
  'χ': '&chi;',
  // Greek small letter psi
  'ψ': '&psi;',
  // Greek small letter omega
  'ω': '&omega;',
  // Greek theta symbol
  'ϑ': '&thetasym;',
  // Greek Upsilon with hook symbol
  'ϒ': '&upsih;',
  // Greek pi symbol
  'ϖ': '&piv;',
  // en space
  ' ': '&ensp;',
  // em space
  ' ': '&emsp;',
  // thin space
  ' ': '&thinsp;',
  // en dash
  '–': '&ndash;',
  // em dash
  '—': '&mdash;',
  // left single quotation mark
  '‘': '&lsquo;',
  // right single quotation mark
  '’': '&rsquo;',
  // single low-9 quotation mark
  '‚': '&sbquo;',
  // left double quotation mark
  '“': '&ldquo;',
  // right double quotation mark
  '”': '&rdquo;',
  // double low-9 quotation mark
  '„': '&bdquo;',
  // dagger, obelisk
  '†': '&dagger;',
  // double dagger (double obelisk)
  '‡': '&Dagger;',
  // bullet (black small circle)
  '•': '&bull;',
  // horizontal ellipsis (three dot leader)
  '…': '&hellip;',
  // per mille sign
  '‰': '&permil;',
  // prime (minutes, feet)
  '′': '&prime;',
  // double prime (seconds, inches)
  '″': '&Prime;',
  // single left-pointing angle quotation mark
  '‹': '&lsaquo;',
  // single right-pointing angle quotation mark
  '›': '&rsaquo;',
  // overline (spacing overscore)
  '‾': '&oline;',
  // fraction slash (solidus)
  '⁄': '&frasl;',
  // euro sign
  '€': '&euro;',
  // black-letter capital I (imaginary part)
  'ℑ': '&image;',
  // script capital P (power set, Weierstrass p)
  '℘': '&weierp;',
  // black-letter capital R (real part symbol)
  'ℜ': '&real;',
  // trademark symbol
  '™': '&trade;',
  // alef symbol (first transfinite cardinal)
  'ℵ': '&alefsym;',
  // leftwards arrow
  '←': '&larr;',
  // upwards arrow
  '↑': '&uarr;',
  // rightwards arrow
  '→': '&rarr;',
  // downwards arrow
  '↓': '&darr;',
  // left right arrow
  '↔': '&harr;',
  // downwards arrow with corner leftwards (carriage return)
  '↵': '&crarr;',
  // leftwards double arrow
  '⇐': '&lArr;',
  // upwards double arrow
  '⇑': '&uArr;',
  // rightwards double arrow
  '⇒': '&rArr;',
  // downwards double arrow
  '⇓': '&dArr;',
  // left right double arrow
  '⇔': '&hArr;',
  // for all
  '∀': '&forall;',
  // partial differential
  '∂': '&part;',
  // there exists
  '∃': '&exist;',
  // empty set (null set)
  '∅': '&empty;',
  // del or nabla (vector differential operator)
  '∇': '&nabla;',
  // element of
  '∈': '&isin;',
  // not an element of
  '∉': '&notin;',
  // contains as member
  '∋': '&ni;',
  // n-ary product (product sign)
  '∏': '&prod;',
  // n-ary summation
  '∑': '&sum;',
  // minus sign
  '−': '&minus;',
  // asterisk operator
  '∗': '&lowast;',
  // square root (radical sign)
  '√': '&radic;',
  // proportional to
  '∝': '&prop;',
  // infinity
  '∞': '&infin;',
  // angle
  '∠': '&ang;',
  // logical and (wedge)
  '∧': '&and;',
  // logical or (vee)
  '∨': '&or;',
  // intersection (cap)
  '∩': '&cap;',
  // union (cup)
  '∪': '&cup;',
  // integral
  '∫': '&int;',
  // therefore sign
  '∴': '&there4;',
  // tilde operator (varies with, similar to)
  '∼': '&sim;',
  // congruent to
  '≅': '&cong;',
  // almost equal to (asymptotic to)
  '≈': '&asymp;',
  // not equal to
  '≠': '&ne;',
  // identical to; sometimes used for 'equivalent to'
  '≡': '&equiv;',
  // less-than or equal to
  '≤': '&le;',
  // greater-than or equal to
  '≥': '&ge;',
  // subset of
  '⊂': '&sub;',
  // superset of
  '⊃': '&sup;',
  // not a subset of
  '⊄': '&nsub;',
  // subset of or equal to
  '⊆': '&sube;',
  // superset of or equal to
  '⊇': '&supe;',
  // circled plus (direct sum)
  '⊕': '&oplus;',
  // circled times (vector product)
  '⊗': '&otimes;',
  // up tack (orthogonal to, perpendicular)
  '⊥': '&perp;',
  // dot operator
  '⋅': '&sdot;',
  // vertical ellipsis
  '⋮': '&vellip;',
  // left ceiling (APL upstile)
  '⌈': '&lceil;',
  // right ceiling
  '⌉': '&rceil;',
  // left floor (APL downstile)
  '⌊': '&lfloor;',
  // right floor
  '⌋': '&rfloor;',
  // left-pointing angle bracket (bra)
  '〈': '&lang;',
  // right-pointing angle bracket (ket)
  '〉': '&rang;',
  // lozenge
  '◊': '&loz;',
  // black spade suit
  '♠': '&spades;',
  // black club suit (shamrock)
  '♣': '&clubs;',
  // black heart suit (valentine)
  '♥': '&hearts;',
  // black diamond suit
  '♦': '&diams;',