createBoxPainter method

  1. @override
BoxPainter createBoxPainter([
  1. VoidCallback? onChanged

Returns a BoxPainter that will paint this decoration.

The onChanged argument configures BoxPainter.onChanged. It can be omitted if there is no chance that the painter will change (for example, if it is a BoxDecoration with definitely no DecorationImage).


BoxPainter createBoxPainter([VoidCallback? onChanged]) {
  //print("createBoxPainter : ${style.depth}");
  if (style.depth != null && style.depth! >= 0) {
    return EmergentDecorationTextPainter(
      style: style,
      textStyle: textStyle,
      textAlign: textAlign,
      drawGradient: true,
      drawBackground: !isForeground,
      //only box draw background
      drawShadow: !isForeground,
      //only box draw shadow
      renderingByPath: renderingByPath,
      onChanged: onChanged ?? () {},
      text: text,
  } else {
    return EmergentEmptyTextPainter(onChanged: onChanged ?? () {});